Trade Up: How to Move from Just Making Money to Making a Difference
Russ Clemmer
CEO, Podcast Host - Helping owners and their families build a financial legacy for the next generation for the glory of God
In Episode 31 of The 3 Wins Podcast, we sit down with Dean Niewolny, Chairman of the Board at Halftime Institute, an organization that equips leaders for success in their next “season” in life as defined by joy, impact, and balance.
Dean is also a principal at the Atlanta-based consulting firm GXG and the author of the book, “Trade Up: How to Move from Just Making Money to Making a Difference.”???
Before joining the Halftime Institute in 2010, Dean spent 23 years in executive roles with three of Wall Street’s largest financial firms.?
He discusses his journey to becoming the CEO and Chairman of the Halftime Institute, beginning with the “chance” meeting with a pastor who brought him to Christ.?
“My whole life shifted from thinking all about ‘Dean’ to all about, ‘How can I serve others? And how can God use me to serve others?’” Dean said.?
He also deep dives into the idea of finding and following your calling. As Dean puts it: “If you don’t follow your calling, the world is missing out on your contribution because no one has the exact same calling as you.”
Don't miss this episode if you’re a business leader who cares deeply about doing more than just making money!
Watch the full episode here Below are the big takeaways from the episode for easy reference.
Episode Highlights
Here are a few highlights from Episode 31 with Dean Niewolny:
(03:54) In business, we can easily get caught up in the numbers.?
Dean reminds us that one of the most important things we need to track is how much impact we make as a company. He has found that the best way to do this is by keeping a “Book of Days” where—similar to a journal—you write about the challenges you’ve overcome, the growth you’ve experienced, and the goals you’ve set for yourself.
(16:31) “Halftime” does not necessarily equate to “mid-life.”
Instead, it means “season of life.” If you’re feeling smoldering discontent—that you could be using your gifts and talents in a way that has a more significant impact, according to God’s will—maybe you’re looking for significance more than you’re looking only for success.
(22:12) The “journey of the head” is about superficial rewards—money, reputation, power, etc.?
But the “journey of the heart” is a calling to serve others. There is nothing more satisfying than making an impact in someone’s life—and age is irrelevant when it comes to making that impact.
(30:00) Your identity is in Christ, not your title or job.?
Once you’ve realized this, you can better identify your strengths and spiritual gifts and align them with your passion so that you can make a real impact on humanity and God’s Kingdom.
(48:24) If you’re currently at the starting line of your career, shadow someone who has reached your goal.?
Finding a mentor who has been there, done that, and paid the “dumb tax” will accelerate your path to both success and significance.
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The Great 8: A New Paradigm for Leadership, by J. David Harper, Jr., CEO of Legacy Advisory Partners
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