SPY was unchanged and the VIX was up 6.1%. The VIX futures were all up at least 2.0%. That doesn't exactly rock the world but it does buck the trend of declining time value. A new tax plan that is decidedly hostile to capital formation was floated Thursday morning and it sent the market reeling. The market recovered on Friday but the time value didn't entirely evaporate. The intraday trading ranges for SPY were 2.95, 4.50, 4.93, 5.65 and 5.46. The 420 time value spread mentioned last week lost ten cents. If you can buy the PLTR 21May 23.50- 26.0 vertical call spread for 0.80 you might be hopping on an upward trend. If PLTR backs off you can always convert it to a 23.50-26.0- 28.50 butterfly. Consumer Confidence comes out at 10:00am ET on the 27th. GDP comes out at 8:30am ET on the 29th, followed 24 hours later by Consumer Spending and Personal Income. TSLA releases earnings after the close on Monday. GOOGL, GE, SBUX and MSFT release after the close on Tuesday. BA releases before the opening on Wednesday. while AAPL, FB and EBAY release after the close. BMY and MCD release before the opening on Thursday, while AMZN, TWTR and X release after the close. XOM and CVX release before the opening on Friday.