Training the Educators - Spatial Analyses with Open Source Resources
We met and trained many educators [from schools and Colleges] at one of the recently concluded Professional Development Program. Our training sessions were focused on Spatial Analyses techniques and developing coordinated plans for these educators to start projects at their respective institutions. Accessing the right resources including hardware, software and learning materials can take many hours and days to prepare, test and configure. We trained the educators in spatial analyses by offering a ten day intensive geospatial workshop by collaborating with Amazon Web Services [AWS]. We provided them with resources to download and successfully install open source geospatial software and even got them started with a few hands-on exercises. We have published a compendium of hands-on exercises that may be accessed with Kindle now. The book provides a beacon of hope for all educators and students from STEAM disciplines to access and attempt a wide array of hands-on exercises. Educators will now be able to self-teach by installing the free open source software and our book. The book is an example of our commitment to empower educators and students and a reflection of our collaborations with the industry, federal agencies, and international institutions and CUNY. When we consider the fact that these educators are entrusted to teach and mentor many cohorts of students this open source e-book will be an invaluable resource that will sustain their passion for learning emerging technologies. We have trained forty [40] educators since 2017 thanks to major grants from and industry consortium, NSF-ATE and NASA-MISTC programs. The Geospatial Industry is already a multi-billion dollar sector and our efforts to assist the Nation in reducing gaps in skilled labor will help in maintaining America's leadership in this rapidly shrinking digital world. To learn more about our service to students and educators visit us at