Trading Algorithm Study: Forecasting Sequential Stock Market Patterns
LinkedIn Mike Biber, Jeremy Boddy, Shaival Shah, Nirav Shah, Meet Sagar, Shubham Mandowara and Bhumit Adivarekar
Avaliam Laboratories ~ United States ~ United Kingdom ~ India
Keywords: Stock Trading, Equity Trading, Nasdaq, Causal State Model, Support Vector Machine, Compact Prediction Tree +, Long Short-Term Memory, Recurrent Neural Networks, Attention Modeling, Forecasting, Prediction, Pattern Recognition, Sequential State Modeling, Markov, Technical Indicator Processing, Random Walk Theory, Efficient-market Hypothesis, Profit Unit Approach, Time Series, Back-propagation, Simulation
1 Introduction
We examine the performance of various Machine Learning models applied to financial market(s) time series data. We review the ability of these models to identify market patterns. We attempt to identify market trends alongside optimal trade signals, for entry and exit of index equity positions, to maximize trade efficiency, profits and manage risks, focused on solving business problems as part of a Trading Strategy. The assumption is the reader has a solid knowledge and understanding of the science around machine learning and the structure of financial markets. Our tests focused on practical business-related use cases rather than academic rigor, or multifaceted mathematical approaches. At times we had to diverge from meticulous testing to emphasize modeling evolution.
1.1 Hypothesis
We can solve the problem of predicting stock market performance though pattern recognition and state prediction, via state modeling of financial indicators and applying a machine learning approach to the prediction of next states and next state sequences.
1.2 Objective Aim
The objective of this study was to analyze the Stock Market Index and establish the hypothesis that “states” and “state models” can be derived from technical indicators. We theorized that by this approach we would be able to identify and create a sequence model(s) that is repeatable can demonstrate patterns [1], and therefore can achieve the core elements we call our Performance Targets. This work is not aimed at forming stock portfolios, asset allocations, risk analysis, nor to predict percentage returns. We focus on optimizing particular index market positions and profit returns over time. The broader universe, stock picking, capital allocations, selecting undervalued assets, sentiment, etc. are alternative separate strategy approaches identified but not in this paper.
We aimed to trade the Stock Market Index, in either an up or down direction. We achieve this by understanding the sequence through a current state, how this state has materialized. We did this by;
- Understanding the prevailing trend of the market +/- in terms of close price change.
- Understanding the patterns that lead to/ create the current state (can be multiple).
- Understand how the patterns potentially interact.
- Understand how these patterns change/ impact the current state.
- Identify triggers and indicators that will suggest a change to a particular state is imminent.
- Predict accurately through probability the next state (short and long term).
- Triggers; buy and sell signals based on these outputs.
In turn, using this information and feeding the data into a machine learning model, we looked to forecast, and predict the next state and a set of future states (sequential patterns). Therefore to;
- Implement artificial intelligence (AI) machine learning models around pattern recognition in prototyping stock market price predictions.
- Identify known patterns, recognize and catalog new patterns, recognize and catalog new patterns, and determine frequency of use.
Figure 2: Probabilistic forecasting graph example.
1.2.1 Performance Targets
The following measures and metrics are applied to these activities to determine successful performance. Performance Target;
- Perform better than the market.
- Identify patterns that maximize opportunities over time.
- Accuracy target above 85%.
Table: Highlights Key Performance Indicators: general accuracy, sequence identification, current state, sequence identification, predictive/ future state, trigger identification accuracy, time stamp accuracy, continuous improvement levels, performance levels.
2 Theories
To support the objective there was a need to overcome a basic sequence prediction problem. This consists of finding the next element of an ordered sequence by looking at the sequence’s items within the order. This challenge is not just within the stock market. It is frequently found throughout many applications and in a variety of domains, especially around time series use cases. Examples such as, product recommendations, weather forecasting and conversational element ‘the next best conversational element to a customer in their communication journey’ are typical sequential problems.
Figure 3: State Modelling Graph
There are a lot of different solution approaches, with many studies have been conducted for this particular problem in equities stock trading. The more popular ones, among others, utilize Causal State Modelling (CSM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Another concern worth mentioning is the number of published academic papers, even recently, that tend to be misleading and incorrect in reporting their results. The simple fact that many papers do not use “Simulators'' in mimicking data in the same event order as trading, instead, they have relied on historical back testing.
2.1 Market Theory
In our study we came up against the need to choose the most reliable market theories and attempt to prove or disprove them. The below is a selection of those theories;
2.1.1 Random Walk Theory [2]
Random Walk Theory suggests that changes in stock prices have the same distribution and are independent of each other. Therefore, it assumes that the past movement or trend of a stock price, or market, cannot be used to predict its future. In short, random walk theory proclaims that stocks take a random and unpredictable path that makes all methods of predicting stock prices inherently futile.
Our analysis somewhat disproves Random Walk. We did find at times the market is random, we also found conclusively that there are points of time and mini-sequences where there are formations of a state. When there is a formation of state there is a logical progression in the sequence of the state(s), or flow if you will. Subsequently, it stands to reason that where a state formation does happen, then there is a statistical probability the next sequential event will also happen, either directly or at some future point in time. This led to some levels of predictability within the Time Series. We also found sequences of hidden states within the sequential patterns that lead to the overall formation of a state. This was not anticipated and does lead to additional complications and consequences for, not accuracy of prediction, but the points within the time series where sequences occur (trigger points). Random Walk can be therefore disproved by showing there is an ability to predict price trends, moreover our study’s entire concept exposes in principle this theory.
2.1.2 Efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) [3]
EMH is a proposition in financial economics stating that the asset’s price reflects all available information. How efficient markets are (and are not) linked to the random walk theory. Some say that it's impossible to "beat the market", on a risk adjusted basis, consistently because stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information.
Our analysis disputes this Efficient-Market Hypothesis both empirically and theoretically. We found that there are imperfections in financial markets, and in particular time series through information bias. This can be proven by demonstrating sequential behavioral patterns during set time periods that yield returns better than market results. By making a better than market return this hypothesis can be disproven.
2.1.3 Profit Unity Approach (Elliott-wave Theory) [4][5]
Elliot-waves consider the stock market as a nonlinear, turbulent system influenced and produced by the interaction of human beings. Price and time actions are therefore perfect places to seek fractal structure. It means that the markets are a “natural” nonlinear function by the determination of “classical physics”. The profit unity approach stresses reading the market itself, rather than reading other people’s opinions. That you devise a set of rules for predicting market moving trends by observing both singular and multiple features and variables.
Our analysis discovered concepts of unity with macro concepts. Many patterns of variables operate similar to waves; sequential pattern trends that can be predictive. Price movement expands and contracts through volatility, and momentum falls within channels. There is evidence that the price of assets can be explained, and modelled, on the basis of a careful examination. Patterns and statistical probability can be used to determine the entry and exit point of a trade over equilibrium of price movement.
2.2 Options [6]
In solving the sequence prediction problem, prior to building a trading strategy, a decision needs to be made regarding the options to consider when forecasting a sequence, and an approach to their explicit order.
2.2.1 Option 1: Prediction of Next State
i.e. Provide ABCD to predict E
State-to-state prediction involves forecasting the next value for a given input state and/ or state sequence. The outcomes can perform well, just at times are very limited. Consideration needs to be given to the advantage reasoning by understanding this prediction before it happens. During analysis we found at the point where a change of states happens, it occurs near to, or around, current price support levels, and/ or when the trend changes direction. This provides one advantage, by using this option we can flag higher risk target points, leveraging the next state predictions to be on the lookout for any abnormalities. This provides the ability to validate before taking a trade. We did find however, that the period for predicting the next state can be very short.
2.2.2 Option 2: Prediction of Multiple Next States and Sequence
i.e. Provide ABCD to predict EFGH
Sequence generation involves creating a new output sequence that has the same general mode and characteristics as other sequences in the corpus. Ideally, our target. To facilitate, we needed to build into the model sequential patterns that show different ‘up’ or ‘down’ trends. To be able to predict these trends is an advantage and helps in continual validation, adding an alternative type of accuracy and increasing the potential market edge. Knowing the current state, and predicting the next sequence allows for the breakdown of the trade target entry and exit points before, during, and after taking the trade. This aims to maximize potential return on investment.
2.2.3 Option 3: Classifying the sequence
i.e. Provide ABCD to predict GOOD or BAD, and trend UP or DOWN
Sequence classification involves predicting a class label for a given input sequence. In predicting option 2 above, there is a need to label sequence patterns as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ pattern for the type of trade. For the most part, a pattern label of BAD would-be noise, and not tradable. A pattern label of GOOD signifying a solid and tradable pattern. Similarly, this can be used to determine and understand the trend direction of travel, either a cycle Up or a cycle DOWN. A series of such ups and downs can then be used to look at longer and broader market trends.
3 Datasets, Models and Methods
3.1 Datasets
We use a dataset of 19 years of Nasdaq OHLC Tier 1 time series collected from raw tick data. This included three data points, (1) Time Stamp, (2) Price and (3) Volume. Price is split into four subsets including open, high, low and close. This initial raw historical data was processed into sets of time series created to mirror market conditions, for 1-minute, 5-minute, 10-minute, 30-minute and Daily.
We acknowledge OHLC by itself does not capture stock splits, reverse stock splits and can lack individual behavioral events. Observations found daily to be too small of a dataset for the algorithm(s) to gain enough insight(s) for realistic observations
Figure 4: Interactive Machine Learning Process
3.2 Pre-processing Technical Indicators, States and Sequences
Data preparation was a considerable task. There are many, publicly available, stock market technical indicators. A large majority are simple quantitative mathematical formulae that interpret a stock or financial market index to help forecast market moves. In this study we reviewed and cataloged more than 325 of these technical indicators, for potential use in the analysis, with the objective to narrow down a target selection. Whilst most were formulaic and relatively simple to create, or locate open-source versions, others required more complex analysis and coding. Our analysis included researching source code availability for indicators across multiple programming languages in GitHub, open-source communities, papers, etc. Unsurprisingly, we found less than a hundred technical indicators that had referenceable source code available. Additionally, of these indicators (>15%), the code we found to be programmed incorrectly. Of the targeted ~50 selected, we had to recode/ reprogram more than half, the majority requiring small corrections but about a quarter needing slightly larger efforts. Additional preprocessing included indicator and state creation.
A simple grouping was applied, allowing for more reasoned comparisons. Using a phased approach, we labeled the indicators based on their prevailing characteristics, approach, type and market categorization, with each indicator being available to multiple groups. The groups created are Signal, Volume, Volatility, Momentum, Trend and Channels. The analysis found a large majority of the indicators have similar or correlated behaviors, some leading, with others lagging in their relationship with time, prices and other indicators.
Interestingly many technical indicators were developed decades ago, and focus around daily OHLC data for close price, with a limited number of indicators specifically designed or developed for Intraday or Bid/ Tick. (Note: OHLC data comprises Time Period, Volume, Close, High, Low and Open Price | Tick data being bid/ ask quotes as the Time, Bid, Ask, Bidsize, Asksize, with Exchange Index and any flags). We found that many articles reference these indicators for intraday trading strategies for which they were not designed. For example, oscillators developed daily were found to have little or no value for intraday 60 min, 30 min, 10 min, 1min readings. In our study we selected OHLC data for longer trade periods and found Bid/ Tick data had a better value for achieving an improved trade price, both in arbitrage and High Frequency Trading (HFT) strategies.
For the purpose of this paper, we reference a select few, commonly used, technical indicators in articulating results around price patterns, alongside understanding the uptrend and downtrend of price movement. These are;
- Close Price
- Understanding close price at different time series periods.
- Volume
- Understanding volume at different close price points.
- Simple Moving Averages (SMA)
- Understanding multiple lookback periods and patterns from one state to the next, as well as the potential for movement, and the probability of said movement to a particular next state.
- Understanding sequential patterns, trend and momentum switches.
- Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
- Understanding the flow and patterns of one state to the next, as well as the potential for movement, and the probability of said movement to a particular next state.
- Understanding sequential patterns, trend and momentum switches.
3.3 Test Framework
The analysis followed a standardized laboratory approach, mirroring that of a practical trade setting. We detail the model approach, the test carried out, the results, observations, and next steps derived as a result.
Figure 5: Machine Learning Architecture
3.4 Algorithm Selection
Our analysis reviewed several machine learning models to understand potential value, applicability and probability of outcomes for particular applications and use cases. In particular;
Q. How does each support the business outcomes?
Q. Which provides the best opportunity for accuracy?
These are as follows;
Table: Causal State Modelling, Compact Prediction Tree +, Support Vector Machines, Long Short-Term Memory (Recurring Neural Network), Reinforcement Learning, Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
The initial intent was to review CSSR as a method for identifying patterns within MACD and SMA. These patterns and data series were to be used to predict the next state of MACD, thus creating a series of states that would accurately predict the future with a series length suitable enough to indicate market entry and exit points. The results of experiments demonstrate this not to be the case, therefore further evaluation was required to test and analyze additional models as indicated in 2-4 above with varying results. The following is a review of these models and their impact on the business objectives described in section 1. 5-7 above will be the subject of a follow-up paper.
3.4.1 Features
An initial core set of indicators were identified from which we were able to create a set of identifiable states that can be defined as features within the data. Our analysis reviewed several machine learning models, assessing their applicability to our objectives and in particular its use in Time Series. We created a master data model used for all the machine learning models. We used this primarily for our initial identification of patterns and each of the prediction were tested on accuracy. Our machine learning algorithm selection as previously identified included Causal State Modelling, Support Vector Machine, Compact Prediction Tree +, and Long Short-Term Memory RNN.
3.5 Training and Tuning
We applied both unsupervised and supervised to evaluate capability to, and the accuracy of, forecast(ing) close price. Our approach to applying algorithms to the stock market index data did not just include feeding a large raw data set to the algorithms. Our aim was to replicate ‘tick by tick’ allowing the algorithm to experience a real production environment, whilst also testing its predictions. We in addition created a simulation environment whereby data was fed into the algorithms to simulate a ‘real time’ basis. That is to say row by row, in order of time. We found the simulator was able to understand the existence of hidden states that a pure back test of historical data was unable to detect. We continued to hyper-tune and refine accuracy through several iterations. By running studies only using and processing historical data without a market simulation environment the accuracy of results in a real time ‘production’ are more easily challenged.
4 Causal State Modelling [7][13][14]
4.1 Model and Tests Carried Out
Causal State Modelling is based on the Causal State Split Reconstruction (CSSR) algorithm. This model is based on a Hidden Markov’s model. CSSR can discover patterns in sequential data. With the causal state modeling approach, we can assume price support levels can be modeled and patterns can be captured to represent the underlying behavior of price. CSSR does not require prior knowledge about the system dynamics or require historical information. It conducts pattern recognition on nonlinear stock movement. The basic idea is you collapse past states of price to predict the future price. CSSR observes the behaviors and can successfully predict future behavior. This creates the ability to accurately represent future possibilities in the smallest number of states possible.
This algorithm can learn patterns automatically from sequential data and is able to provide an explicit model for the training data. Ensemble machine learning solutions with CSSR can be enhanced with reinforcement learning to “Be Rewarded on Success”. CSSR has the unique property of being “maximally predictive and minimally complex”. This property is not just true in the limit; it is true in practice when using the Causal State Splitting and Reconstruction (CSSR) algorithm.
4.2 CSSR Computational Mechanics
- Causal State Model (CSM) can be built for each data stream when using Causal State Splitting Reconstruction (CSSR) algorithm, begins with one state and divides as necessary.
- Take a high-quality data stream. Assume to be generated by conditionally stationary, stochastic process.
- Explicitly learn the predictive distribution by grouping together pasts x that give equivalent predictions.
4.3 Results
CSSR ran with different sequence lengths with the minimum being two and maximum of 100. We believe this study is the first application of CSSR to be applied on financial trading data.
4.4 Observations and Next Steps
- It was observed that CSSR is highly accurate in discovering a large majority of all the patterns in the universe. It’s almost ~95% accurate. This is to say that this accuracy is for the ‘next state’, identifying a sequence(s) of states progressively reduced in accuracy the further out we attempted to predict.
- The problem with CSSR is that it cannot fully predict the next sequential pattern based on the input sequences. The issue found is we needed to continue tuning the ranges (adjusting Max L) for price volatility and time series selection to get optimal parameter setting. The maximum length (L_max) is used as the statistical reliability and the ratio is adjusted for the amount of data being used divided by vocabulary size.
- CSSR can discover similar states; similar patterns of condensed sequential patterns. Example with a short and longer sequence of states being the same.
- CSSR is extremely fast for training and implementation for small sequence lengths, which can have potential usefulness in micro HTF strategies in finding the next sequence state. It is able to classify sequence patterns based on the L_Max. For example, it is able to capture the classification universe of all the sequential patterns with A length of 10.
- Conversely CSSR cannot exploit any prior knowledge. It can only discover patterns that it has been trained to find, and so we need another algorithm to predict the next sequential pattern.
- One way around this problem would be to initialize the CSSR algorithm and give it the ability to better evaluate which patterns are dynamically ‘more important’ over others. This would better capture ‘bursting-type’ behavior and adapt to particular patterns that change; an example of “bursting” price patterns is where price may have uptrend bursts where the time length changes in the uptrend. To do this requires extensive work.
- It was decided to move away from CSSR; revisit in the future.
On a side note: the CSSR method has previously been applied to social media user data in a separate study. This found CSSR to be very effective in predicting the next time a user will post. CSSR is also used in medical diagnostics around physiological monitoring for predicting body temperature, respiration, cardiac cycle, going into shock, etc.
5 Support Vector Machine [8][17]
5.1 Model and Tests Carried Out
Support Vector Machine is a suitable algorithm for predicting the next state, but not ideal for sequence pattern predictions. As found in multiple research papers, and in our own test results we identified SVM to be solid, with high accuracy in time series prediction using a polynomial kernel of degree of 2 (the best setting for this task). After continued trials we found next state prediction was highly accurate, only to find it had a limited edge when it comes to making profitable stock trades. The majority of research papers reference stock price predictions using SVM by feeding in raw indicator data. Our approach is different, we built indicator state models of the with the outputs as the current state. This was then fed into the algorithm for predicting sequence to sequence patterns. The main reason for this approach is that we can derive a resulting master state of when and when not to trade. However, as we matured our sequence-to-sequence approach, we found several flaws in SVM relating to this use case.
5.2 Results
In generating output among several states found multiclass to be a problem.
5.3 Observations and Next Steps
- Multiclass SVM is a solid available option that we can use to predict the output for the next state based on the input sequence. We found where the number of sequence classes were high, we ran into problems with accuracy greatly decreasing.
- We found high accuracy in predicting the next states, only if the first state is in a small pattern sequence.
- As it was our aim to get the next set of sequential states, we designed the model to run SVM over many iterations depending on the output sequence to derive the next sequence pattern in the state order. For example, if the output length = 6 we needed to run SVM through 6 iterations. We found the accuracy to greatly decrease after the 3 sequential states.
- For sequence-to-sequence learning, the algorithm should remember the previous states to predict the set of next states. SVM was not capable of doing this. SVM separates the points in space by using hyperplane, predicting the output based on the position of the point in the space.
- So, we decided not to use SVM because of these observations. Plus, we found predicting up to the next 3 states intraday or daily didn’t give enough of an edge in increasing our accuracy and profitable trades.
- It was decided to move away from SVM.
6 Compact Prediction Tree + [9][10]
6.1 Model and Tests Carried Out
Compact Prediction Tree is a lossless algorithm that means the loss is not calculated and reduced as with other machine learning algorithms. Compact Prediction Tree + is an extension of Compact Prediction Tree which reduces the space and time complexity of CPT. It consists of finding the next element of a target sequence by only observing its previous items. It uses all the available information in the training sequences for making the predictions. As other model approaches in this study such as neural networks have association to rules, and do not use all the information available in training sequences for making the predictions, we hypothesized that CPT+ would increase prediction accuracy for next state predictions.
6.2 Results
CPT+ appears to be a suitable algorithm, based on research papers, but a major concern is limited implementation of CPT+ in general and specifically a limited number of applications for time series data. A secondary concern is the effort, the time taken to construct a CPT+ model with a requirement that we needed to define the entire universe of sequence patterns. With very rigid process for learning all the price patterns to gain prediction accuracy this model became impractical. The problem becomes worse for noisy market periods, which accounts for circa ~10% of the market at any given time. We cannot assure that this algorithm will work for the given use case. We resolved to try it after building better master pattern universes. So, until then there are no results.
6.3 Observations and Next Steps
- Working with CPT+ is straightforward based on a simple concept.
- Observed it can be trained with sequences of variable length.
- Training process is very fast O(n), n being the number of sequences.
- It is a lossless model for accurately prediction of the sequence(s).
- The reduced space and time complexity of CPT may be a disadvantage.
- It was decided to pivot to the next model.
- Return to this algorithm when we have a working Master State Universe of all the sequential patterns is fully developed.
7 Long Short-Term Memory RNN [11][12][15][16]
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) cell for overcoming the disadvantage of a traditional RNN for the problem of vanishing and/ or exploding gradients. It can remember previous outputs to predict the next. We found LSTM has no problem vanishing and exploding gradients like other neural networks, and can iteratively predict the next state from the sequence(s). We found LSTM to be suitable for this task. There are many applications for LSTM if sequence to sequence learning is required, some of machine translation, others text summarization. The model developed comprised of two key parts:
- The encoder and the decoder.
- The encoder-decoder network allows for a variable length output where an encoder learns an internal representation for the input sequence; and
- The decoder reads the internal representation and learns how to create the output sequence of the same or differing lengths.
- It takes a sequence as an input and requires a sequence prediction as output.
- The input sequence is shown to the network one encoded character at a time.
- We need the encoding level to learn the relationship between the steps in the input sequence and develop an internal representation of these relationships.
- Length of the input and output sequences may vary.
- Given that there are multiple input time steps and multiple output time steps.
- This form of problem is referred to as many-to-many type sequence prediction problem.
- Architecture comprised of two models:
- For reading the input sequence and encoding it into a fixed-length vector.
- For decoding the fixed-length vector and outputting the predicted sequence.
7.1 LSTM approaches
The below illustrates the different approaches of LSTM used in this project.
Figure 6: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
7.1.1 Predicting Next State Test Carried Out
At first, we implemented a prototype aimed at predicting the next state based on the input sequence. The input sequence was of length 6 and only MACD was taken as the prediction. Results
Table: LSTM predicting next state results: training accuracy 84% with validation accuracy 71%
The algorithm can predict the next state iteratively with a lookback of previous 6 states. The algorithm gave a 71% accuracy on the past 11 months of intraday data. Observations and Next Steps
The problems with this approach:
- It is accurate in predicting the next state only.
- After predicting next state accuracy decreases for the prediction of sequential states due to the lookback length. Lager lookbacks produced better results until it reached a point of diminishing returns.
- Our objective is to capture the next pattern, to predict the next 6 states of MACD and not only 1.
- It was decided to pivot towards the Encoder-Decoder Model as a next step.
7.2 Encoder-Decoder model
7.2.1 Test Carried Out
We found sequence-to-sequence is best suited for our aims, so we decided to analyze it with a much deeper dive than we had the previous models. This algorithm is analogous to a machine translation algorithm because we can consider input sequence as language A and output sequence as language B. The architecture of the model consists of bidirectional encoder and decoder LSTM. Encoder gives the output which is fed to decoder to get the outputs. The final output is considered by taking the position on which there is maximum value in that row of the output matrix.
We first needed to provide data in particular format to allow the LSTM the best opportunity to learn. We created data as a series of input and output sequences to feed into algorithm. At first, we took only the MACD indicator for training.
7.2.2 Model
Figure 7: LSTM Encoder and Decoder model Sample Input & Output Sequences
Encoder input sequence: W X W X W X W X W V W X W X W 5 3 5 3 5 1
Decoder input sequence: \T 6 3 5 1 6 3 \N
Decoder output sequence Output: 6 3 5 1 6 3 \N
7.2.3 Results
Table: Encoder-Decoder predicting next state results: training accuracy 82% with validation accuracy 51%
Notes: The percentage of accuracy is calculated comparing the values in the matrix and not by taking how much total sequences got correct. (At the time of prediction, we take the highest value position from each row in the output matrix but accuracy is calculated by comparing the values in the output matrix with the original output matrix)
7.2.4 Observations and Next Steps
- We thought to include SMA with MACD and see if accuracy increases.
- After concatenating both MACD and SMA (input and output sequence only) MACD achieved a better training accuracy (82%), but validation accuracy did not change.
- Due to this we chose to implement an attention mechanism, between the encoder and decoder, to see if results improved.
7.3 Encoder - Decoder with Attention
The attention mechanism is applied to overcome the limitation of. Attention is the idea of freeing the encoder-decoder architecture from the fixed-length internal representation. This is achieved by keeping the intermediate outputs from the encoder LSTM from each step of the input sequence and training the model to learn to pay selective attention to these inputs and relate them to items in the output sequence. Put another way, each item in the output sequence is conditional on selective items in the input sequence. We aimed to allows the machine to educate itself on where to pay attention in the input sequence for each item related to the output sequence.
7.3.1 Encoder - Decoder with Attention - Version 1
Previous models lacked an attention mechanism in between encoder and decoder. Test Carried Out
Attention mechanism is used to apply weights on the output of the encoder to enhance the supply only relevant input data to the decoder. After some research and testing we came to the conclusion that the attention mechanism is a very real need for this project. Sample Input and Output Sequences
Encoder input sequence: W X W X W X W X W V W X W X W 5 3 5 3 5 1
Decoder output sequence Output: \T 6 3 5 1 6 3 \N Model
Figure 8: LSTM Encoder and Decoder with Attention model Results
Table: LSTM Encoder-Decoder with Attention mode predicting next state results: training accuracy 94% with validation accuracy 58%
[1] The above results are taken when training was stopped in between due to rise in validation loss. The percentage of accuracy mentioned above is calculated comparing the values in the matrix and not by taking how much total sequences got correct. (meaning predict ABC; and the result was ABD.
[2] Keras seq2seq and accuracy weighted matrix would give example results of 50%. (At the time of prediction, we take the highest value position from each row in the output matrix but accuracy is calculated by comparing the values in the output matrix with the original output matrix)
Training accuracy is reaching 92% but validation accuracy is decreasing if we try to train models for more epochs. The Validation accuracy we achieved was 28%, 32%, 44%, 47% after trying a series of interchangeable combinations. These combinations involved maneuvering hyperparameters like batch size, optimizer, etc. including dropouts and regularization. Observations and Next Steps
- Using the attention mechanism did not fully solve the problem. We are still faced considerable overfitting.
- However, beyond initial observations we realized that with more investment this model has the potential to outperform all previous models.
7.3.2 Encoder Decoder with Attention - Version 2 (Hybrid approach) Test Carried Out
It is a combination of the previous two approaches. The approaches are mentioned below;
Approach 1: Simple encoder decoder model
- Only the last states of encoder are taken and output is discarded.
- No attention mechanism is applied.
- Input sequence is important for only predicting the first next state, after these states are predicted using the previous prediction. Sample Input and Output Sequences
- Below is the example of input output sequences:
Encoder input sequence: W X W X W X W X W V W X W X W 5 3 5 3 5 1
Decoder input sequence: \T 6 3 5 1 6 3 \N
Decoder output sequence Output: 6 3 5 1 6 3 \N
Approach 2: Encoder Decoder with attention
- The output of the encoder is passed through the attention mechanism, with the output provided to the decoder.
- We used a combination of both approaches to increase accuracy, for example predicting the last 3 states using approach 1, and first three states using previous approach 2. Model
Figure 9: Combined LSTM Encoder and Decoder plus with LSTM Encoder and Decoder Attention model Results
Table: Combined LSTM Encoder and Decoder plus with LSTM Encoder and Decoder Attention model predicting state results: training accuracy 85% with validation accuracy 48%
Notes: The above results are recorded when training was stopped in between due to rise in validation loss. The percentage of accuracy mentioned above is calculated by comparing the values in the matrix and not by taking how much of the target sequences was correct. Observations and Next Steps
- It is a black box algorithm. We cannot visualize inside the model; not able to see each of the probabilities for each of the states; only the one it selects.
- A very large sequence is difficult to handle due to the time taken to backpropagate (note: there are ways for handling large sequences to be incorporated).
- Like any neural network it takes time to learn depending on the complexity of the model, and back propagation.
- It can misclassify adversarial examples with very high confidence.
- It can take a long time to train, plus needs to be re-trained for sequences containing items not previously seen in last training iteration.
- Tends to be a costly process and is not feasible where new items are encountered frequently.
- Found results not optimal; need to continue to tune on different configurations.
- The model must be trained on different network sizes, different regularization values and dropouts.
- Embedding layers can be used to find state relationship states and improve results.
8 Analysis, Consolidation/ Outcomes Matrix
Below is a short synopsis of the results for each machine learning approaches and their correlation to each other. This summary of the is taken from the detail within each of the model analyses carried out. The sequential pattern characteristics have been found to be solid with these indicators, when cross correlated with other indicators that capture data behaviors. These behaviors include signals, volume, volatility, momentum, trends and channels. Other indicators were reviewed, but not included in this paper.
Table: Combined all approaches analysis, consolidation/ outcomes into matrix for CSSR, SVM, CPT+, LSTM, LSTM Encoder/Decoder, LSTM E/D with Attention
Results showed the LSTM approach performed overall the best compared to the other machine learning algorithms. In terms of our predetermined performance metrics, LSTM out-performed our baseline and rule-based models. While the evidence does support the accuracy, we observe that as a standalone ‘an algorithm’ will not create the constancy and consistency of results required for a production environment; meaning a single unified model. All evidence suggests an ensemble approach is required.
[1] The table is an example for MACD and SMA only.
[2] Additional in study, but not in this paper; Reinforcement Learning (RL), Inverse Reinforcement Learning (Inverse RL) and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL).
[3] An important consideration not mentioned in the table above is the use of an LSTM approach to dynamically create a master classification universe of all the sequence patterns. This master classification model was then fed into the algorithms.
9 Conclusion
The evidence found is in many cases is inconclusive, that is to say that the accuracies generated come with a number of caveats that required us to further test or evolve our thinking beyond the current model to investigate others. It can be said that in this study no single model achieved the objective we set out to prove, our hypothesis in this case is neither proven nor disproven. We anticipated this to be the case, our expectations from the outset that a complementary combination of models, rules and human exchange will be needed.
We can say that the results achieved, in this first pass, are encouraging and lend an extremely high level of confidence to the proposal that model performance can be used in quantitative equity trading to return superior results to that of the general market. We believe there is a market edge in quantitative trading when using machine learning for financial trading of stock market indexes and individual equities.
We observed significant differences in outcomes involving back-testing, approaches in how the data is processed, back-propagation and uses in simulation environments. Equity financial time series is not a simple linear system, the stock market universe and time series as a whole, is complex with a significant number of moving parts and external impact forces. This intricacy nature creates constant evolution, which at times is unpredictable, problematic and can contribute to significant numbers of hidden states.
We achieved ~85% accuracy in forecasting sequential price movements. We also observed periods within the time series that contain hidden or noise states. This was approximately ~10% of the time period. We, however want to go further and continue to improve accuracy. As with autonomous driving vehicles, we seek to achieve Level 5 (Full Driving Automation), whereby vehicles do not require human attention - the “dynamic stock trading task” is eliminated. There is a need to strive for excellence by continuously improving. Our team believes achieving the accuracy target in a production environment above 85% is feasible.
Over 40,000 hours has been dedicated to research and development on this project. The work continues. Next steps are to productionize the models for live ‘Long’ and ‘Short’ trading in 2021. In addition, we plan to create ensemble approaches with a human-in-loop, incorporate market sentiment analysis, and stock picking methods to both enhance accuracy and find undervalued opportunities in growth markets. We envision utilizing these scientific methodologies for a capitalistic market edge that will also support social impact projects.
Should you have any questions, we would be happy to hear from you and guide you through the concepts and results achieved.
LinkedIn Mike Biber, Jeremy Boddy, Shaival Shah, Nirav Shah, Meet Sagar, Shubham Mandowara and Bhumit Adivarekar
Avaliam Laboratories Email: contact @
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#AI #ML #NLP #Datascience #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #AIPowered #Automation #EmergingTechnologies #Innovation #DeepLearning #aiforfinance #investmentmanagement #wealthmanagement #quantitativeinvesting
Quant /Fintech Lead
4 年The forecasting model appears to pattern past rather than future pricing patterns. Given the nature of predictive analytics and probability of accurate data points, it will Lille be more accurate to predict relational pricing patterns rather than attempting to predict that of a single security (ie. Stock within an index within a sector considering all data points on the price distributions). Would be interesting to see application of your ML model applied in this way...
Senior Manager - Operational Risk: ERM, Compliance, Financial Crimes, HR & Legal
4 年Finally got a chance to read the article, Michael. Great work, for the entire team, on exploring and testing the various strategies. Looking forward to what's in store for 2021.
Customer Success Manager @PODMON
4 年Thanks for sharing
Generative AI solutions | Level 4 clearance |Machine Learning Expert | Deep Learning & AI Enthusiast | Yoga Practitoner
4 年Thx will check it out.