Trainees in companies in France
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A large number of entrepreneurs are aware of the applicable rules when hiring staff in their business. On the other hand, they do not know the applicable legislation when they receive an intern.
We are going, through this article, to try to provide the minimum of rules which must be known to the employer at the time of the reception of a trainee. We therefore tell you:
You can of course?contact us?if you need a more detailed study.
I – The legal framework of the internship?
1. The definition of the internship
Internships are necessarily part of school or university education.
The internship corresponds to a temporary period of work experience during which the student acquires professional skills and implements the achievements of his training in order to obtain a diploma or certification and to promote his professional integration. The trainee is entrusted with one or more missions in accordance with the educational project defined by his educational establishment and approved by the host company or the host organisation.
For certain training courses, the designation of trainee results from rules specific to certain professions and is therefore not compatible with the application of the rules set out here. These are mainly the following courses:
The internship should not constitute an opportunity to obtain cheap labour. This is how the use of internships is prohibited, the purpose of which would be to:
A trainee does not have the status of employee,?if it turns out that he occupies a job under the same conditions as an employee, the internship agreement can be requalified as an employment contract.
2. The internship agreement
The internship must be integrated into an educational curriculum. In addition, a minimum pedagogical volume of in-school training is required, it is set at 200 hours per year, internship period not included. Each internship must give rise to the conclusion of an agreement signed by the intern, the host organization (company, association, foundation, etc.) and the educational establishment.
The signing of the agreement must be prior to the start of the internship, in particular because work accident cover cannot apply to an intern whose agreement has not been signed.
Internship agreements are drawn up by public and private educational establishments in consultation with the host organizations concerned, on the basis of a standard agreement defined by the ministers concerned.
Internships abroad:?Internships can be done abroad. In this case, questions relating to the progress of the internship and its supervision must be the subject of a prior discussion between the educational establishment, the intern and the host organisation. When an internship is carried out abroad, the internship agreement includes an annex with an information sheet presenting the regulations of the country where the internship is to take place, on the rights and duties of the intern.
The educational institution must designate a referent teacher. This person is in particular responsible for monitoring the internship and compliance with the agreement. The host organization must appoint a tutor in charge of welcoming the trainee and supporting him. He is also responsible for ensuring compliance with the educational aspects of the internship agreement. He cannot be tutor of more than three conventions simultaneously.
3. Duration of internships, waiting times and maximum number of trainees
The same intern cannot carry out more than 6 months of internship per year of teaching in the same host organization. On the other hand, an intern can carry out several internships in different companies, the cumulative duration of which would be greater than 6 months.
The duration of an internship is assessed as follows according to the time of actual presence of the intern in the host organization:
Waiting period between two internships:?The host organization can successively host several interns in the same position, under different internship agreements. However, he must respect a waiting period equal to one third of the duration of the previous internship, unless it is the intern who took the initiative to interrupt the internship.
Maximum number of interns:?The maximum number of interns whose internship agreement is in effect during the same calendar week is equal to:
Note that each internship supervisor can oversee a maximum of 3 interns at the same time.
4. Foreigners doing an internship in France
A temporary residence permit (carte de séjour temporaire) bearing the mention “trainee” may be granted to a foreign national other than European Union nationals who is following an internship in France under an internship agreement in the following cases:
The internship agreement must be concluded between the intern, the training establishment (or the employer established abroad) and the host company in France (or the training organization located in France).
II – The rights of the trainee and the obligations of the company
1. The status of the trainee
The intern retains, in principle, during the internship his status as a pupil or student and is not considered an employee, insofar as he is not under the legal subordination of the host organization.
The performance of professional tasks under the authority of the host company is not contrary to the purpose of the internship and therefore does not necessarily lead to its requalification as an employment contract insofar as the agreement is respected.
2. Company obligations
The host organization must register, in the order of their arrival, the surnames and first names of the interns hosted in the establishment, in a specific part of the single personnel register. No declaration prior to hiring must be made, but it should be remembered that an agreement must imperatively be concluded before the start of the internship.
The host organization or company must comply with the provisions relating to health and safety at work and provide the trainee with safety training (possibly reinforced training in the event of assignment to a position presenting particular risks).
3. The tasks that the company can entrust to an intern
Welcoming a trainee in a company means being vigilant about the tasks that will be entrusted to him:
It should be remembered that in the event of a control (labour inspection, URSSAF) which finds that a “real” job has been filled by the trainee, the internship could be reclassified as an employment contract accompanied by sanctions for concealed work.
III – Remuneration and social contributions
1. Gratification
Employers can estimate the minimum gratuity to be paid on a simulator at the following address:?
2. Social regime of gratification
In addition, the employer is not liable for the supplementary pension contribution and the unemployment insurance and AGS contribution, as the trainee is not bound by an employment contract.
Trainees have access to the company restaurant or restaurant vouchers under the same conditions as employees of the host company. They also benefit from the payment of public transport subscriptions (or bicycle rental) for the trip from home to the place of the internship under the same conditions as the employees of the organization or the host company.
Note:?Students carrying out an internship in a company integrated into a school or university educational course and eligible for the compulsory bonus may request that it be taken into account by the general scheme for their basic pension, within the limit of two terms and subject to the payment of contributions. The intern must make his request within two years of the end of the internship, to the “CARSAT” of his residence. He will have to pay for each quarter 12% of the monthly social security ceiling in force.
When the gratuity is equal to or less than the deductible threshold, the payment of the work accident contribution is the responsibility of the educational establishment or the rectorate of the academy.
When the gratuity exceeds the deductible threshold, it is the host company that is liable for the work accident contribution. The contribution is calculated on a basis equal to the difference between the bonus paid to the trainee and the exemption threshold.
Note:?When the internship is carried out abroad, both the educational establishments and the host companies must ensure the social protection of the intern, particularly with regard of accidents at work and occupational diseases. However, when the gratuity is less than or equal to the exemption threshold, the occupational accident cover of the trainee affiliated to the French scheme and carrying out an internship abroad as part of a training followed in France is maintained for a maximum period of 12 months.
All the team of French Business Advice is at your disposal, so do not hesitate to?contact us!