Trackingplan's Tracks Explorer, Custom Events Backfilling, Revamped Documentation, and more

Trackingplan's Tracks Explorer, Custom Events Backfilling, Revamped Documentation, and more

As another month draws to a close, it's time to introduce a fresh wave of improvements to elevate your tracking game. Let's dive right in!

Product Updates

Introducing Trackingplan's Tracks Explorer

Trackingplan’s Tracks Explorer offers a comprehensive view of all the tracks sent to your servers and analytics providers during the last 7 days to help you compare the track with the values present in the data layer when your events were triggered.

As always, you can learn more in our Changelog.

Custom Events Backfilling: Start Playing From Scratch

Trackingplan allows you to create custom events and metrics to track and validate your events with greater granularity.

Now, Trackingplan directly incorporates pre-existing information within these custom metrics or events, allowing you to instantly view the properties detected over the last 7 days to begin working on existing data right from the beginning!

Learn more about it here.

Trackingplan’s Warning Dashboard

Haven’t you tried Trackingplan’s New Warnings Dashboard yet? It serves as a central hub for managing all your warnings within your analytics providers, helping you proactively monitor them for quick issue resolution. And now, you’ll be able to see your warnings grouped to check if there are more events affected by the same warnings at the same properties!

Learn more here.

Learning Center

Introducing Trackingplan’s Learning Center! Now, you can access our revamped documentation directly from your dashboard.

Whether you have a question, want to explore any feature in-depth, or discover Trackingplan's full potential, our Learning Center is your go-to resource!

Explore it now.

Pro tip

Traffic Peaks are enabled by default. However, you can also disable them throughout your entire tracking plan to then manually activate only those whose increase is deemed as negative.

Learn more about it here.

Inside Trackingplan

What a month! This April comes loaded with events and, at Trackingplan, we'll be there to seize the opportunity to dive deep into the world of digital analytics.

Are we going to see you there in the next upcoming events?

Dive into Experts' Insights

Optimizing the GA4 Data Layer for Better Analytics

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GA4 and Tealium Tag Management for Advanced Data Analytics

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