Train Your Core and Your Balance With This One Sequence

Train Your Core and Your Balance With This One Sequence

Not everyone has access to this cool piece of equipment... the ViPR. They're still on the cutting edge and not commonplace in all gyms yet. But, you can order them online. If you go to an Equinox gym, you will have the3m. Here's one of my favorite moves to do with a ViPR. 

? Strengthens core

? Improves balance

? Works the back, butt and shoulders (trifecta!)

Here's how to do it:

1) Place ViPR standing vertically on one side of your body. The arm farther away is on the top handle. Closer arm on bottom.

2) Start from a squatting position with hips directly behind the knees (not shooting to the side). I call this a "side dead lift.

3) Lift ViPR overhead, then lower to chest and stand on opposite leg.

4) Perform a single leg stiff leg dead lift. Try to get body as horizontal to the floor as flexibility allows. 

5) Do 1 - rows while in the SLSLDL position

6) Return to standing upright on that same leg, then curl and press the ViPR overhead

7) Place the ViPR down vertically on the other side of the body and repeat on that side.

It's a lot easier to just follow than it is to read, Just make sure you have a good squat position for that side dead lift and a perform a good hip hinge on the SLSLDL to properly work the butt and spine muscles. Let me know if you do it!!

#ViPR #Complexmovement #coreandbalance #ViPRexercisesequence #balanceexercise #gluteexercise #sidedeadlift #balancetraining #buttandback #buttbackshoulders 


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