While the week to week volatility looked like nothing happened, on the 24th SPY closed at 283.0, then closed at 293.2 on the 29th before closing at 282.8 on the first of May. That made for some nice scalping. The intraday trading ranges for the past week were 3.65, 6.00, 4.47, 4.63 and 9.14. The market doesn't appear to be settling down just yet. Interest rates are at rock bottom so that might make stocks the only attractive investment in spite of the horrific economic news that continues. That ying and yang should assure some volatility in the near future. There even seems to a range developing in terms of time value. As the VIX approaches 30, getting positive vega seems to be working. The new top in the VIXseems to be near 40. If the VIX keeps rising and falling like that there will be trading opportunities. Productivity comes out on the 7th at 8:30am ET. The biggie follows twenty-four hours later as non-farm payroll, average hourly earnings and the unemployment rate are released. They have to be bad beyond imagining.