Tracking Fitness Metrics, Tax Strategy & Being a Disciple of your Best Life
Justin David Carl
Sharing Money, Fitness & Life Mastery via Posts, Newsletter, Podcast | Fit Rich Life | High Performance Coach
“Discipline equals freedom.” — Jocko Willink, form NAVY Seal
Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!
Slowly but surely, this brand-makeover is happening! I just announced in episode 46 of the Alchemize Life Podcast that my podcast will be?transforming into the Fit Rich Life Podcast. I discuss in detail some of my reasons for the name-change, what the show will encompass going forward, share some of my favorite supplements I use every day, my favorite productivity tool, my favorite protein bar & more.
BTW: I share my simple framework for Continuously Optimizing Life for Growth so it's worth a listen even if you skip to the end--it's the last thing I talk about before concluding the show.
I also just rebranded my website from "Alchemize Life" to? give it a look & if you find any broken links please drop me a note!
Without further ado, let's proactively build your Fit Rich Life—FRL! Your weekly dose of actionable tips, tools & strategies to alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life to the Next Level.
FITNESS:?Track something for your fitness.
Whether you track your exercise reps/sets, cardio, food, sleep, HRV, RHR, VO2 Max, weight, body fat %, muscle mass, or some other meaningful fitness metric, tracking is the keystone habit that will empower you to steer your fitness in the direction that you want it to go. What gets measured & tracked, gets managed, empowered & manifested. It's impossible to get anywhere if you don't know where you're at or what direction you're going. Never tracked your fitness metrics before? Pick one or two and over the month & years you can layer more tracking metrics on. I easily track every single one of the metrics above without a second thought thanks to technology-empowered habit. I've been tracking all of these fitness metrics for many years but I started with just tracking my food & body weight. I slowly built up to this comprehensive set of metrics.
MONEY:?File for an extension on your taxes & find a good tax accountant.
You likely don't need a reminder to file your taxes as they're due on April 18th, 2023, but just in case here is your reminder. More importantly, it's totally okay to?file for an extension. It's also totally okay to utilize a tax accountant to get your taxes done. I once got 6-years behind on my taxes (long story) and taxes caused me so much stress that I'd freak out every April. Then I finally got an incredible tax accountant who helped me get all caught up on my taxes. She's been doing my taxes for years & now I don't ever stress about my taxes because my tax pro does all the heavy lifting (and saves me massive amounts of money & time). It's been one of the best annual investments I've ever made--emotionally, mentally & financially. My personal opinion is that it pays massive dividends to take the time/energy to find a good independent tax accountant that cares about your tax strategy versus doing it yourself or using one of the big chains like H&R Block. So if you're stressing about your taxes file for an extension & then use the next few months to find a pro who will truly care about empowering your finances with thoughtful tax strategy.
LIFE:?Reframe discipline.
Discipline is one of my top personal values. For many people the word "discipline" causes resistance because it can feel limiting or like it hampers one's freedom (another one of my top personal values). For this reason I used to resist the word discipline & resisted even considering myself disciplined up until I reframed it to meaning "being a disciple of ______." A disciple of anything is devotional & reverent. Now that's something I can get behind. I'm a disciple of my fitness. I'm a disciple of my money. I'm a disciple of my best life.?Just typing that out makes me feel empowered. So if you want to be disciplined in a certain area of your life try becoming a devoted & reverent disciple of that area & witness your personal power unfold.
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Sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!
Your Fitness, Money & Life Coach,
Justin "Dragon" Carl