TR 2018/024/BY
Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus
"Means of telecommunication. Safety?
Additional terms and definitions to TR 2018/024/BY
(in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 19, 2005 "On Telecommunications" and the Law of the Republic of Belarus of October 24, 2016 "On Conformity Assessment of Technical Requirements and Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies")
accreditation - official recognition by the accreditation body of the competence of a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or a foreign legal entity in performing conformity assessment work in a certain field of accreditation;
accredited testing laboratory (center) - a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or a foreign legal entity accredited to conduct tests in a certain field of accreditation;
allocation of a radio frequency band, radio frequency channel or radio frequency - permission to use a band of radio frequencies, radio frequency channel or radio frequency, including for the development (modernization), production, operation in the Republic of Belarus of radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices, as well as for the operation of radio electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices imported into the territory of the Republic of Belarus with certain technical devices Characteristics
the applicant for testing is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, a foreign citizen or a stateless person, with the exception of persons who are individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as an individual), or a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus, a foreign or international legal entity (an organization that is not a legal entity) (hereinafter, unless otherwise specified, a legal entity) or an individual entrepreneur who has applied for a legal entity testing; Certification applicant - an individual or legal entity or an individual entrepreneur who has applied for certification of the object of conformity assessment, with the exception of certification of the competence of an individual working for a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur on the basis of an employment or civil law contract (hereinafter referred to as personnel) in performing certain works, providing certain services, or a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who applied for certification of the competence of personnel in performing certain works, providing certain services. At the same time, individuals can be applicants for certification only in cases determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus, or with voluntary certification;
the person accepting the declaration is the manufacturer or authorized by the manufacturer or the seller (supplier) accepting (accepting) the declaration. At the same time, the person accepting the declaration of conformity can only be a legal entity of the Republic of Belarus or an individual entrepreneur registered in the Republic of Belarus;
terminal subscriber device (terminal) - a technical device of the user of telecommunication services, designed to connect to the telecommunication network in order to provide access to telecommunication services;
radio-electronic means - a technical means intended for the transmission and (or) reception of radio waves, consisting of one or more radio transmitting and (or) radio receiving devices and auxiliary equipment;
distribution of radio frequency bands - determination of the purpose of radio frequency bands, which is fixed in the Table of distribution of radio frequency bands between radio services of the Republic of Belarus;
telecommunication network - a technological system that includes telecommunication facilities and telecommunication lines;
telecommunication facilities - technical and software means used to form, process, store, transmit or receive telecommunication messages, as well as other technical and software means used in the provision of telecommunication services or the operation of telecommunication networks;
public telecommunication network - a complex of interoperable telecommunication networks designed to provide telecommunication services to all users of telecommunication services, including the distribution of television and radio broadcasting programs;
network equipment with high availability of the network (HiNA equipment)
- equipment with one or more of the following functions, as the main functions: router, network switch, wireless access point, hub, modem, VoIP phone, video phone (COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No. 1275/2008);
table of distribution of radio frequency bands between radio services of the Republic of Belarus - an official document that establishes the distribution of radio frequency bands between radio services and the conditions for their use, as well as determines the category of radio frequency bands;
product type - a set of homogeneous products of the same name and designation, manufactured according to the same technical documentation and meeting the same requirements (GOST 32809-2014).
telecommunication - a type of communication, which is any radiation, transmission or reception of signs, signals, voice information, written text, images, sounds or other messages over a radio system, wired, optical and other electromagnetic systems.
Questions relating to article 1. "Scope"
In accordance with the scope of application of the technical regulations, built-in means of communication (Wi-Fi-communication modules,fax, Bluetooth, etc.) or terminal devices in which these modules are built-in (TV, washing machine, laptop, etc.) are subject to confirmation of compliance?
In accordance with the scope of application of the technical regulations, terminal devices in terms of embedded communication modules (TV, washing machine, laptop, etc.) are subject to confirmation of compliance.
Telecommunication facilities imported by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs as components, materials for use in their own production (telecommunication modules) if they have documents on conformity assessment of the National Conformity Assessment System of the Republic of Belarus for finished products produced using these components, materials, do not require confirmation of conformity.
In the event that telecommunication modules are placed on the market of the Republic of Belarus for sale on the market of the Republic of Belarus separately from the terminal equipment, in this case confirmation of compliance of the telecommunication module itself is required.
The technical regulations do not apply to the receivers of television and radio broadcasting, but whether the technical regulations apply to the telecommunication facilities built into the receivers of television and radio broadcasting (Wi-Fi. Bluetooth, etc.)?
The technical regulations do not apply to the receivers of television and radio broadcasting only if these receivers do not have Wi-Fi transmitting modules. Bluetooth, etc., that is, in the case when the receivers of television and radio broadcasting work only to receive a signal.
If Wi-Fi telecommunications are built into the receivers of television and radio broadcasting. Bluetooth, etc., such receivers of television and radio broadcasting are subject to assessment of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations.
Conformity assessment shall be carried out in respect of communication facilities built into the final equipment (communication modules), while the functioning of integrated communication facilities in the final equipment (televisions, radios, laptops, wireless keyboards, mice, etc., with respect to embedded communication modules) is evaluated.
Does the technical regulation apply to satellite navigation equipment?
The technical regulations do not apply to satellite navigation equipment in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1 of TR 2018/024 / BY, satellite navigation equipment works only to receive a signal from satellites. Bluetooth, etc.) - satellite navigation equipment - requires confirmation of conformity.
What is the equipment designed for the amateur radio service?
Amateur radio service - a radio service for the purposes of self-improvement, mutual radio communication and technical research carried out by citizens who have permission to do so and are engaged in radio engineering solely out of personal interest, without obtaining material benefits (a technical hobby consisting in conducting radio communications between nonprofessional operators in the radio frequency ranges allocated for this purpose).
The main distinguishing features of the equipment of the amateur radio service are:
-???The equipment of the amateur radio service is stationary with reference to the address and geographical coordinates;
-???For the acquisition and operation of the equipment of the amateur radio service, a permit is required for the manufacture, acquisition, import from abroad and operation of radio transmitting stations;
-???An amateur radio operator goes on the radio air only on the basis of a license (permit) issued to him using the call sign assigned to him.
The rules for issuing permits for the manufacture (acquisition) and operation of amateur transceiver radio stations, the rules of amateur radio communication are established in the regulations - "Amateur and Amateur Satellite Radio Communication Services of the Republic of Belarus", approved by Order No. 76 of the Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus on July 5, 1996.
Do I need proof of conformity for automotive radars operating in the 77 GHz frequency band?
Requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus "Means of telecommunications. Safety" does not apply to automotive radars (subparagraph 10.3 of Annex 2). Also Requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Republic of Belarus "Means of telecommunications. Security" does not apply to embedded telecommunications operating in frequency bands up to 25 MHz and more than 30 GHz.
Questions relating to article 3. "Technical requirements"
Is it required to apply the TPBy mark of conformity to the equipment if it is not a means of telecommunication (washing machine, refrigerator, etc.), but includes communication modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.)?
If, according to its functional purpose, the equipment (washing machine, refrigerator, etc.) is not a means of telecommunication, but at the same time includes communication modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.), the application of the mark of conformity is carried out at the choice of the manufacturer:
-???directly to the equipment and in the operational documentation;
-???on the smallest consumer packaging and in the operational documentation (if it is not possible to affix the mark of conformity directly to the telecommunication equipment);
-???in the operational documentation (in the absence of packaging and the possibility of affixing the conformity mark directly to the telecommunication equipment).
In addition, the operational documentation (technical passport or operating manual) should contain information about the model of the built-in communication module, as well as information specified in paragraph 6 of Article 3 of technical regulations TR 2018/024 / BY, information on confirming the compliance of the telecommunication device (name and number of the document on confirmation of conformity, its validity period and the sign of compliance with the technical regulations).
-???is it required for telecommunication equipment that has passed the procedure for confirming compliance with the list of standards to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 849 of 21.10.2016 to apply the TPBy mark of conformity after 01.01.2019?
Telecommunication equipment that has passed the procedure for confirming compliance with the list of standards to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 849 of 21.10.2016 is not required to apply a trace of conformity to the TRBY. From 01.01.2019, confirmation of compliance of telecommunication facilities is carried out only for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation TR 2018/024 / BY, and, accordingly, the mark of conformity is required to be applied only to products that have passed the procedure for confirming compliance with the technical regulations.
Is it necessary to apply the mark of conformity directly to the communication modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) if they are placed on the market of the Republic of Belarus as independent equipment?
If the design of the communication module does not make it possible to apply the conformity mark directly to the surface of the communication module, is it possible to place the conformity mark on the terminal equipment in which the module is built-in?
In the case of placing communication modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) on the market of the Republic of Belarus as equipment sold separately from the main equipment in which they are used, a sign of compliance with the technical regulations must be applied to the communication module. If the design of the communication module does not make it possible to apply the conformity mark directly to the surface of the communication module, the sign of conformity must be given in the operational documents of the communication module, is applied to the packaging of the communication module or is given in the operational documents of the equipment in which it is used. The size of the conformity mark is not less than 5 mm.
If the communication module is installed in the final equipment, the sign of conformity with the technical regulations is applied directly to the final equipment in the vicinity of the manufacturer's information, as a rule, on its non-removable part, and is also given in the operational documents attached to it.
Is it possible to provide conformity marks as a software function that will automatically display a mark of conformity after the telecommunication equipment is turned on, or through a software function that will allow the end user to select the necessary information?
Requirements for the placement of the conformity mark are established by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 24, 2017 No. 383 "On the description and procedure for applying the conformity mark to the technical regulations of the Republic of Belarus"(question-answer 6).
Additionally, the mark of conformity can be placed in the form of a software function that will automatically display a mark of conformity after turning on the telecommunication equipment, if this equipment (smartphone, laptop, etc.) is equipped with built-in screens (monitors) that, after turning on the telecommunication device, automatically display a mark of conformity or allow the end user to select the necessary information using a software function. operational documents should indicate the availability of such a function and the sequence of user actions for the implementation of this function.
What additional information should accompany the marking and operational documents?
In accordance with the requirements of the technical regulation, the marking and operational documents of telecommunication facilities must be accompanied by the information necessary for identification and use of the telecommunication facilities for their intended purpose. The technical documentation (operating manual, technical passport, etc.) must contain information:
the trademark or name or code of the manufacturer;
product name / model;
designation of the type or type of product;
the values of the main parameters;
climatic version (if necessary);
individual number, if it is assigned to the product;
signs required for the installation and operation of the product (if necessary).
Requirements for operational documents are specified in paragraph 6 of Article 3 of the Technical Regulations.
Additionally, in accordance with the Decree N 64/30/81/47 of August 5, 2019. (MINISTRY OF ANTIMONOPOLY REGULATION AND TRADE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS, MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS of the availability of documents on the availability of documents of the Republic of Belarus
for goods subject to mandatory certification:
-???the presence on the product and (or) on its consumer packaging of the marking with the conformity mark of the National System of Conformity of the Republic of Belarus with an indication in the documents confirming the purchase (receipt) of the goods, and (or) technical passports, and (or) operating instructions, and ( or) other accompanying documentation for a batch of products or attached to each unit of goods - registration number of the certificate of conformity, its validity period, name and address of the certification body that issued the certificate, if this information is not indicated on the product or on its consumer packaging;
-???an indication in the accompanying documents confirming the purchase (receipt) of goods, and (or) technical passports, and (or) operating instructions, and (or) other accompanying documentation for a batch of products or attached to each unit of goods for each product name of the registration number the certificate of conformity, its validity period, the name and address of the certification body that issued the certificate, if this information is not indicated on the product or its consumer packaging;
for goods subject to declaration of conformity:
-???an indication in the accompanying documents confirming the purchase (receipt) of goods, and (or) technical passports, and (or) operating instructions, and (or) other accompanying documentation for a batch of products or attached to each unit of goods for each product name, registration number the declaration of conformity, the date of its registration, the name and address of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur that accepted the declaration of conformity;
-???the presence of marking on the product and (or) its consumer packaging indicating the registration number of the declaration of conformity, the date of its registration, the name and address of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur that accepted the declaration of conformity.
Questions relating to article 5. "Schemes for confirming the compliance of telecommunication facilities with technical requirements"
Schemes 1d and 2d are not used when declaring the conformity of radio-electronic means, but is it possible to apply these schemes for wired telecommunication facilities specified in Annex 2 of the technical regulations?
When declaring the conformity of wired telecommunication facilities specified in paragraphs 1-5 of Annex 2 of the technical regulations, schemes for declaring conformity 1d and 2d may be applied. When declaring conformity (1d, 2d), by decision of the certification body, test reports of products of the manufacturer's own accredited testing laboratory (center) can be accepted as evidentiary materials. Please note that in the case of a combination of wired communication modules with wireless communication modules in one final product (for example, a printer or MFP with built-in fax and - modules), the declaration can be carried out only according to the schemes 3d, 4d and 6d.
After 01.01.2019, can previously issued declarations of conformity for communication modules be the basis for not confirming the compliance of identical communication modules as part of the terminal equipment, if there is a declaration from the manufacturer that communication modules are installed in the terminal products, the compliance of which has already been confirmed?
Declarations of conformity issued for communication modules before 01.01.2019 apply exclusively to communication modules supplied for placement on the market of the Republic of Belarus and are valid for the entire period of validity of the declaration.
Declarations of conformity issued for communication modules before 01.01.2019 do not apply to final products in terms of embedded communication modules, to confirm the conformity of final products, communication modules must be tested as part of the final product.
Do retests and proof of conformity are required for communications as part of the final product when the software version changes?
When changing the version(s) of the terminal equipment software that do not make changes to the software of the embedded communication modules, repeated tests and confirmation of the conformity of the final products in terms of embedded communication modules are not required. The applicant for confirmation of conformity must have evidentiary materials confirming the compliance of products with the requirements of the technical regulations (test reports conducted by accredited testing laboratories of the Republic of Belarus) and the manufacturer's declaration that there are no changes in the software of the built-in telecommunication modules.
In the event of changes to the software of the embedded communication modules, repeated tests of the final product in the part of the embedded communication modules are required using new (new) versions of the software.
When assessing the conformity of a device with respect to embedded communication modules, is it necessary to provide test reports for an end device with embedded communication modules according to safety and EMC standards?
When assessing the conformity of the device in relation to built-in communication modules, it is required to provide test reports of the end device tested with all possible combinations of communication modules according to safety standards (GOST IEC 60950, GOST IEC 60065, GOST IEC 62368, GOST IEC 62479) and EMS (STB ETSI EN 301 489, STB 2317, GOST 32134 or GOST R 52459 in the part applicable to specific equipment).
If the conformity assessment of the end device, with all possible combinations of communication modules, was carried out as part of the confirmation of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations TR EAC 004/2011 and / or TR EAC 020/2011, instead of test reports, valid registered certificates / declarations of the EAC (TR EAC 004/2011 and / or TR EAC 020/2011) certified by the seal of the certification body / person accepting the declaration of conformity can be provided.
Article 4 of the technical regulation states that confirmation of the conformity of the means of telecommunication specified in Annex 2 (declaration) can be carried out in the form of mandatory certification, could you explain the main differences between the forms of conformity assessment (certification and declaration)?
Paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Technical Regulation gives the applicant the right to choose the form of conformity assessment (certification or declaration) to confirm conformity. Below see the comparative table (Table 1.) of the forms of conformity for serially produced telecommunication facilities (1c and 3d).
Table 1. Forms of conformity assessment (serial issue).
What documents should the applicant provide for certification/declaration?
To the application for certification / declaration of products, the applicant attaches the documents specified in Table 2.
Table 2. Attached documents.
Please note that radio-electronic means of communication must work in dedicated radio frequency bands with regulated parameters in accordance with the decisions of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus.
Can the compliance of the device in the model name of which there are asterisks (*) in place of which there may be a letter or numeric designation of the changed parameters of the device?
It is not recommended to confirm the compliance of devices in the name of models with asterisks (*). The exceptions are models where only the part of the name related to marketing is indicated by asterisks, for example, the country of delivery, color, etc., while the technical documentation (paragraph 1 of Table 2, answer 12) should contain a decoding of the designations for each asterisk (*).
Questions related to testing, choosing a representative from a group of models and providing samples for testing
How is the selection of a typical representative from a product group carried out to confirm compliance and test telecommunication facilities?
The choice of a typical representative from a group of products of the same type (a group of end products of the same name, purpose and application, for example, televisions or refrigerators, or printing devices), to confirm compliance, is carried out on the basis of:
-????identical purpose of devices from one manufacturer (TV, refrigerator, printer or MFP, etc.);
-????identical functionality of devices (LED, OLED, PLASMA, LCD, inkjet printer or MFP, laser printer or laser MFP, etc.);
-????the presence of the maximum set of functions of the end device (for example, for MFP - printer, scanner, copier, monitor, etc.);
-????availability of identical names of built-in telecommunication modules;
-????an identical version of the pre-installed software for identical communication modules installed in a group of devices (products) of the same type.
Who selects a typical representative from a product group (certification body or manufacturer)?
The choice of a typical representative from a product group is carried out by the manufacturer of the product and sends to the certification body a declaration justifying the choice of a typical representative from the product group, to confirm compliance and conduct tests. The declaration must contain:
-????criteria and justifications for choosing a product group;
-????criteria and justifications for choosing a typical representative from a product group.
Together with the declaration on the justification for the choice of a typical representative from the product group, technical documentation for each model from the product group must follow (paragraph 1 of Table 2, answer 12).
The selection of samples for testing is carried out by representatives of the certification bodies of the Republic of Belarus (representatives of the accredited laboratory of the certification body).
In what cases is it required to test products in accredited laboratories of the Republic of Belarus?
Mandatory product testing in accredited laboratories of the Republic of Belarus is required:
-???when certifying telecommunication devices (Appendix 1 of the technical regulation) according to schemes - 1s, 3s, 4s conformity confirmation system of the Republic of Belarus);
-???when declaring telecommunication devices (Appendix 2 of the technical regulation) according to schemes - 3d and 4d. (when declaring devices according to schemes 1d and 2d only for wired telecommunication devices specified in paragraphs 1-5 of Appendix 2 and according to scheme 6d (provided that the manufacturer has a quality management system certified in the National Conformity Attestation System of the Republic of Belarus), test reports may be accepted in the manufacturer's own accredited testing laboratory).
To test a product sample with built-in communication modules, do you need to submit for testing the final products in which communication modules are built-in (for example, a laptop) or are the communication modules themselves enough without the product?
To test a sample of products with built-in communication modules, it is necessary to provide a sample (samples) of the final equipment with built-in communication modules (for example, a laptop).
To test a large-sized sample of products with built-in communication modules, is it necessary to transfer for testing the final products in which the communication modules are built (for example, a tractor or a car) or are only communication modules enough without a product in which these communication modules are built?
To test a large-sized sample of products with built-in communication modules, it is necessary to provide a sample (samples) of modular blocks of the final product in which communication modules are built-in, with a device for connecting to the power supply and with test auxiliary equipment that provides connection and control of the module, as well as software software for activation and control of the communication module. If it is impossible to provide a sample (samples) of modular units (electronic units), it is required to provide communication modules with a device for connecting to the power supply and with test auxiliary equipment that provides connection and control of the module, as well as software for activation and control of the communication module. In the case of tests of the built-in communication modules from the manufacturer / manufacturer, an additional declaration of conformity of products with the built-in communication module to the technical requirements of TR 2018/024 / BY (article 3) will be required. The declaration must reflect and justify technical solutions for the placement and operation of the communication module in the final product, taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 2 - 4 of Article 3 of the technical regulation.
If more than one communication module with identical technical characteristics (for example, 802.11abgn / ac + Bluetooth) can be used in the final product (for example, a laptop or TV) and the product may be supplied to the Republic of Belarus with different communication modules, what equipment is required to provide tests?
In this case, everything depends on the design of the final product and the communication module.
If the communication module and the final product are designed in such a way that the module can be replaced in the laboratory with another module with identical technical characteristics without the need to interfere with the microcircuits of the final product (for example, the module can be inserted into an existing interface, connector) and the case of the final product provides for the possibility of For this operation (a collapsible case or a case with a window for replacing a module, or an external connector for connecting a module) - in this case, for testing, it is sufficient to provide one final product (for example, a laptop) and all variants of communication modules with identical technical characteristics and interfaces. The final product must be tested with all built-in communication modules with which it can be placed on the market of the Republic of Belarus.
If the case of the final product does not provide for the possibility of replacing the communication module in the laboratory, or for testing it is necessary to interfere with the microcircuits of the final product (soldering, etc.) - in this case, for testing, it is required to provide all versions of the final products with built-in communication modules. In this case, the samples should be equipped with SMA connectors connected to the wireless communication modules for connecting an external antennAnswer For GSM communication modules, slots for installing a test SIM card must be provided (devices with electronic E-SIM cards are not tested).
?In any case, all possible combinations of communication modules in the final product must be tested.
Are there general requirements for samples of radio-electronic equipment for testing?
As a rule, the requirements for samples for testing radio-electronic equipment may differ depending on the purpose of the equipment, the communication technologies used, the operating conditions, therefore, we recommend in each case to contact the representatives of the accredited testing laboratories of the Republic of Belarus to clarify the requirements.
General requirements:
For testing, it is required to provide the final product with built-in communication modules (for example, a laptop), in the case of large overall dimensions of the final product, modular blocks of the final product (electronic part) are provided for testing, in the case of large overall dimensions of the modular units of the final product (electronic parts) for testing, a decision can be made to provide built-in radio communication modules with test auxiliary equipment that provides connection and control of the module, as well as software that allows you to activate and control the communication module. On samples, without fail, technical markings must be applied to enable identification of the model, serial number, trademark of the manufacturer of the tested sample and model, serial number, trademark of the manufacturer of the built-in communication module.
In general, samples should be supplied with:
- all accessories necessary for the device to operate in standard mode in a terminal product with the ability to connect them, antennas (antenna units, intelligent antenna systems), power cables (including antenna power cables), power supplies (if necessary), wire communication cables for connections of external devices, antenna cables, other electronic equipment connected to the device (in agreement with the testing laboratory), in this case, a technical manual for connecting and putting the device into operating modes should be attached (it is desirable that the manufacturer of the device has a technical support service in the Republic of Belarus).
- the minimum configuration of the wireless communication module under test must include a connector (s) connected to the SMA module for connecting an external antenna, indicating the characteristics of an external antenna, while a technical manual for connecting and putting the device into operating modes must be attached (it is desirable that the manufacturer of the device has technical support service in the Republic of Belarus)
The combination of radio modules in a final product (integration of several radio modules into one product) requires a careful assessment of compliance with the basic requirements of the technical regulation in relation to electromagnetic compatibility. For example, a signal from a radio transmitter can create harmonic interference in other parts of the product's microcircuits and generate intermodulation products (as a result, new spectrum components appear that noise the received signal) with other sources of radio waves. These can be both local generators of radio receivers and radio frequency generators of radio transmitters.
Therefore, in addition to testing according to radio communication standards, the end product must be tested according to EMC standards (parts of GOST ETSI EN 301 489, regulating the requirements for specific radio electronic communications).
Table 3. Tests.
Are additional technical documents required for testing, in an attachment to a sample of electronic communications equipment?
For testing, the manufacturer must provide information on the type of equipment to which it belongs (stand-alone, combined or MR equipment). For a preliminary assessment of the equipment, it is necessary to submit the documents specified in paragraph 1 of Table 2, question 12 and the technical manual for connecting and putting the device into operating modes. Also, for 5 GHz wireless access equipment (WAS), including RLAN equipment, it is necessary to provide an application form for testing in accordance with Appendix G of the ETSI EN 301 893 V2.1.1 standard (2017-05) or the information requirements for which are imposed by subparagraph 5.4.1 of the ETSI EN standard 301 893 V2.1.1 (2017-05), for wireless access equipment 2,400 MHz - 2,483.5 MHz, an application form for testing in accordance with Appendix E of ETSI EN 300 328 V2.1.1 (2016-11) or information requirements for which are presented by subparagraph 5.4.1 of the ETSI EN 300 328 V2.1.1 (2016-11) standard.
If you have additional questions, we suggest sending them by e-mail: [email protected]
And also visit the page of our website related to the confirmation of the conformity of communication facilities in the Republic of Belarus: