Tragedy of a 'weak' student
A couple of weeks ago one of my co-workers told me a true story about a 'weak student' who used to study at one of the reputed private universities. Studying at a private university isn't easy, especially if the person doesn't come from the so called 'elite' class. For the 'weak student' I'm talking about, I think that was the case. The boy's family sold all their lands off to manage the expenses of his education. Imagine the amount of pressure he had to go through. He wasn't doing well at the university, infact he couldn't secure the pass marks in several subjects. The boy presumably came from a rural or suburban area and probably had a huge culture shock. Plus he probably didn't understand English properly, therefore he didn't understand the topics discussed at the classes. He probably had performance anxiety. Or maybe he simply didn't have the smarts required for higher education.
We will never know because the boy committed suicide.
It's 2019. According to Asimov's prediction, we should have colonized the moon by now. But we still haven't figured out a way to educate our youth. We couldn't give them the minimum social security that they deserve. I think this isn't an outlier, this is a by product of a system that needs restructuring.
Education is one of our basic rights. It should be more accessible.