Training - Future Supply Chain Support
SupplyChainPro2Know at Mastermind Group, LLC - Consulting, Training & Education/Certification
Now that 2023 is upon us, it's a great opportunity to evaluate your business plans, training need, and skills gap for your future sustainability as a business. I know that we are in an inflationary period where jobs are being shed, companies are scaling back. Here is a bold statement:
Now it the time to upgrade skills, just like in baseball's spring training, doing business well requires being prepared - ahead of the season.
Check out this NIST infographic depicting the current worker situation in USA firms as of January 2023.
SC leaders of the future need new skills for manufacturing and supply chain teams globally that drive results - quickly. The business landscope is continually changing, and more rapidly than before. Practical and affordable options are here, both in person and online for professional certifications to help SCM practitioners make better decisions, support business better and create a better career long term. I've had managers say to me, their buyers and planners don't need more training, they just need to follow MRP in their enterprise ERP. This is a terribly myopic perspect that limits a teams' ability to apply critical thinking, consider ever expanding risk factors, global strategic sourcing needs and business analysis challenges that AI cannot resolve for you. If your firm is thinking about future needs, it's time to map the skills gap and consider a long term plan for training as the economy evloves from here. Don't wait until the season is already underway to decide what training is needed. You might cut travel budgets now but I would suggest now it the time to invest in your future.
Bob Forshay, SupplyChainPro2Know - Consultant/Trainer/MasterInstructor