Train your dog to write your book

Train your dog to write your book

Imagine the scene I’m sat in bed with two of my dogs, writing. The song 'there were ten in the bed, roll over, roll over' comes to mind. I had spent the night with the two girls - Marley Moo and Angel getting closer and closer to me to the point that it was easier to get up, get a cuppa and get in the other side. On returning one of the girls had gone and my boy had climbed into my bed. Yeah ok, some of you will find it yukky, I, however, love the closeness of our pack. And it’s my home, my rules. Although you might be fooled into thinking it’s their home, doggie rules.

No matter what you think, I get endless inspiration (licks and love) from my three pooches. I also get lots of reflection time as I walk them three or more times a day. It’s when I am walking that I receive my best ideas and aha moments. I have a lot to thank the doggie trio for.

During my daily musings, I stumbled across ideas for training a dog and immediately I began to see a correlation between that and writing a book. So, without further ado and no you do not need to sit or pass me your paw, here are some top tips on how to write a book.

Take your book one chapter at a time

What I mean by that break everything into chunks. If you are going to write a book it will come together better when you have planned your outline and designed a chapter framework. The outline and framework now mean that your book is now in chunks (obviously). Take one chapter or section at a time and write in small chunks. It will be so much easier than seeing a huge monster that you have to tackle.

This reminds me of the time when Marley came charging along the path with a whole intact goats skeleton. There was no way she could eat all of that yummy bone in one sitting. Sadly for her, she had no choice but to share.

Use clear, concise words and sentences

Discovering what the root and real meanings of words is something that I love. Words are delicious and when you know what they really mean it's quite ravishing (smile). However, don't do this and leave your reader constantly wondering what the hell you are on about, it will turn them off and that dear readers is a big no-no. Just like our furry friends who understand simple commands sit, stay, paw, high five, gentle, we humans understand things in a similar way. If when you write a book you have me constantly searching my brain wondering what you mean, you will have lost a reader.

Treats, work a treat

Walking my dogs is a real treat. I find fresh air and Mother Nature nourishing. As do the healthy cakes that I make. I write in chunks. Then I need a brain rest, so it's either a walk, tea or a small piece of cake (of the healthy kind). These simple, yet powerful things keep me motivated. Just like the dogs treats keep them motivated to do things (I think).

Last weekend I moved my office around and had a good old declutter. The drawer that I keep the doggie treats in is no longer accessible to Angel, who had perfected the art of biscuit thievery when I'm not looking. She is most perturbed by this turn of events and has taken to licking me. And only a treat stops it. The phrase who is training who comes to mind?

When you have written for at least and hour - reward immediately

When you have written for at least an hour, finished a chapter or a chunk of a chapter, reward yourself. Celebrating is motivating. Don't save it for birthdays and other ‘special’ times. When you have poured your heart and soul into writing (or editing) then I think that deserves an immediate reward. Tick something off your plan, and make sure it’s straight away.

It takes practice, practice, practice to write a book

Writing is a muscle which gets better with practice. So here's the thing, you need to write daily to get your book done. Or if you are a project person in chunks.

Take writing your book one day at a time

Writing a book is massive. Along with course creation, it will be one of your biggest product development projects. When you start it will feel awkward as you make your uncover your outline. Things will change, and you will definitely change. Even well-seasoned experts crumble as they write and you may wonder how you ever called yourself the expert. It is part of the process and it is ok. It's ok, because it enables you to be your reader as you write.

When I found Angel as an abandoned puppy one Sunday evening, I thought that a forever home would be found - just like that. There is a worldwide problem with people abandoning dogs and there wasn’t anywhere for her. There was an invitation to put her in a place with 100 of dogs and then what? So she stayed, she is funny and naughty and I adore her. But and there is a big but, integrating her was hard. I struggled, I screamed and I cried. When my dog trainer arrived to ‘train’ me I also cried all over him. Looking back I can smile. Things get better and just as I did cry, scream, smile, treat yourself. Remember to just take one day at a time and you will get your book written.

What next in this mad world of books and dogs?

I talk to many people who say that they want to write a book. Some do, some do it by themselves and some get help with some of all of it. Having a book writing coach for your book makes life easier. Just like my dog trainer, helped me through some tough times. It’s the same with books, I’m here with the ‘expertise’ to support you through the process. All you have to do is have a whiff of an idea and the desire to want to bring your story, experience and wisdom into the world. Together we will co-create a brilliant book that you will be proud to put your name on.

Want to chat about your book idea? Book in some chat time and we can explore your ideas.


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