Toxins cause illness especially in our working environment, water we drink and food we consume. Working on a mine? Then this article is just for you.

Toxins cause illness especially in our working environment, water we drink and food we consume. Working on a mine? Then this article is just for you.

To order today on our discounted price please follow my link after reading our article ( The information below could change the way you feel daily.

Most people today don’t realize what the effects of toxins and heavy metals are on our health. Heavy metals, chemicals and fungi pervade our lives from infancy to the grave. Our lives are affected

literally from A to Z – from Autism to Zygomycosis and just about everything in between. REWIND’s route of administration is via daily atomised spray making it also suitable for young children.


REWIND is a specific Zeolite (Clinoptilolite) which is recognised by FDA as GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) Mega doses are nontoxic.


REWIND is a micronized, nanoparticle sized clinoptilolite utilizing Tomolite Nano Technology. This material has a number of exceptional qualities making it the first choice in detoxification from heavy metals and other exogenous substances. This crystalline material typically has a three-dimensional atomic structure that looks like a microscopic triangle or pyramid. The miniscule structure of REWIND could be likened to a honeycomb or sponge.

This structure results in an exceptionally high surface area. It is this astronomical surface area that is the means by which toxins are removed as REWIND does not reside in the body but is expelled usually within about 6 hours.


The key to the effectiveness of REWIND as a toxin removal system lies in the natural forces of polarity otherwise known as positive and negative which result in a Cationic exchange. REWIND carries a negative charge. By and large the heavy metals are positively charged and very often reside in the brain where they are responsible for cognitive disruptions. Due to the micro nanoparticle sized colloids, REWIND particles are evenly dispersed in purified water and are dispersed to all parts of the body in plasma and are able to enter the body’s cells. The negatively charged particles attract the positive toxins which are adsorbed into and onto the cage like structure of the REWIND particles from where they are expelled from the body mainly in the urine and faeces.


While there is no upper intake limit, it is suggested that a single spray should be administered initially in the morning. This can be increased to two sprays per day within a few days (one in the morning and 1 in the evening) thereafter systematically increase to 5 sprays per day (3 in the morning and 2 in the evening) Drink copious quantities of water.


Especially with young and autistic children fluid intake (water and other drinks) can increase quite markedly. This is the bodies means of expelling the toxins. A number of detox symptoms might be observed, such as pimples – which should not last longer than a few days. Headaches – subtle eye colour changes and perhaps in older people various aches and pains which are transitory. To mitigate the symptoms, it is advisable to lower the dose for a day or two and then increase slowly again or to stop administering for a few days.


It is expected that in the case of people who have a large toxic build up, results should be fairly rapid. We have seen remarkable results with autistic children who soon manifest positive behavioural changes such as initiating eye contact, increased vocabulary and many other positives. Young children often react more rapidly than adults as their toxin build up is usually relatively higher per body weight mass than adults. Adults might not react as markedly but should nevertheless build up to 5 sprays per day. The effects might not be as easily discernible at first as with children, but the health benefits will be ongoing.

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