Training doesn't work in my Business
Shooting Straight is a good start...

Training doesn't work in my Business

What if we train people and they leave…?

…what if you don’t train them and they stay…?

Between 11th October 1899 and the 31st May 1902, the British army was engaged in what became known as the Second Boer War in southern Africa…

Whilst British forces, supported by Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, finally overcome the Boers – they learned some very harsh lessons on the way.

At the start of the war, British Troops found themselves outgunned and outclassed by the Boers who were expert marksmen – basically, the British soldiers were outgunned and out manoeuvred, their tactics were frustrated by the highly effective rifle capabilities of the Boers…

Whilst the British eventually beat the Boers with a scorched earth policy and the introduction of arguably the very first Concentration Camps, the casualty numbers were high…

  • British and Allied killed or wounded – 97,000
  • Boer Commandos killed or wounded – 40,000

The British were regularly beaten by smaller forces on the battlefield – and they soon figured out one of the reasons why…

The British Infantry couldn’t shoot straight…

Prior to the Boer War, each year, the British Infantryman was allowed just 42 rounds of ammunition to use on the practice range each year.

This equates to one shot every 9 days…

By 1910, this number had been raised to 250 per year, later falling back to 200 per year.

In contrast, the German soldiers of the same period were allowed just 100 every Two years…

So when in 1914, the 1st World War started in Europe – when the British Army first went to France, they astounded the Germans with their marksmanship and ability to engage in accurate long-range rifle combat…

In fact, they were so successful in the early days of the War that the initial Expeditionary Force of troops was referred to as a “Contemptible Little Army” collectively becoming known as the Old Contemptibles…

The lessons of the Boer War had been learned and the British Army of 1914 was arguably the best trained and equipped in the world at that time.

I have fired just about every Small Arms weapon in the British Military, I’ve also fired the AK 47, M16, M14, .50 Cal Sniper, Desert Eagle pistol and the old WW1 Lee Enfield bolt action rifle – any gun is only as good as the person firing it…

I was not very good ??

Training Works…

I see people in jobs for which they are poorly equipped and qualified, they are competing against professionals and they are out of their depth.

A professional, trained and inspired team is the best business growth strategy you can have – be better than your competition, not in just product and availability, but service, sales, care, and team spirit and you’ll beat the big guys every time.

Of course, your team is not handling rifles, but metaphorically they have to be able to use the tools of engagement more effectively than your competitors.

I also see teams of highly trained, skilled, experienced personnel and the difference is obvious – in terms of skills and performance, but also attitude and application – they win because they are better…

How would you like your team to perform…?

When was the last time you trained them to be the best in the world at what they do…?

Don’t treat training as a grudge purchase, don’t go cheap, and make it consistent – you’ll be amazed at the results.

And remember, people don’t leave you because you train them, they leave you because of lack of opportunity, advancement, and leadership…

Ask me about our Professional Training events and Workshops – all designed around the needs of your team, and based on real-world business success achieved with our clients around the world…

Check out our website for a guide to the Workshops we provide - CLICK ME for details

Have a great week


PS - Would you like to book a FREE?Strategy Call with me to discuss your business, opportunities, strategies for growth and more tips for success…?

Simply go to our website, click on the word FREE, select your time slot from my schedule and we’ll have a conversation about your business, and if we both feel there’s value in working together, we can discuss working together too…


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