Tracking your glucose everyday is important! Here's why...

Tracking your glucose everyday is important! Here's why...

Have you been able to track your daily level of Glucose? Do you even think it’s important?

Throughout my fitness journey, the focus has always been on three critical aspects. Nutrition, workouts and sleep. What we eat is who we are! This is why nutrition takes the top spot, followed by workouts and then the recovery period.

Staying active and fit yields better productivity. As we age, which we all inevitably do, it becomes important to monitor one major element of our diet. Sugar.

Silently creeping into our bodies through our diet and stirring up a storm, causing glucose or blood sugar levels to swell and drop beyond control.

Having said that neglecting glucose altogether can be harmful too. Hence, the balance is crucial.

The big question here is, how do we measure glucose all the time. It’s almost next to impossible, isn’t it? How do you know if everything you’re doing for your body is working? Well, it’s possible.

Let me take you through three of the aspects I mentioned earlier, and how glucose in my body has been behaving through nutrition, workouts and rest (Sleep).

But before we jump there, let’s quickly understand the normal blood glucose levels for an adult. For an adult who’s not eaten for eight hours, the normal blood glucose level is less than 100mg/dL and two hours after eating the normalcy numbers range from 90 to 110 mg/dL.


Glucose is the main source of our body’s energy. It literally runs in our veins and glucose is the main sugar found in the blood. I’ll reiterate, the reason why nutrition and what we eat becomes so important. Here is a statistic between yesterday and today and I am proud of how things have shaped. This is because, when I couldn’t monitor stats like these, my eating patterns were variable. Most importantly, it tells me when I can eat. So, the rare binge eating has gone out of the window too.

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Workouts and glucose fluctuations go hand in hand. If you’re performing intense workout activities, your blood sugar levels may temporarily rise after stopping. Typically, physical activity could lower the blood sugar levels for up to 2 4 hours or even more. This makes checking blood sugar levels after an exercise very important. It quantifies your efforts and makes you more aware of how your glucose levels are behaving. Here is what I got post-workout.

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Blood sugar levels spike in our sleep too. That’s right. It does. While we are asleep glucose is released into our bloodstream by the liver. Sleep deprivation can cause an increase in insulin resistance. This is why sleep makes it to my critical list to having good health and in turn becoming very important to track my glucose levels even while I’m asleep. Check this stat I got while asleep.

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Wondering how I got all of these? Was I asking someone to prick me every time I was in the middle of these activities? Ultrahuman did it for me.

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I have been using this little patch for well over a week now and all the statistics you saw were taken from the Ultrahuman app. The patch and the app by Ultrahuman are doing wonders for me. Monitoring intestinal glucose throughout the day means the most accurate glucose stats are a tap away and so is keeping a tab on my metabolic score Fitness is beyond six-pack abs. It’s about knowing whether what you’re doing is rightly working for your body or not. If it isn’t what changes do you make? It’s time you figure it out with Ultrahuman.


