The intraday trading ranges for SPY last week were 2.69, 3.60, 6.54, 4.48 and 3.25. The hi-lo for the week was 11.23. The FED's new found dovishness sent the market upwards. The time value spread was a loser but not catastrophically. The SPY 22Dec23 470 straddle could be scooped up at 4.55. There are a number of economic releases this week, although none of them blockbusters. Housing Starts comes out at 8:30am ET on the 19th. Existing Home Sales comes out the next day at 10:00am ET, followed twenty-four hours later by Leading Economic Indicators. On the 22nd, Personal Income, Personal Spending and the PCE Index come out at 8:30am ET. New Home Sales comes out later in the day at 10:00am ET. FDX releases earnings on the 19th after the close. MU releases earnings after the close on the 20th. CCL releases before the opening on the 21st, with NKE releasing after the close.