For those who wanted to evaluate the effectivesness of training in your organization, I've develop a simple Kirkpatrick Model Evaluation Form for you to use. Please take note that Level 4 (Result) is to be used 3 months after the completion of training.
- Name:
- Department:
- Job Title:
- Date of Training:
- How satisfied were you with the overall training program?
- 1 - Very dissatisfied
- 2 - Dissatisfied
- 3 - Neutral
- 4 - Satisfied
- 5 - Very satisfied
- How relevant was the content to your job?
- 1 - Not relevant at all
- 2 - Slightly relevant
- 3 - Somewhat relevant
- 4 - Relevant
- 5 - Very relevant
- How effective was the instructor?
- 1 - Not effective at all
- 2 - Slightly effective
- 3 - Somewhat effective
- 4 - Effective
- 5 - Very effective
- Would you recommend this training program to others?
- 1 - Definitely not
- 2 - Probably not
- 3 - Not sure
- 4 - Probably yes
- 5 - Definitely yes
- What new knowledge or skills did you learn from the training?
- How confident are you in your ability to apply this knowledge or skills on the job?
- 1 - Not confident at all
- 2 - Slightly confident
- 3 - Somewhat confident
- 4 - Confident
- 5 - Very confident
- What are some specific examples of how you have applied this knowledge or skills on the job?
- How has your on-the-job performance changed since the training?
- 1 - Not at all
- 2 - Slightly
- 3 - Somewhat
- 4 - Significantly
- 5 - Very significantly
- Have you noticed any changes in your ability to solve problems?
- 1 - Not at all
- 2 - Slightly
- 3 - Somewhat
- 4 - Significantly
- 5 - Very significantly
- Have you received any feedback from your manager or colleagues about your performance since the training?
- 1 - No
- 2 - Yes, negative feedback
- 3 - Yes, positive feedback
- 4 - Yes, both positive and negative feedback
Results/Impact (Level 4) -
*3 months after training.
- Has the training program had any impact on the organization's bottom line?
- 1 - No impact
- 2 - Slight impact
- 3 - Some impact
- 4 - Significant impact
- 5 - Very significant impact
- Have there been any changes in sales, costs, or customer satisfaction since the training?
- 1 - No changes
- 2 - Slight changes
- 3 - Some changes
- 4 - Significant changes
- 5 - Very significant changes