You need to know some important things about digital marketing to become a better digital marketer. It’s not as complicated as it seems. With the right knowledge, the process is pretty straightforward. You just need to understand certain strategies. Firstly, we need to understand that there’s a difference between digital marketing and traditional marketing. And it’s a pretty big difference, because of the difference in impact that they cause. As you know, digital marketing uses digital channels. This type of marketing is done through SEO or search engine optimization, using pay-per-click ads or Facebook or Instagram ads. Or even Website Optimization or any other digital medium.
Now traditional marketing takes place through the usual TV, newspapers, radio, magazines or billboards. All these modes are non-digital. There are advantages to using traditional marketing modes but there’s a better advantage to using digital marketing and the digital channels that are available. Imagine trying to search or reach your audience through traditional means versus the digital channels. Automatically there’s a big difference in the audience size that you can reach using the two variants. Through digital channels you can reach a larger audience because these days everybody is online and you can reach almost all of those billions of people at the click of a few buttons. You may think that targeting these billions of people is easy, so why not send a mail or a post to all of them?! This is where many people fall short. Though it may be easy to reach so many, not all are seeking the product or service that you are offering. You should try to make things easier for you. Figure out who is your audience and focus only on those whom you want to target.
You may have tried to run an ad in the newspaper. There is a significant difference in the costs, when compared with digital marketing. Here, in digital marketing, you aren’t just running a cost-effective ad, but you even have great control over whom the ad needs to be visible to. Plus you receive immediate feedback! You don’t need to post, then wait for it to be published, then reach your target audience, then wait for a response to know whether your ad worked well. With digital marketing, you prepare the ad, post it online on the appropriate digital channel and all of this just takes a few minutes of your precious time. Even the response is immediate and a lot easier to measure and track. Everything’s online, so it takes minimal effort to measure and understand everything, that too in real-time. And the bigger advantage here is that it gives you a chance to learn through trials and errors. Make changes on the go, while you learn about your audience and make the required adjustments.
Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing, both have their pros and cons. Both work, but there’s an obvious advantage to using the digital mode in today’s global scenario. It is important that you understand your consumer, know where your audience is, as in on which digital platform, learn the fundamental strategies and then apply that knowledge to get optimal results.