TQI QuickBits: Quantum Ready or Not...
The Quantum Insider
Making Quantum Technology accessible through media, news, insights and data
Welcome to another issue of QuickBits -- a weekly recap of news and events in the quantasphere.
This week, we'll look at growing interest in quantum from some of the biggest tech companies in the world, as well as major research advances from current company leaders.
NVIDIA, one of NASDAQ's best performing companies, for example, reported on its latest quantum-oriented products.
Quantonation, a pioneer investor in the quantum space, announced it nearly doubled its expected fund raise, pulling together a €91 million fund. The team expected to raise about €50 million. BosonQ also reported a fund raise, pulling in $525,000 in pre-seed monies.
Read on for more about what the quantum community is thinking about, hoping for... and worrying about. Remember, for a full list of this week's news and insights, sign up for?The Quantum Insider newsletter?and please share with your friends
Quantum Snapshot
Who is using quantum? Who is thinking about using quantum? The list of companies exploring quantum is vaster than you might surmise -- and growing bigger each day.
The Quantum Insider Intelligence Platform lists over a hundred -- and growing -- companies that are quantum-ready and quantum-getting-ready.
Quantum Quotes
From startups in stealth to acknowledged global leaders in tech, quantum is beginning to enter regular conversations about how the power of quantum might change the future.
Scientific breakthroughs can occur in the near term with hybrid solutions combining classical computing and quantum computing. QODA will revolutionize quantum computing by giving developers a powerful and productive programming model. -- Tim Costa, director of HPC and Quantum Computing Products, NVIDIA in The Quantum Insider.
Karina Robinson said that organizations need understand the importance of quantum technology and how it will shape the future. In FT, she asks: Is your board quantum ready?
Consortiums of private sector companies, government quantum agencies and quantum computing firms are working together in a number of fields, and across borders to explore the threats and opportunities of the quantum revolution. StarTrek-like teleportation and parallel universes may not be here yet. But real value in real time is. The only mistake for corporate boards is to do nothing. -- Karina Robinson in the Financial Times
Quick Look at Quantum News
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Fantastic as always Matt Swayne