TPLF - Part II

PPLF ProsPerity without Liability Front

( a piece of my mind)

I present this with a perspective that the ultimate price paid for freedom is life. In honor of the countless lives lost, being lost and yet to be lost to protect their and others’ natural rights. One life lost to injustice is one too many, many lives lost to protect one reflects a high moral bar.

TPLF remains entrenched in its juvenile ways. The recent developments, following the Pretoria agreement, ?should be enough for the Tigrayan people and their allies to see how futile the shapeshifting party – and more generally – political elites across Africa are to their own people. As a self-centered and obstinate child, TPLF along with PP, on behalf of masters of mankind is skillfully manipulating events, inching dangerously closer to concealing the genocide inflicted upon the very people it claims to represent. At this point, I don’t blame the Child. I do, however, wonder about the parents ( the Tigrayan people) and their values. Will they relinquish their grip on the high moral bar? This child, like most children in a candy store, seems lost and is unable to tell the difference between the cost of freedom candy and a freedom-coated candy. In its mind, more than a million lives are enough to buy imported freedom-coated candy, but not enough for a locally-made dark freedomish candy. The difference is the core. ?

TPLF is to Tigray, what the current, the know-it-all prophet PP is to Ethiopia. Putting their differences (not sure if there were any) aside, they have formed PPLF ProsPerity without Liability Front. If you look closely at this drama of errors, both are dressing up in the same wardrobes to auction off a valuable, visually stunning, complex , mesmerizing antique – a masterpiece of civilization – Ethiopia. ????????????????

The Auction.

PPLF: We will take anything for this valuable art; our people are desperate. We have dug them a deep hole that is ever sinking. Millions dead - atrociously murdered; hundreds of thousands of women, young children and boys raped and humiliated. ?People are in shock, hungry, dazed and disoriented. They will take anything.

Look – this is freshly painted canvas – the bloody paint is barely dry. It truly is a testimony to human cruelty and heinousness with a sparkle of cynical and self-righteous elites on the boundaries.

Do we have a bidder?

The White West and Allies: We are willing to pay in Neoliberal policies; economic reform that causes significant human waste. Our package will bring modernization and economic growth, but at the cost of increased inequality and the potential erosion of social safety nets.

PPLF: The White West and Allies going once! Going twice! Going …

“We have another bidder” yells an ex-TPLF, looking over his shoulder.

The Arabs and Allies: Neoliberal policies; economic reform with significant human waste. As well as oil pipelines erected on your land. This package comes with a lifelong servitude of your women and children to our dignified families. After all, that is what you deserve. We offer economic ties and investment, but your people will be beholden to our interests, with little regard for their rights and dignity.

The Arabs and Allies going once!Going twice! Going th…

“We have another bidder!” yells the puppet looking up at his master.

The Chinese and Russians: we will help you fight for freedom. We know what works for our people but we don’t know what works for you. Are you even human? We may give you money. We may give you weapons. You can kill each other until you get bored. It doesn’t matter! You can pay us back at some point. Just be on our side. If it seems too much for us to engage, we will quit. Take it or leave it. Our support is conditional and opportunistic; we seek strategic alliances but have little concern for your long-term well-being.

PPLF: ?well

“We have a bidder”, screams a young general hoisting his smoking gun after gunning down a few innocent children.

The White West and Allies: Our package includes; free market, privatization, deregulation, fiscal austerity, limited government intervention, individualism, property rights, monetary policies that benefit our stakeholders. And absolutely your People … wink.

PPLF: The White West and Allies going once, going twice,

Do we have any other bidder? Asks a curious cadre, tightening his belt after just being done raping a young woman. China, Russia ? Anybody ? Anybody?

After a long silence, the leader of PPLF gets off his high horse on high hills and bangs the lectern with a gavel made of fake gold and hollers ....

“We have a winner!!!” he screams peering through a window into a dark and treacherous abyss where the women and children ravaged by injustice clap with their elbow – hands cut clean by the merciless politics.

The White West and Allies. He continues… Please help us welcome, the White West and Allies; the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, Organization for Economic Co-operation, and Development (OECD), the UN, the AU, the EU, approved Think Thanks and Multinational Corporations, as well as all local and international agencies – that have no means or backbone to withstand pressure of the West – to the podium.

Congratulations!!!! You are now the owners of Ethiopia. Our prosperity is at your mercy. Ethiopians please, kiss your freedom goodbye and welcome to the new age – where quality of life is inversely proportional to effort. A world where external forces dictate the course of the nation, and the aspirations of its people remain unfulfilled.

After the Auction

I want to bring your attention to the post-auction activities. As the TPLF callously shifts its color without concern for the sky, the entirety of Ethiopia stands on the precipice of losing their most fundamental liberties. The Pretoria agreement is likely to be followed by political reforms that favor neoliberal policies, potentially leading to a more severe crisis. This can be easily predicted using the Disaster Capitalism framework, carefully studied by Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and like-minded individuals. In summary, Disaster Capitalism refers to the exploitation of crises or disasters by powerful economic and political forces to push through radical neoliberal policies that they would otherwise be unable to implement under normal circumstances.

The entire nation of Ethiopia is now in shock, and what will likely follow is Shock Therapy. Unlike other examples, the shock in this case is self-inflicted. If the White West and its allies had good intentions (i.e., genuine concern for the people of Ethiopia), they would have intervened two years ago – during the onset of the civil crisis. Instead, they refrained, allowing the shock to set in and spread so that they could send Shock Therapists.

Shock therapy is an economic policy that calls for the rapid implementation of market-oriented reforms (Naomi Klein). Below are a few examples. Refer to the attached references for more reading.

  • Chile: Following the 1973 coup that brought General Augusto Pinochet to power, Chile underwent a radical economic transformation guided by the "Chicago Boys," a group of Chilean economists trained at the University of Chicago. They implemented rapid market-oriented reforms, which led to a rise in inequality and social unrest. ["The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability" by Peter Kornbluh]
  • Russia: After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia underwent a period of shock therapy in the 1990s under the guidance of Western economists and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These reforms led to the rapid privatization of state assets, resulting in a few oligarchs amassing enormous wealth while the general population experienced economic hardship.["Russia's Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed" by Anders ?slund]
  • Poland: In the early 1990s, Poland implemented shock therapy reforms, including rapid privatization and market liberalization. While these policies led to economic growth, they also resulted in increased inequality and social unrest. [Poland's Jump to the Market Economy" by Jeffrey Sachs]
  • Argentina: In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Argentina experienced several economic crises and implemented neoliberal policies, including privatization, deregulation, and austerity measures. These policies contributed to the country's 2001 economic collapse. [And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out): Wall Street, the IMF, and the Bankrupting of Argentina" by Paul Blustein]
  • Iraq: Following the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, Iraq underwent a process of rapid privatization and market liberalization, which Klein argues was a form of disaster capitalism. The chaotic post-invasion environment allowed for the implementation of radical economic policies that might not have been accepted under normal circumstances. [“The Struggle for Democracy in Bolivia" by Herbert S. Klein and John Crabtree]
  • Greece: During the European debt crisis, Greece was forced to implement harsh austerity measures and neoliberal reforms as a condition for receiving bailouts from the European Union and the IMF. This situation led to widespread social unrest and economic hardship. [Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World" by Adam Tooze]
  • New Orleans, United States: In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the city of New Orleans experienced a form of disaster capitalism, with public services like education and housing being privatized and deregulated in the name of recovery and reconstruction. ["The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" by Naomi Klein]
  • Puerto Rico: After Hurricane Maria devastated the island in 2017, Puerto Rico saw an increase in privatization efforts and austerity measures, which many argue constitute disaster capitalism. [The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists" by Naomi Klein]
  • ?Ethiopia: After a two-year long genocidal war that claimed millions of lives, Ethiopia saw an increase in privatization efforts and austerity measures, ….. [Yet-to-be written book, by an author not affiliated with PPLF]

The Therapy

Now that the auction is over, the therapists are busy preparing to implement a series of economic policies under the cover of “pulling Ethiopians from the deep hole”. PPLF will enable this. After all, PPLF, with its arrogance and savior complexity is the one that dug the hole. The stakeholders are forever grateful.

The multistage therapy goes as follows:

Stabilization: The first step in shock therapy is to stabilize the economy by addressing immediate issues such as hyperinflation or currency devaluation. This often involves tightening monetary policy by raising interest rates, controlling the money supply, and implementing fiscal policies that reduce budget deficits, such as cutting government spending or increasing taxes.

Liberalization: The next step is to liberalize the economy by removing barriers to trade and investment, deregulating markets, and eliminating price controls. This allows for greater competition and encourages the efficient allocation of resources, fostering economic growth.

Privatization: Governments often privatize state-owned enterprises to reduce the burden on public finances and improve efficiency. By transferring ownership to private entities, the government aims to promote competition and attract investment, which can lead to increased productivity and economic growth.

Legal and institutional reforms: In parallel with the steps, governments may also implement legal and institutional reforms to create a favorable environment for businesses and investors. This can include strengthening the rule of law, protecting property rights, and improving the transparency and accountability of government institutions.

Read some of the articles below to see the tale-tale signs of the therapists in action.



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