Trademark Registration In India
Expertise In Intellectual Property & Legal Matter
A Trademark is a type of Intellectual Property that protects names and other marks associated with a particular product or company. A trademark can be a wordmark, logo, combination of letters and numerals, shape of goods, packaging, or combination of colors or any combination thereof which identifies products or services of a particular source from others.?
A trademark owner can be an individual, firm, company, society, or any legal entity. A trademark may be located on a package, a label, on an Invoice, or on the product itself.?
An applicant can write TM on the logo/word mark after filing the trademark application. The symbol ? which indicates that the trademark is registered can be used after successful registration of the trademark.
It is common for a business owner to use multiple trademarks for their goods, alongside a shared mark that represents their enterprise, known as a house mark. This helps indicate that the goods originate from the same business, ensuring consistency and reinforcing the brand’s identity. A trademark is valid for 10 years, after that registration has to be renewed for another 10 years.
A trademark is a type of Intellectual Property. A trademark can be any word, phrase, logo, sound, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services.??
The primary purpose of a trademark is to provide brand recognition to consumers. It aims to distinguish goods and services from its competitors and create a brand identity. Trademark registration makes it easy to commercialize or market a product or service with a unique brand identity in line with the market requirements.??
The application for registration of trademark must be made in the prescribed manner and filed along with the fee for trademark registration. Trademark application can be filed at one of the five Trademark Registrar Office having jurisdiction over the State or online. Registration for trademark in India is allowed by the Trademarks Act, 1999. The trademark law is fully governed by this Act.
For Proprietorship firm:
1. Trade License
2. Pan card of Proprietor
3. GST Certificate
4. Power of attorney
5. Affidavit, Invoice, Profit & loss account, Balance sheet (in case of user only).
For Partnership firm:
1. Partnership deed
2. Pan card of Firm
3. Trade License
4. GST Certificate
5. Power of attorney
6. Affidavit, Invoice, Profit & loss account, Balance sheet (in case of user only).
For Company:
1. Incorporation certificate
2. Pan card of authorised signatory
3. Trade License
4. GST Certificate
5. Power of attorney
6. Affidavit, Invoice, Profit & loss account, Balance sheet (in case of user only).
Trademark registration Fee is applicable per class. Trade Registration fee is applicable for goods and services. Trademark Registration fee for individuals, start-ups, single firm, small entities (MSMEs), is Rs 5,000/- (offline), Rs 4500 (online), whereas trademark registration fee for partnership firm, LLP, company, is Rs 10,000/- (offline), Rs 9000 (online). The minimum fee for trademark registration is 4,500/-.
The first step in the trademark registration process is the trademark search. It is unsafe to proceed further without conducting proper trademark search.
After successful search, trademark is filed in the form TM-A, with attached documents like, TM-48, Affidavit, Invoice, MSME certificate etc. and uploading of logo, image. Online trademark registration for brand name and logo is quick and effective. In case of an online filing, acknowledgement receipt with application number is instantly generated on the government portal. After receiving acknowledgement, one is eligible to use TM symbol beside the brand name.
If the basic requirements of the trademark application are complied with like filing of TM-A, power of Attorney, user document, Affidavit, proper fees, translation and transliteration of the mark etc. the status reflects “Formalities check pass”, otherwise the status shows “Formalities check fail”. If status is “check fail”, all the objections to be complied within the prescribed period to keep the application alive.
This stage of application for device mark only. The moment a logo/device/artistic work is filed, same is send to Vienna codification process to be conducted by Trademark Registry. The main purpose of such an exercise is to prevent duplication of the logo/device etc.
In this stage, trademark application is assigned to the examiner, who either issue examination report or accept the application. If the application is accepted, the same is published in the Journal for objection.?
An examination report of a trademark is issued by an Examiner on the following grounds:
Whenever an examination report is issued, appropriate reply to be submitted within one month to keep the application alive.
In this stage, application is kept waiting for hearing. Application which reply are submitted generally show the status “Objected”. The applicant is required to submit Affidavit, user documents etc. before the hearing.??
At the time of hearing, hearing officer will hear the arguments of applicant/attorney/agent and pass necessary orders accordingly.
If the hearing officer accept the trademark application, the status will reflect “Accepted”. After acceptance, the trademark is published in the Trademark Journal published weekly and contains the details of all trademark that has been accepted by the department. The waiting period of a trademark in the Journal is 120 days. During this period, third party can raise objection against a trademark by filing an opposition within the Journal period.
If the hearing officer for any reason, do not accept the application, it is refused and status will reflect “Refused”. There is scope for review of the refusal order before the Registrar of Trademarks if sufficient grounds exist.???
In case, after the advertisement of the trademark in the Journal, a third party files an opposition to the registration of the trademark within the 4 months from the date of advertisement then the trademark status in the Indian trademark registry website will show as ‘Opposed’.
A third party usually files an opposition when there is a similar trademark published in the journal or if the trademark is alleged to be deceptively similar.
The trademark status changes from “Accepted & Advertised” to “Opposed”, after a notice of opposition is filed by an opponent (third party). The notice is served on the applicant which states the ground of opposition on which the opponent rely.
After receiving the notice, applicant is required to file counter statement within 2 months from the date of receipt of the notice of opposition. If no reply is submitted within 2 months by the applicant, the status changes from “Opposed” to “Abandoned”.
The status of a trademark application is reflected as “Withdrawn”, when the applicant voluntarily files an application before the Registrar of Trademarks to withdraw the trademark.
The status of a trademark is reflected as “Removed”, when the Trademark is permanently removed the trademark registry. The removal can be for various reasons like non –renewal of the trademark, non-use of trademark, trademark remaining wrongly in the registry etc.
When the trademark status is reflected as “Registered” it means that the trademark registration certificate is generated. After this, the applicant becomes the registered owner of the trademark and will have the exclusive right to use the trademark. Applicant is also entitled to use the symbol ? next to the trademark.
Under the Trademark Act, 1999 registration is valid for 10 years from the date of application. Before expiry it has to be renewed for another 10 years to remain as registered trademark. If registration is renewed after time penalty is imposed, which is known as “surcharge”.
The Trade Marks Registry was established in India in 1940 and presently it administers the Trade Marks Act, 1999 and the rules thereunder. It acts as a resource and information center and is a facilitator in matters relating to the trademarks in the country. The objective of the Trademarks Act, 1999 is to register trademarks applied for in the country and to provide for better protection of trademark for goods and services and to prevent fraudulent use of the mark. The main function of the Registry is to register trademarks which qualifies for registration under the Act and Rules.
??????????????? Trademark registration gives maximum protection to a brand name, logo and also protects unique font, color combination, get up, trade dress of a product packaging and help to establish one’s prior and superior rights in the trademark.
??????????????? Trademark registration gives identity to a brand and help to earn the customer’s trust and goodwill through its valued products portfolio, ethical business practices and governance. A trademark, properly called, indicates the source or se trademarks serve to identify a particular entity as the source of goods or services. A trademark in this way is known as trademark use. Certain exclusive rights attach to a registered mark. A Trademark is used not only by businesses but also by non- commercial organizations and religions to protect their rights.
??????????????? Trademark rights generally arise out of the use of, or to maintain exclusive rights over, that sign about certain products or services, assuming there are no other trademark objections. Trademark registration is easy if a trademark can distinguish the goods or services of a party, will not confuse consumers about the relationship between one party and another, and will not otherwise deceive consumers concerning the qualities. A trademark may be eligible for registration if it performs the essential trademark function, and has a distinctive character.???
??????????????? A trademark rights must be maintained through actual lawful use of the trademark. These rights will cease if a mark is not actively used for a period of time, normally five years in most jurisdictions. In the case of trademark registration, failure to actively use the mark in the lawful course of trade, or to enforce the registration in the event of infringement, may also expose the registration itself to become liable for an application for the removal from the register after a certain period of time on the grounds of “non-use”. A trademark owner doesn’t need to take enforcement action against all infringement if it can be shown that the owner perceived the infringement to be minor and inconsequential. This is designed to prevent owners from continually being tied up in litigation for fear of cancellation.