Trafficking, Justice and Jesus.
Jacqui Jackson
CEO - Ignite Hope, 501c3 Rescuing Kids in Crisis from the nightmare of life without family
7 years ago, we founded Ignite Hope in response to the needs of families when they welcome children from hard places into their homes. As of 2022, we shifted to the wording "pre-born to permanency on behalf of any kid in crisis" to explain our calling for justice. Many of the children that we serve deserve just that.
Sadly, many of the kids who are child-welfare involved have been impacted by sexual abuse, trafficking and other even more graphic atrocities. As a mother, my heart broke the more I learned about this space. 70% of females who experience foster care will be trafficked at some point in their lifetime. If that stat held for your state university, we'd see families lining the streets before state capitols and picketing at the college presidents office...but this evil, this hardship, experienced by the most vulnerable has been almost silent.
So what should we as God's people do? I've seen responses that swing back and forth...and each family needs to seek the Lord to find out how they personally respond. When we use the adage that polite society should not speak of religion or politics, we are missing an opportunity to speak up for the voiceless. We miss the opportunity to speak justice and healing to those hurting around us. We miss the opportunity to speak out against the hardships that are happening right now, on our watch, in our own communities.
As people of faith, we can give our time to survivors ministries, and serve directly where you are needed most. You can host a neighborhood collection for the essentials that such organizations will use daily to serve in this space. From gift cards to walmart, restaurants or for gas, these types of monetary gifts can offer survivors dignity, and hope.
And Yes, as people of faith, we should be unashamed to offer true Hope, the only hope for full healing....the Hope we found in Jesus. His grace can heal the hardest of hardships and restore what the enemy has stolen.
We can also vote our virtues and support candidates who will stand up for the defenseless and who will seek the Lord as they legislate. In 2022, Congress passed the Public Law No: 117-176 (09/16/2022)
Eliminating Limits to Justice for Child Sex Abuse Victims Act of 2022
This act eliminates the statute of limitations for a minor victim of a human trafficking offense or federal sex offense to file a civil action to recover damages.
There are times when legislation and policies serve as bureaucratic red tape, and other times, there are sound policy that offers protective and redemptive measures to those who have been victims.
January is National Trafficking Awareness month. Seek the Lord to see how you can speak into this issue, refuse to have your eyes wide shut to what is happening all around you, and find ways to bring the Hope of Jesus to those who need it most.