Trading the Fear of Criticism for an Entrepreneurs' Mindset

Trading the Fear of Criticism for an Entrepreneurs' Mindset

Behold, The Judgmental Human Race

We individually succumb to the silent acts of passing judgment. There's a natural insinuation to judge books by their dust jackets, evaluate the actions of others, and express blatant disregard for unique ideas. And yes, this includes you and me.

Invisible Shackles of Criticism

For what seemed like an unfathomable era, societal criticism froze me in my tracks. It built invisible barriers, restricting me to silently market my budding business within the four corners of my personal fortress – the bedroom. This crippling fear of judgment is what acclaimed author, Elbert Hubbard, so cleverly defines: “Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing, and you'll never be criticized.”?

Embracing the Imperfections

Perfection is an illusion, cleverly designed to taunt us. We're all drafted with unique imperfections and we're bound to be judged at some point. However, creating an online business from scratch is a bitter-sweet Triumph. It's an easy prey for criticism but laborious to construct. Detractors might sneer at my content, website, or social posts, but I pose the question - can they outshine me? Achieve what I have? Most cannot.

Your Happiness - The Ultimate Scale

Yet, should their opinions affect me? Simple truth - they shouldn't. Nor should they influence you. What really gains traction is whether you're content with your life's journey. It's an inevitable blend of sugar and spice, this life. However, when the world sleeps and you're left with just your thoughts, it boils down to one question - are you happy?

Have you achieved your aspirations or were you expecting to be advancing further by now? Do these doubts and uncertainties cloud your vision of future success? Allow me to sweep them away.

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE, this is your golden ticket to an enhanced lifestyle. The path to this change? Simpler than you imagined. A mere click away.?

If not, the choice is yours. You always have the power to do nothing. Remember though, no criticism comes that way.


Lorena Grant


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