toyota refuses to fix rotting frames
Toyota says 'the frame on the Tundra prematurely rotting was a 'Safety Campaign 'replacement not a govt sponsored recall.. I am the second owner. I bought a Tundra based on its ability to run for many years ..Tundra runs great but what good is it when the frame breaks at a pothole or just running down the road. I i lose steering and there is a Mini Van full of kids in front of me . who do you say SORRY TOO
THE Toyota Tundra issue is a a Safety Campaign but I have to ask whose Safety . Not yours ,not mine its Toyota Safety Campaign to keep them from being sued. I hear that a class action suit was won on this issue in Philadelphia vs Toyota but my year and model truck was not included.
I filed a claim with NHTSA National highway and traffic safety 30 days ago . I haven't heard back from them
I called Toyota many times and got the ice cold shoulder.
So far i have over 11,000 people reading these posts keep it going as I give the number of reacts to this to Toyota every monday am'''' they hate it