Training is the process of acquiring new skill, knowledge and information necessary for better input and performance on a particular role or for personal development. For any organization to move forward and be the best, they should always train and retrain to have desired result. The norm is that, there should be a need analysis, which will bring about the essence of the training. Unfortunately, when people go for training, a particular set of attitude is being exhibited which always forfeit the essence of the training and pervert the expected result. That is why most organizations don’t often see the effect of the training on the business.
Is training necessary? Yes. Should people be train and retrain? Yes. So how do we see result? RIGHT ETIQUETTE FOR TRAINING from the L&D, the Trainer and the Trainee.
? The L&D must involve the trainees by conducting a need analysis. Let people see the need themselves. And that is why training is good after Performance Evaluation, introduction of new technology or significant essential change.
? L&D also engage a sound renown trainer and master in the field, who will be able to deliver with enough life, energy and enthusiasm
? As the trainer, let there be life in your teaching, master your slides (do not read to your trainee, they can read).
? You also need to respect yourself as the trainer. Even when you are an authority, some persons will want to challenge you and once you put up attitude, you will lose the grip on the class.
? Every trainer must endeavor to spell out rules and clarify the essence of the training during introduction. Rules should include penalty for late coming, side talk, phone calls…or leaving before the end of the training.
? As the trainee, tell yourself, ‘training is an opportunity for growth and not for pleasure’, please erase that mindset.
? As much as training is an opportunity to shine before your colleague, it is very important not to behave like you know it all.
? If you want to have result at a personal level, do not take alcohol or mistress along to training that starts 7am the following day. It will definitely affect your concentration
? It is unethical to request food for your driver or any uninvited guest for the training. The tea break and the lunch is carefully planned in accordance with the number of participant. Of cause your driver would have eaten without training that day.
? If you want to be the best during training, do not sit beside a close friend.
? Reduce your movement during training and possibly pick calls during the tea break and lunch alone.
? To increase your concentration during training, activate your voice mail and out of office.
? Unless there is an emergency, start and finish all the modules including evaluation. You do not know when you will need an aspect of the training.
The truth is, it takes an excellent mind to attend a training and be there 100% and that is why you see few out of many who attended the training delivering on their job. So when next there is training, is a time to add to yourself, not a time for relaxation. And I do hope you will not ask the facilitator to round off before time again.