Traditional and modern use of Tribulus terrestris in male reproductive health

Traditional and modern use of Tribulus terrestris in male reproductive health

Tribulus terrestris is an annual creeping herb widespread in China, eastern Asia, and extends into western Asia and southern Europe. The fruits of this plant have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of eye trouble, edema, abdominal distention, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases while in India its usage in Ayurveda was for the purpose of impotency, poor appetite, jaundice, urogenital disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

Various investigated models confirm tribulus aphrodisiac effects. Intake of tribulus for a period of 8 weeks was associated with decreases in the latency of mounting, intromission, and ejaculation while improving mounting and intromission frequency. In men with low sperm count, supplementation of tribulus root is associated with a significantly greater improvement in sexual health (assessed by survey) by 49.4% which was significantly greater than placebo (27.8%).

An increase in erectile properties has been noted with tribulus supplementation for one month, as well as it has been noted to enhance the efficacy of pro-erectile signalling molecules (acetylcholine or electrical stimulation) without affecting anti-erectile signalling molecules.

Tribulus terrestris appears to relax penile tissue in vitro and enhances erections after oral ingestion, but the difference in dosages (quite high in vitro yet low oral doses) suggest differing mechanisms of action. The mechanism by which tribulus increases erections is not known yet, but may be related to central androgen receptors.

In persons with low sperm count given tribulus root daily for two months (where almost half of participants reported erectile problems) there was significant improvements in the loss of erection (6.03%), rigidity (9.41%), premature ejaculation (6.12%), and lack of orgasm (9.76%). Generally, increases in erectile properties and sexual satisfaction in men has been improved with the standard doses of tribulus supplementation.

The tribulus genera extends to 25 species of which 12 are found in the middle east. Tribulus terrestris is one of a few species of the tribulus genera and the most commonly supplemented species.

MAN by B!TONIC? is a supplement combination of powerful minerals and herbal extracts specially selected for men. With extracts of Tribulus, Macca, L-arginine, Fenugreek, and Pumpkin seeds it is aimed to sustain the manly body functions.


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