Trail Pointer 3: Authentic and servant leaders, take point, and walk tall...!

Trail Pointer 3: Authentic and servant leaders, take point, and walk tall...!

Under Trail Pointer 1 & 2, we talked about "Finding Your Purpose" and "Starting With The End In Mind". If you have not read them yet, it would be wise first, to do so.

Under Trail Pointer 3 we will talk about "Taking Point & Walking Tall", and its importance to get to your end goal...! Because this is what authentic and servant leaders do, … each day over...!

Taking point and walking tall are first of all mental states. And we can stimulate and develop them...! People who have silenced "the fear wolf" inside of them and have found "the courage wolf" instead, know, very often through much hardship, that fear is a lousy advisor.

Only through thoughtful action can we change things for the better!

And how strange it may sound, we need inner peace to start taking action. When we start to take action, learning to take point is not that far away. And when we make taking point a key guiding principle in our life, we start to walk tall...!

Brianna Wiest, in her marvelous book "The Mountain Is You", formulates it in a very pure way.

"At the end of your life, your purpose will be defined not by how you struggled, nor by what circumstances you were in, or what you were supposed to do, but how you responded in the face of adversity, who you were to the people in your life, and what you did each day that slowly, in its own unique way, changed the course of humanity".

So, remember that inner peace leads to action, action to learning to take point, and taking point will allow you to walk tall. Why? Because you genuinely and wholeheartedly, engage and contribute. This by itself, will give you again, more inner peace...!

If you are struggling with this issue, drop me an email at [email protected] or visit our website

I hope this observation will at least make you stop and wonder, how much you are taking point and walking tall, at this point in your life...?

Happy reading,

Marc Van Obberghen

Partner Vade Ad Cor & Inscriptio

Publisher - Infinite Believers

Mobile 0032 / (0)497 401234

#WalkingTall #TakingPoint


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