Traditional Christian Challenges
Traditional Catholic Challenges
What do I (we) mean by “Traditional?” We mean those who follow ALL the Doctrines of Faith given by Jesus Christ, and Traditions handed down by His Apostles, since the beginning of The One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, consecrated by the Holy Spirit of God, on Pentecost Sunday. Furthermore, all documents that have made up the known Gospels, including John’s gospel (95 AD). Although Paul’s Epistles (letters) were authored much earlier, (50-67 AD), all books of the NT gospels have been gathered and approved as Official Cannon of the Catholic Church, near the end of the 4th century. Thereafter, the oral tradition continued to exist.?Afterward, both the New Testament (27 books of the Gospel), and oral tradition became the primary source of teaching in the Church, worldwide. During the next thousand years, only a few handwritten copies of the Bible were available, but most people worldwide could not read/write.
Summary of Biblical History
The original books of the Bible approved by Catholic Church Fathers at the Council of Nicaea (325 AD), under the authority of Roman Emperor Constantine, which established the first Christian Biblical Canon. (Some Protestant leaders contest this historically accurate statement). Later, Pope Damascus I commissioned the Vulgate (Latin standardized) translation by St. Jerome in 382 A.D., completed 23-years later, in 405 AD. When the Gutenberg printing press was available, about a thousand years later (1450), many copies of Bibles became publically available in Latin and other languages.
During the Protestant Reformation (1527), Martin Luther translated original Greek text into the German Bible by 1534. However, Luther continued revisions in future years, and deleted books like Judith, Maccabees, and St. James from his German Bible, which he reasoned (thought) were not compatible with the Reformation. The King James Bible became the official English version (in 1611). There are more than twenty different Bible translations, although the New Revised Standard Version, New International Version, American Standard Version, and King James Versions are more widespread. The point is that not all Bibles are the same, in terms of textual accuracy, although most tell a comparable story about God, the Prophets, and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Traditional Catholics generally follow the American Standard Version (ASV), although the NIV is also a good reference and training source, in my view. We do not consider the King James Version (KJV) as accurate, however. Since Luther modified the German Bible to fit his theology, which is not traditional teaching of Christ’s Apostles. This has led to disagreements of text meaning in many different Protestant churches.
Proliferation of Churches
Today, there are over 20-thousand Christian denominations, and non-denominations, created to “fit the needs and wants” of people, which has metamorphosed into “Cafeteria-Christians.” What are these needs and wants? Different congregations demanded abortions, same-sex marriages, and support for gay men and women ministers and LGBTQ worshippers. Many “Christian-like” churches, have no altars, no liturgy, and are prayer gatherings. Some became “Mega-churches,” where thousands gather to hear Bible stories from preachers, as well as TV personalities, motivating congregations to “feel worthy,” with flashy music, while singing praises to the Lord.
Religion is Big Business
Most clergy in America earn $25,000-45,000 per year, as they work tirelessly to share the gospel with the poor. Seminarians do not pursue a career of preaching, expecting to get rich. Still, some “spiritual leaders” have built lucrative financial empires comparable to that enjoyed by Hollywood stars and noted professional athletes. Leaders of Mega-churches make millions of tax-free dollars, and many enjoy expensive life styles. The richest pastors are Kenneth Copeland: Net Worth $760 M; Pat Robertson: Net Worth $100 M; Benny Hinn: Net Worth $42 M; and Joel Osteen: Net Worth about $40 Million.
Leadership Scandals
Protestant and Evangelical Bible preachers love to tell good redemption stories, but forgiveness only goes so far. Religious leaders, who fell from grace, shocked the world when their crimes and scandals became public. The fallen pastors and leaders include infamous men like Ted Haggard, one of many?anti-gay activists caught being gay, and Tony Alamo, sentenced to 175 years in prison for?pedophilia and marrying a girl of only eight years.?Hypocrisy of religious "Leaders," include infamous Catholic Cardinal McCarrick, among other archbishops, preaching one standard to the flock and then flaunting morality in their private lives. A few names of fallen Protestant leaders include Bill Gothard, Jim Bakker, and Josh Duggar for allegedly molesting his sisters.
Adaptation to Modernism
Catholic leaders at the highest levels are becoming Protestant-like Christians, who ostensibly plan to “adapt” Catholic Church liturgy and its traditional teaching within today’s modern society, when the true objective should (must) always be to “adapt modern society to Christ’s doctrines (universal morality) and traditional teaching.” These misguided leaders are denigrating the liturgy and worship of Jesus Christ.
Recent Modernism Trends
In 1958: 74% of American Catholics went to Sunday Mass. By 1970: 55% of Catholics attended Mass. In 2020: only 20% Catholics attended Mass. In addition, 80% of Catholics do not believe in the true presence of Christ at Mass. In 2002, there were only one million Catholic Baptisms, despite the rise in the population. Priests have dropped to about 45,000 by 2002, from 58,000 in 1965, and Ordinations are less than 500 per year. Funding for churches has also declined during the pandemic, although Federal support of Catholic churches and schools with $30 billion of taxpayer PPP has helped.
During a dialogue on YouTube, with Bishop Barron, Jordan Peterson said, “Many youth are leaving the [Catholic] Church due to lack of personal sacrifice for the church [and leaders who are] not demanding them to do more. Just like other churches are not demanding higher moral goals.”(We need to challenge Catholic youth to be more involved in charitable works. They clearly want to live lives that are more meaningful).
Pandemic in Traditional Churches
Remarkably, Traditional Catholic family mass attendance is growing considerably, even during the pandemic, where masks are optional, and most people did not catch Covid-19. These traditional parishes include serious families, which typically challenge their children to do works that are more charitable. (Many parents treat their teens today as if they are fragile eggshells). Teens actually welcome challenges and new opportunities.
Traditional Catholic Church priests refused to close church doors during the Pandemic. Most Bishops nevertheless insisted on secular restrictions (many did not even offer the sacraments for about 5-6 months), but many priests held Mass and offered all the sacraments in parking lots, homes, or wherever they found sufficient space). Pope Francis recently stated that, “Traditional Catholics are inflexible, [too] ridget, [but] they can be healed.” (He seems “obsessed” with devout Catholic traditionalism).
Christians Support of LGBTQ
On June 21, the Pope replied with a note to Fr. Martin (leading supporter of the LGBTQ movement).?In the note, Pope Francis said Martin is a priest for all, just as God is a Father for all, and encouraged him to continue to be compassionate and tender towards those he encounters. "His heart is to open to each and every one," Francis wrote. "He is a Father. God's 'style' has three elements: closeness, compassion and tenderness. This is how he comes closer to each one of us." (Should we not impose morality?)
Leaders must enforce moral doctrines of faith given to us by Jesus Christ. Pope Francis' letter to Fr. Martin comes three months after the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?approved a decree?prohibiting Catholic priests from blessing same-sex unions, saying that God "cannot bless sin." (This seems to represent a major inconsistency). Many in the LGBTQ Catholics found this decision?painful and disheartening part of a long history of “harmful messages” from the church about LGBTQ. In response to the decree,?over 100 theologians signed a pledge?to support same-sex couples. Catholics agree that God loves all people including LGBTQ people; they are all part of His Creation. We should always love the sinner, but always hate the sin.
Traditional Latin Mass
We traditional Catholics during the past eight decades are clearly not “purists.” We are not troubled by receiving Holy Communion in the mouth, or in our clean hands (which was a routine for centuries). It does not bother us if the priest faces the altar less often, or the people, or if the Mass is in Latin, or in local languages (which allows people to better understanding the liturgy). However, the Latin mass is more reverent, and its music is more classical. The Latin mass has changed less over numerous centuries. What concerns us really is compromising moral principles in the Church, such as abortion, abuse of children, same-sex marriage, destruction of families, financial scandals, pagan idols in Christ’s Church, claiming that Islam, Hindus and others are as “equal” to the Catholic faith, and continuing Vatican leadership offences.
Leadership Responses
We do not see effective responses from leaders, such as Bishop Barron, with his “Word on Fire” YouTube series. It seems that his “Fire” has gone out.?He provides little meaningful solutions for declining Catholic school attendance. He says it is primarily because nuns and brothers are leaving for paying jobs. Why did the Bishop not foresee this obvious trend? Why did he not take corrective action? “Word on Fire” could have raised more school funds. His talks are oversimplifications. He seems to be afraid to propose or act to implement meaningful ideas. He is not willing to critize Black Lives Matter, or Radical Left groups that are destroying church property in California. “That’s not my role,” he claims. He asks, “Can’t we have a dialogue to seek compromise on the abortion?” We acknowledge that he is against abortions. How then can he suggest a “dialogue” or compromising with evil itself? Like many of his peers, Bishop Barron appears to go out of his way to support “Social Justice,” and “Liberation Theology.” He seems to want to please both sides, which in the end, does not please anyone.
This watcher once admired Bishop Barron for his extensive knowledge of Catholic history and speaking talents. Since he became a Bishop, he appears to be less effective or handicapped. He seems to be “all talk and little action,” or afraid to take definitive steps because it might offend one liberal Left group or another group. It is as if he must now consider and protect his new higher leadership status—by not leading at all. In Rev 3:16, Jesus said that lukewarm people make Him sick. By spitting those people out of His mouth, Jesus is rejecting those who do not decide whether to follow Him fully.
Charitable Activities
One might ask what this Catholic layperson has accomplished that gives him any “right” to be critical. During the past 21-years, I have been the lead cook at St. Vincent de Paul’s soup kitchen, and later in charge of breakfast at the Bay Pines VA hospice. Twelve years ago, Miriam and I were Guardian ad Litem volunteers, who helped 13 families, representing 30 children, avoid abuse and family neglect. We were strong advocates for Juvenile Justice in the courts. Later, I became an Eldercare Guardian, legally and morally responsible for four complex cases. Now I am too old (83) to do much physically, so instead I produce books (currently six are active and not-for-profit), and wrote over a hundred Linkin/Facebook articles, produced YouTube videos to guide Christian skeptics and atheists, with the supporting grace of Jesus Christ. Have I done enough? No! We have a “moral duty” to question leadership, to find the truth.
“Great Reset” Solution
Is this the beginning of the UN “Great Reset” for Worldwide Catholic leadership of a billion Christians? All Christian Churches are in Crisis! Traditional Catholics have now started a “Crusade” to fight against “secularization of the faith” by this “Reset.”
We fight peacefully, emphatically, for Christ’s One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic (Traditional) Church. It is time for ALL Christians to take a firm stand against Abortions, Socialism, Liberalism, Cancel Culture, alleged Victimization, Government intended “Equal Outcomes,” CRT Indoctrination of schoolchildren, Assisted Suicide, and Reverse this Permissive Age of Immorality. How do we do that? One-step at a time! First, we need conservative leaders in the Catholic Church and Government. That will begin to happen during the re-election of the Congress in 2022. Second, we must not allow Catholic Traditions be changed (See Appendix 1 &2 on selected quotes from two former popes). Third, we need to support faithful Bishops who zealously voted to back essential faith doctrines, such as the ban against communion for elite political leaders who publically support abortions. We must do what Christ asked of us: Come, carry your cross and follow me. No one can leave mortal life without suffering to experience true love!
Finally, we must pray for leadership, including seemingly misguided Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and our current leader, Pope Francis.
U.S. Catholic Bishops Vote (Summary)
In a vote that was expected and defiant, the U.S. Catholic bishops advanced on June 18 plans to draft a document addressing Communion for Pro-choice Catholic politicians, delivering an extraordinary rebuke to the Vatican's attempts to slow the process and avoid attempts to co-opt the church's sacraments for partisan aims. The motion passed overwhelmingly by a vote of 168-55 with 6 abstentions, or nearly 75% of the body of bishops, easily achieving the simple majority needed to move forward.
The bishops'?Committee on Doctrine, currently headed by Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Indiana, will now begin work on the full text of the document ahead of the U.S. bishops' general assembly in November 2021. The document, which the Vatican has already cautioned needed more time for dialogue and episcopal unity,?will require?the support of two-thirds majority of bishops and the Vatican's approval, known as a?recognition.
During the last seven months, the U.S. bishops have been in a state of open discord, both among themselves and with the Vatican, in regards to their approach to the president. Following the formation of the working group, U.S. bishops' conference president. Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles?issued an unprecedented 1,200-word statement?on Inauguration Day that warned, "Our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils."
Throughout the three-day meeting, a number of bishops?insisted?the document was directed toward neither a particular person, nor political party. Other bishops, including bishops’ conference committee heads, citing both the President and Speaker of the House Catholics as to why they believed the document is needed now, however, repeatedly undermined those claims. The bishops will convene in person in Baltimore, November 2021 for their first in-person gathering in two years.
Editorial Comment: It is a great shame that American Bishops have to “jump through hoops” in order to demand that the President, Speaker of the House, and other so-called Prominent Catholics, obey Catholic Cannon laws, regarding moral requirements, when consuming the Holy Body and blood of Christ. Especially serious is consumption by Political Actors, who falsely claim that are devout Catholics. These are grievous sins that must be prohibited otherwise they are debasing the consecrated sacred body of Christ.
Eucharist Leadership: Pope Francis recently reaffirmed, “communion should be viewed 'not as a prize for the perfect, but as a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak." "None of us, whether we stand in the pews or behind the altar, is worthy to receive it. The great gift of the Holy Eucharist is too sacred to be made a political issue."
Traditional Catholic Response: If the Holy Eucharist (body and blood of Christ) is, ‘too sacred’ as correctly stated, why would any bishop offer it to grave sinners, who refuse to confess mortal sins? Prominent Political advocates of Abortion, which is the killing of an innocent, helpless unborn child, is clearly grave sin, as defined in the Bible, by the Ten Commandments, and Catholic Dogma, as a clear Doctrine of Faith, given by Jesus Christ to His Church. Those who do not condemn this sinful act, and participate in such ‘sacrileges,’ are endangering their own soul.
Popes Support Traditional Latin Mass
Two recent leaders (among many others in past history), Pope Saint John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have publically supported the Traditional Latin Mass in the “Vatican II Collection,” published by Bishop Barron. In the chapter, “Sacrosanctum Concilium-34” (pages 169-171), former Holy Fathers have stated (as summarized), their views under the title: A Noble and Expressive Simplicity:
Pope Saint John Paul II stated, “…Bread and wine, water and oil … have their place in the liturgy as gifts of the Creator and as a contribution to the dignity and beauty of the celebration.” 36. S1. “Particular law remaining in force, the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites.”
Pope Benedict XVI stated (page 171). “In order to express more clearly the unity and universality of the Church, I wish to endorse the proposal made by the Synod of Bishops, in harmony with the directives of the Second Vatican Council. That, with the exception of the readings, the homily, and the prayer of the faithful, it is fitting that such liturgies be celebrated in Latin.”