Tracing Spaces ft. Steel Cities
Michael Zinganel
Architecture Historian, Research Artist & Scientist, Co-Founder of
January 11, 18:30 at OC Dornych, Dornych 404/4, 3. floor, Brno (CZ)
A discussion about different approaches to investigate metabolistic networks and ever expanding logistic landscapes in Central and Eastern Europe
with Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel (Tracing Spaces), Kate?ina Frejlachová & Martin ?pi?ák (co-curators of the exhibition "Logistic Landscapes" 2019 and co-editors of the book "Steel Cities" published by VI PER & Park Books 2020), moderated by Jan Kristek
in cooperation with Space for Engaged Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture BUT | Fakulta architektury VUT Brno in the framework of the art and urban research based exhibition
STOP & GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition
While the project "Steel Cities" criticized logistics landscapes and archipelagos as examples of unbearable land consumption, the project "Stop and Go" adds an ethnographic approach, also perceiving these places as temporary habitats of mobilized individuals: The result is a network of transport structures, buildings, vehicles and people, technical and "social" infrastructures, whose work makes our high quality of life in prosperous cities possible in the first place.
The exhibition offers a multi-local walk through ethnographic and cartographic representations (including films) that constantly shift between macro- and micro-political viewpoints, tracing the transformation of everyday life at nodes along selected road corridors connecting the former East and West of Europe.
with contributions by international artists and scholars: No?l Burch | Boris Despodov | Thomas Grabka | Martin Grabner | Michael Hieslmair | Emiliya Karaboeva | Mindaugas Kavaliauskas | Matthias Klos | Vesselina Nikolaeva | Katarzyna Osiecka | Zara Pfeifer | Tarmo Pikner | Maximilian Pramatarov | Rimini Protokoll | SO MAT-Archive | Allan Sekula | Gabriele Sturm | Las Vegas Studio | Tatjana Vukosavljevi? | ?elimir ?ilnik | Michael Zinganel
Curated by Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel
Venue of the exhibition and discussion: OC Dornych, Dornych 404/4, 3. floor, Brno (CZ):
More photos:
Karolína Plá?ková | Viola R?sch | Ruslan Dimov | Daniel Bemberger | Eva Truncová
Graphic design: Pavel Holomek | Translations: Moudry p?eklad
Project support: Lucie Zádrapová | Adéla ?oborová
Supervision: Jan Kristek
MITTWOCH, 11. JANUAR 2023 UM 18:30
Tracing Spaces ft. Steel Cities
OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
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2 von 3 Schritten abgeschlossen
Veranstaltung von Tracing Spaces
OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
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a discussion about different approaches to investigate metabolistic networks and ever expanding logistic landscapes in Central and Eastern Europe
with Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel (Tracing Spaces),
Kate?ina Frejlachová & Martin ?pi?ák (co-curators of the exhibition "Logistic Landscapes" 2019 and co-editors of the book "Steel Cities" published by VI PER & Park Books 2020),
moderated by Jan Kristek
in cooperation with Space for Engaged Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture BUT | Fakulta architektury VUT Brno in the framework of the art and urban research based exhibition
STOP & GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition
While "Steel Cities" criticized logistic landscapes and archipelagos as unbearable land consumption, the project "Stop and Go" adds an ethnographic approach perceiving these places also as a temporary habitat of mobilized individuals: The result is a network of transport structures, buildings, vehicles and people, technical and "social" infrastructures, whose work makes our high quality of life in prosperous cities possible in the first place.
The exhibition offers a multi-local walk through ethnographic and cartographic representations (including films) that constantly shift between macro- and micro-political viewpoints, tracing the transformation of everyday life at nodes along selected road corridors connecting the former East and West of Europe.
with contributions by international artists and scholars
No?l Burch | Boris Despodov | Thomas Grabka | Martin Grabner | Michael Hieslmair | Emiliya Karaboeva | Mindaugas Kavaliauskas | Matthias Klos | Vesselina Nikolaeva | Katarzyna Osiecka | Zara Pfeifer | Tarmo Pikner | Maximilian Pramatarov | Rimini Protokoll | SO MAT-Archive | Allan Sekula | Gabriele Sturm | Las Vegas Studio | Tatjana Vukosavljevi? | ?elimir ?ilnik | Michael Zinganel
Curated by Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel
More photos:
Production: Karolína Plá?ková | Viola R?sch | Ruslan Dimov | Daniel Bemberger | Eva Truncová
Graphic design: Pavel Holomek | Translations: Moudry p?eklad
Project support: Lucie Zádrapová | Adéla ?oborová
Supervision: Jan Kristek
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OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
49,189849, 16,613737
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Meta ? 2023
MITTWOCH, 11. JANUAR 2023 UM 18:30
Tracing Spaces ft. Steel Cities
OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
Mach auf deine Veranstaltung aufmerksam
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2 von 3 Schritten abgeschlossen
Veranstaltung von Tracing Spaces
OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
?ffentlich? · Jeder auf und au?erhalb von Facebook
a discussion about different approaches to investigate metabolistic networks and ever expanding logistic landscapes in Central and Eastern Europe
with Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel (Tracing Spaces),
Kate?ina Frejlachová & Martin ?pi?ák (co-curators of the exhibition "Logistic Landscapes" 2019 and co-editors of the book "Steel Cities" published by VI PER & Park Books 2020),
moderated by Jan Kristek
in cooperation with Space for Engaged Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture BUT | Fakulta architektury VUT Brno in the framework of the art and urban research based exhibition
STOP & GO. Nodes of Transformation and Transition
While "Steel Cities" criticized logistic landscapes and archipelagos as unbearable land consumption, the project "Stop and Go" adds an ethnographic approach perceiving these places also as a temporary habitat of mobilized individuals: The result is a network of transport structures, buildings, vehicles and people, technical and "social" infrastructures, whose work makes our high quality of life in prosperous cities possible in the first place.
The exhibition offers a multi-local walk through ethnographic and cartographic representations (including films) that constantly shift between macro- and micro-political viewpoints, tracing the transformation of everyday life at nodes along selected road corridors connecting the former East and West of Europe.
with contributions by international artists and scholars
No?l Burch | Boris Despodov | Thomas Grabka | Martin Grabner | Michael Hieslmair | Emiliya Karaboeva | Mindaugas Kavaliauskas | Matthias Klos | Vesselina Nikolaeva | Katarzyna Osiecka | Zara Pfeifer | Tarmo Pikner | Maximilian Pramatarov | Rimini Protokoll | SO MAT-Archive | Allan Sekula | Gabriele Sturm | Las Vegas Studio | Tatjana Vukosavljevi? | ?elimir ?ilnik | Michael Zinganel
Curated by Michael Hieslmair & Michael Zinganel
More photos:
Production: Karolína Plá?ková | Viola R?sch | Ruslan Dimov | Daniel Bemberger | Eva Truncová
Graphic design: Pavel Holomek | Translations: Moudry p?eklad
Project support: Lucie Zádrapová | Adéla ?oborová
Supervision: Jan Kristek
Weniger anzeigen
OC Dornych, 3rd floor, Brno
49,189849, 16,613737
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Meta ? 2023