Train the Spiritual Muscles of Your Mind
Elizabeth Barry
Lead Coaching and Communications Consultant at Emerald One | Certified Executive Coach | Author | Motivational Speaker
While everyone may be focussing on their abs and working out several times a day, maybe even slightly complaining that the gyms are not available or open during this time, I ask of you to think about training the spiritual muscles in the gym of your mind. Complaining being one of those muscles.
The more we harbor resentment and bad thoughts, complaining, cycling negativity, thinking of being stuck or not knowing where or what to do next, the more those thoughts kinda stick around and make us believe how awful they are and then they cycle around again and again and guess what, tomorrow you're getting tapped on the shoulder with your BS stories and you end up having a long conversation with them over a cup of coffee in the morning and then a glass of wine at night. Stop that. Get a sesh.
I love working with business professionals and adults who are embarking on a journey of understanding themselves and their turmoil. You see, that's the hardest part. The ego is always in the way and one of the biggest things found in a gym is the ego. So let's discuss the firming up of the muscles that you have in your spiritual side. No, I'm not talking religious now, I'm talking about wellness, spirituality, well-being, health, happiness, peace, harmony, no stress, no BS stories, no nonsense.
This is as hard as the elliptical for over an hour, maybe even harder. The ego loves to keep you idle. It likes to make you stay and feel hurt just as much as your jealous boyfriend doesn't want you working out in the gym in your short shorts.
But let's just say this: What if you put the same effort that you do for getting physically fit, into getting mentally fit? What if you took the same investment (and you do spend a lot on gym memberships) and even the clothing that can cost up to over $100 per pair of pants, and invested that into your mindset and your focus, your clarity and your positivity.
You see, this is far from a muscle in the body that needs to look at itself in the mirror, it's actually the opposite. Working with me on your next level potential is like the muscle that's so effin confident in itself that it shines no matter what. No sexy tank needed. No mirror needed. That's the kinda stuff that I do for people. In fact, you'll look sexier with a smile and happier persona.
While most people have trainers, I'm like the spiritual trainer for leaders and business professionals who wanna look good but also feel good. You can't have a sexy body and a mind that's f&cked. No one will date you for that, let alone want to be around you. Sexy only goes so far as the personality and then, boom, you're left with your muscle tee alone.
This is the type of work that requires humility and courage. Asking is the hardest part. Sharing, not so hard. You see, once you get a session in the training of the mind, you get hooked, just like you do for your gym membership. You love it. You need it and some of you even get up at 4am just to have it. That's what my clients say. They love my calls and can't wait for my EB Follow Ups (because I take it a step further and write out honestly and in a raw way what you're facing every week which gives you that wake up call, just like your alarm clock to get up for the gym.
What's on the outside and what's on the inside, if not in alignment, well, there's a bad bad situation there because beautiful is not the body. You're just a spirit using your body to walk this earth anyway. When your time is up, your spirit is the thing that people SAW and FELT. The body, yes it's great and beautiful, but your heart and your mind go much farther for nurtured relationships, leadership and emotions that are stable.
Treat yourself to a sesh or 4 months with me and let your muscles be so hot and sexy in your mind that it will balance out what you look like if you work out. Now that is a hot summer body. When the mind is positive, wheat's on the inside shows on the outside.
Get a 1X sesh with me or take 4 months and realize your power to get to the next level.
Learning how to speak and act in new ways as an adult can be aspirational, yet challenging. Elizabeth Barry is an inspirational speaker, business coach and author that helps career driven professionals develop a kinder demeanor, especially when faced with stress. Her methodologies are practical and her zest for life is contagious. Gain self belief and become an influence to everyone around you, including yourself. The courage that lives behind your fear is the bravery you never knew you had- until it arrives. Challenge habits, create boundaries, and nurture relationships as you learn to surrender to what is… and become who you wish to be.