Trading Sexual Harassment for High Performance at UBER
Is Uber allowing systemic harassment or was this an isolated case? Either way it's an epic fail by #HR to excuse harassment with high performance, but sadly a common one. Most HR has no balls and will not fight tooth and nail for the Values written on the Recruiting Website. Worse, this case shows an Leadership Failure in allowing a Culture where anything remotely resembling this case would be allowed to happen and not lead to immediate and widespread (if initially symbolic) change by the #CEO himself. Instead this was pushed back down to HR, which failed to address the issue in the first place. No one but the CEO and the Board are the primary source of Behaviour, Culture and Values in any Company. Or the Lack thereof.
So, are you serious Travis Kalanick? Don't start some independent review for PR purposes, but act yourself. Print this Warning sign inspired by Gary Hamel, hang it on your office door and most importantly: live it! Your people care little for your words or some review. They do however watch closely who you promote, who gets a raise, a bonus and who gets fired.
Oh, and UBER HR (or anywhere else) - grow a pair and step-up! Read "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't" by Stanford professor Robert Sutton, inspired by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings. There is actually a business case for unwanted attrition in you being the whistleblower and advocate for a sound Culture of valued Diversity, that is, if you are too afraid to step up for basic decency alone.
In response to: "Uber is investigating explosive sexual harassment claims. As an HR professional, what’s your take?" #UberHR