Trade Follows the Flag - Part 1
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, meaning?"fame is fleeting."
Cordell Hull observed that?"trade follows the flag." In other words, the merchant fleet follows in the wake of warships.?
Artillery and naval gunfire, as impressive as they are, are similar to tanks and infantry. Unless their movement is coordinated and includes air power, they are individually useless.?
My U.S. Marine infantry regiment, the 25th Marines, trained four times in live fire exercises in the vast and desolate Mojave Desert of California - at the National Training Center - during my watch. The terms "cleared hot" and "fire for effect" were often heard during this training in FSC, fire support coordination. Turns out that just as occurred during WWII in both the Atlantic and Pacific, Logistical and Financial Support Coordination are just as important. Churchill referred to George C. Marshall, the coordinator all this support, as the "Architect of Victory,"
Fire Support Coordination, Logistical and Financial Support Coordination, thanks to training and education, now occur on the battlefields -of Ukraine.?
In the business of the civilian world, what is learned on the battlefield and in military training exercises is often applied.?Many military officers, upon leaving the service, become corporate CEOs. One such example is that of Army General James M. Gavin becoming CEO of Arthur D. Little after commanding paratroopers during WWII.
It is difficult for those who have never experienced the discipline, resolution, sacrifice and perseverance required of military life, to comprehend its merits. As Mother Teresa said, discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.?
The final essential requirement for success is valor. I’m not tweeting about the superficial "heroism" bandied about everywhere in America today- everywhere and for everything - from soccer games to fleeting financial successes.
Sic transit gloria mundi.?
Tyson, Putin, and Atrocity
Tyson: Everybody’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.?
The liberation of Kherson revealed other atrocities of Putin’s Russian regime. The atrocities at B?cha, Izium, Kherson and Mariupol are reminiscent of the Holocaust unleashed by Hitler - a historical event that resulted in the death of 6 million Jews.
We are reminded of these atrocities by Spielberg’s Schindler’s List:
Spielberg continued:
The horrors of warfare depicted by Spielberg in:
The Pianist:
The sacrifice paid by Americans in liberating Europe is what we are reminded of by Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan.
Wikipedia: Casualties?on?Omaha Beach?were the worst of any of the invasion beaches on D-Day, with 2,400?American casualties.?
Veteran’s Day is a remembrance of our warriors’ sacrifice, just as Remembrance Day is Britain’s way of memorializing the valor and sacrifice of the many officers, men and women of many nations and cultures, who gave everything for the preservation of what is nearest and dearest to all our hearts.
Part 2 - Yogi Berra: It's Deja Vu All Over Again