At Delta-Knight, we cultivate the very best in our teams through training. As such, we have our own Academy and its ever evolving content. We also are in the position to cause training to be profitable for security agencies which it has not been before. How? Our star rating system for the Vendor Affiliates (VA) increases the firm's profit streams based on their vetting status. Firms seeking higher capability can seek it here and achieve a stronger ROI on every hour of service.
Among our training of uniform patrol personnel are world class outside sources as well and these include but are not limited to such as Wicklander-Zulawski (W-Z) and The International Academy of Public Safety (IAPS).
So, I'd ask the reader, who is also a safety and security professional and/or expert them self perhaps, when was the last time a uniform officer showed up right when you needed them, and came pre-equipped with previously higher forms of security service capability?