Toy Subscription Services: An Introduction
A few decades back, the idea of renting a toy for kids seemed so far-fetched. Who would want to let their young one play with a toy that has gone through the hands of another boy or girl??
No one, of course!!! Or so people thought.?
Now, toy rentals belong to the top five product categories (alongside lifestyle, pets, beauty, and food)? in the subscription services industry. That means more and more parents are renting toys instead of buying them. This is INSANE. So, do you want to know what this entire buzz is about? Read on!
A New Business Model for A New Generation
The thing with business is that it constantly evolves. Much like Mystique from the X-Men. And since most first-time parents today are #millenials, new business models bloomed to accommodate the needs of this generation. OUR generation.
What makes us millennial parents unique? Well, we:
The subscription business model hits the bull’s eye perfectly. Subscribing to a rental service takes just a few minutes on your smartphone. We don’t have to go through the hassle of driving to a physical store, spending precious hours that we can never take back.?
And the stress from the clutter of extra toys at home? Gone! You need not worry about storage space. Toy rental services make sure that you only have what your child wants at a given time.?
Paving the Way to Sustainable Living
Hey, if you think sustainability revolves around using paper straws and going vegan, then you might be surprised. You can also practice this lifestyle by renting instead of buying.?
Take a look at your little one’s stuff. By now, you’ve probably collected a shelf full of toys that have been untouched for so long. As they gather dust, you can’t help but think… these toys can make another kid happy.
Renting toys allows you to keep the joy moving from one child to the next. That’s why toy rental services are dream come true for all sustainability advocates - Millenials or otherwise.?
Getting Your Money’s Worth
Imagine having to buy a toy every couple of months for your growing kid. Toys that will get ignored in no time.? Tsk tsk, talk about a waste of money!?
So why buy brand new toys when you can just rent them? This alternative makes sure that every cent you spend is worth it. Toy subscription services give your child a CHANCE to enjoy a wide variety of toys without you having to break your bank. Looks like a win-win situation.
Last Few Points to Ponder
Toy rentals are here to stay. And if you haven’t tried it yet, maybe you should!?
There are a lot of toy rental services out there, waiting to be discovered. Just like our Tribu - a Berlin-based toy rental company built by parents for parents.
Fenyo, K., & Mitchell, A. (2019, September 25). Sizing Up The Subscription E-Commerce Market. Fuel, A McKinsey Company. Retrieved August 12, 2022, from
Petro, G. (2019, August 12). Why Subscription Boxes Are Here to Stay. Forbes. Retrieved August 10, 2022, from
Raskin, R., & Watson, C. (2020, April 2). Why subscription boxes could do well during the pandemic. Kidscreen. Retrieved August 12, 2022, from
Subscription Services: The Future Of The Toy Industry. (2021, January 5). The Money Gig. Retrieved August 12, 2022, from