Track record cod, pollock prices
Atlantic cod and Alaskan pollock prices are at record levels, as shown by data on Undercurrent News' prices portal.
The current delivered China price for headed and gutted (H&G) cod has rocketed close to $6,000 per metric ton, comfortably the highest level since 2011 when our data starts. Norwegian prices are several hundred dollars above Russian, due to concern with buying from the latter due to the war in Ukraine. Click here for the data.
Prices for pin-bone out (PBO) fillets of Alaska pollock are also at their highest ever level and also still rising. Click here for PBO prices, with prices for Russian H&G pollock available here on the portal. US pollock prices are also trading about the Russian level.?
H&G haddock prices are also close to a record level, which you can see by clicking here.?
In addition, we have prices for Icelandic cod, which update daily. Click here for gutted prices, here for ungutted and here for frozen at sea fillets.
Then, you can also track daily prices for cod on auctions in Denmark and Shetland, in the UK, by clicking here and here, respectively.?
Undercurrent also has daily prices for gutted and ungutted Icelandic haddock here and here. The prices portal also has daily prices for Shetland haddock, which you can see here.
See our latest coverage on the record whitefish prices below: