Trading is Gambling or Not!
If You Failed to Make Money in Stock Market it is not a market fault.
lets Understand ,
Mr. A son wants to be a doctor so he spends approx. 1 crore for learning,
At the beginning Mr. A son scores average marks.
At the end Mr. A son only gains Degree certificate.
Mr. B decide to introduce his son into stock market and decide to hand over him some money so he can use it for trade or investment.
At the beginning his lost some sizeable money in stock market.
At the end Mr. B sons earn Experience what he needs to avoid and need to do. so, he can make some money.
But ironically society call Mr. A son a doctor & Mr. B son Gambler why because it shows mind set of society who failed to understand what is gambling.
According to me both are gambler why because both dads don’t know whether their sons able to make money (i.e., good enough to sustain by themselves) after learning phase.
Because society forget there is one common rule in This world “trial and error method” which use by both doctor and trader.
Who become successful it depends upon individual & society mind set?
Doctor struggle for patient good Health.
Trader struggle for Client good Wealth.
Both don’t know the 100% result they only wait for outcome of their action.
?So, every part of your life is Gambling because you can’t see future but ready to take risk and hope of gain. In any manner.
-Mohit Vadnere