Toxin Overload? 7 Ways To Detoxify
The Immune System's Response To Toxins

Toxin Overload? 7 Ways To Detoxify

?“The body only wants to heal. It is crying out to heal. It wants to naturally detoxify and only the body can detoxify itself — provided there’s no toxicity coming in.” Jason Vale, Hungry for Change

As a regular reader, you'll hopefully know that chronic inflammation underlies all chronic illnesses. Simply put, inflammation is your immune system's reaction to foreign or alien "intruders" - aka toxins. It is also a response to a perceived threat (aka chronic stress) and deficiency of essential cell fuels. Many can experience a reduction in inflammation, and thus a reduction or eradication of symptoms, simply by switching to an anti-inflammatory diet.

Isn't that interesting? What are most of us eating? Why are most consuming inflammatory foods? This must mean there is something seriously wrong with the food supply. (I elaborate on that in detail in The Vitality Secret.)

It stands to reason, does it not, that the best thing we can do, to bring down our markers of inflammation (testing is preferable), is to detoxify the body - in every way, shape, and form.

What is a toxin? Simply: that which is not in alignment with Nature. One of the fastest ways we have to reduce inflammation is by detoxifying the body. This is best when accompanied with testing, to determine the main stressors (by way of toxins) on the body, such as with bioresonance, looked at previously.

Excepted from The Vitality Code

Sad fact: We live in an increasingly toxic world. And we, the human species, are doing this. It is understood on a simplified level, in holistic health, that all disease is a result of too many toxins, along with unresolved trauma and deficiency of cell fuels. Here we will look at:

  • Stepping out of the way
  • Where toxins come from
  • How to reduce or eliminate them or exposure to them
  • Their role in chronic inflammation

I see healing as stepping out of the way. We’re the ones who prevent the body from healing itself — across the four pillars. In this first section of the chapter, we will address what might be causing toxicity in your body. Then in the following three sections, we’ll explore detoxification.

A couple of years ago, I interviewed a friend of mine, Krisstina Wise, who runs a company that helps you to balance health with wealth. Like everyone who works in holistic health, she has her own story of near-on miraculous healing after her brain almost shut down. She also witnessed her father pass from cancer after following the conventional route, when she knew from her own research that there were superior, non-toxic, and effective options. Her own story is moving.

She was going about her days as usual and delivered a keynote speech to an audience at a property event. This was her career at the time. After the talk, she fainted. Her mental health took a turn for the worse, and she started to make no sense to her husband who, as you might imagine, was petrified to witness what was happening to his wife. With numerous visits to multiple doctors and specialists, they could not find anything wrong with her. Her brain had shut down, she couldn't speak full sentences, and she had terrible ringing in her ears that made her feel crazy. She suffered from deep depression and anxiety that was debilitating. “I was an iconic leader and national speaker one day -- who never suffered from any mental illness — to being incapacitated and not being able to think for myself. The mercury had gone to my brain and wreaked havoc. Conventional medicine couldn't find anything wrong with me and said it was in my head.” (This was despite her losing almost 90 pounds, her hair, and the capacity to take care of herself). They put her on medication after medication, which made her worse and worse. It was a Functional Medicine doctor who asked questions and discovered the catalyst for her decline — heavy metal poisoning.

In 2016, I attended The Truth About Cancer Live Symposium. Losing three friends to cancer in the space of a year inspired me to thoroughly research cancer. My mother also suffered from breast cancer. Thankfully, she’s still alive today, 25 years later, after following conventional treatments. Friend of hers died around the same time with the same cancer following the same treatment protocol.

It was at this Cancer Symposium where I first heard Dr. Rashid Buttar talk about the “7 Toxicities," (that can create cancer) and other doctors speak on environmental toxicities including “Dirty Electricity," EMFs (Electromagnetic Radiation is looked at in greater depth in the next chapter), poor air quality, fumes, toxic mold (normally in homes), chemical plants and geopathic zones (where there are underground rivers and tectonic plates causing radiation above). Even though it was claimed that he was spreading “misinformation” during Covid, I am choosing to honor him, and present his 7 toxicities here, and you can decide if this resonates.

Dr. Buttar′s 7 toxicities include:

1.???? Heavy metals (Mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead)

2.???? POPs - Persistent Organic Pollutants. In this study, 10 new-born babies’ umbilical cords were tested for pollutants. They found 287 pollutants — in newborn babies.[1]

3.???? Opportunistics. This is where people’s immune systems are suppressed for some reason. In other words, some people’s immune systems don’t appear to work as they should. Some people will not generate a fever when necessary (a fever is the body is detoxifying). According to Dr. Buttar, immunosuppression happens because of heavy metal exposure and persistent organic pollutants. They depress the immune system, allowing “opportunistics” to set up house and cause a “subclinical infection.” This is a low chronic infection. The first 3 toxicities are measurable. The next four toxicities are more esoteric.

4.???? Energetics. This is electromagnetic radiation, microwave technology, radio frequencies. This is looked at in greater depth in The Body Electric chapter.

5.???? Emotional and Psychological - This is close to #1 as being the most important. According to Buttar, it can be a definitive difference in the effectiveness of the treatment of metastasized cancer.

6.???? Foods (or what we have done to our foods). How we treat our foods is also vitally important. Artificial flavorings, preservatives, added sugar, deep fried foods, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides are all inflammatory. This last one points to the use of microwave ovens. He reports that they checked cancer patients energetically; the #1 negative energetic exposure was in the microwave. Microwaves are used in most households. You might wish to throw it away.

7.???? Spiritual Toxicity. This is one that can ruffle feathers but can be a significant release of toxicity/resistance to healing. My understanding from Dr. Buttar is that this means when you believe in something so vehemently, or when one is subjected to, or instilled with, certain beliefs, it can stand in the way of healing.

All these toxicities lead to what is known as free radical damage. A free radical causes oxidative stress. What is oxidative stress? Imagine an apple: after you have cut the apple, it turns brown. This is oxidative stress. An antioxidant helps to prevent this. In general, stress is the most potent form of oxidative stress. Knowing this, it might not come as a surprise that meditation is the most potent antioxidant. Breath and/or meditation is highly effective at creating calm in the body.

Another talk I attended was by Dr. Lee Cowden. I use this slide in many of my webinars to help illustrate the ultimate cause of illness. A similar way to look at this might be Causes of Chronic illness by Dr. Cowden:

1.???? Under-oxygenation of cells (shallow breath, fibrin in capillaries, (02shunt)

2.???? Acid-base imbalance (allergies, stress, eating wrong foods for metabolic type, hypoxia, nutrient deficiency & metabolic poisons)

3.???? Insufficient nutrients (poor intake / absorption & nutrient wasting)

4.???? Inadequate sleep, relaxation, brain-games, stretching, exercise

5.???? Disturbed cell membrane electromagnetic charge

6.???? Radiation pollution, electromagnetic & geopathic

7.???? Poor messengers (hormones, neurotransmitters, SNiPs)

8.???? Injuries / other structural (TBI, skill jamming, scars, jewelry)

What else might be toxic to the human body? If inflammation is your immune system reacting to something foreign in the body, (or chronic stress), it starts to become clear why a lot of people get sick when they have had some form of foreign object inserted. Breast implants are one to consider. I invite you to listen to my podcast interviews on this subject.

From now on, I invite you to think about what is man-made, and what is not in alignment with The Nature Codes. I’ll use that term throughout because I truly feel it can be that simple. What is in the cosmetics you are using, such as creams, shower gels, conditioners, soaps, deodorants, make up? What is in your detergent?? How is your food prepared? Is it laced in chemicals? Do you have mercury in your mouth or an infected root canal? Are you living near a cell phone / mobile phone tower?

Is there mold in your house?

Toxic Mold

The first authority who came to mind on this subject is Dave Asprey, aka the “Father of Biohacking,” 4x New York Times Bestselling author, host of the Human upgrade Podcast, CEO of Upgrade Labs. He’s devoted considerable energy to this topic due to his own personal experience. This is a toxin with which many are familiar yet might not know the extent to which this can affect us.? According to Asprey, toxic mold affects at least 100 million people in North America alone. A geneticist and mold researcher on his podcast, Dr Andrew Heyman, stated “we estimate that 22 percent of the population is vulnerable to black mold exposure.”?

After a huge flood that cost Asprey and his family their home, they rescued most of their belongings. His family and the volunteers who helped salvage everything paid a price with their health they knew nothing about.? They worked with moldy building materials. Any time drywall or wood or almost any surface gets water damage, toxic soil mold becomes an issue.

Why Is Mold a Problem?

We have an energy-generating system that is based on ancient bacteria, and it evolved to become the mitochondria of our cells.? Mitochondria is also known as the cell battery. Mold is the enemy of bacteria and is toxic to your mitochondria. (Interestingly, antibiotics that kill bacteria are derived from mold!)

Optimal mitochondria function is what keeps us young (biologically) and enables us to perform at our best. Find out more in Asprey’s New York Times Bestseller, ‘Head Strong’.?

When we are exposed to the toxic mold poisons in water-damaged buildings, we are prone to an inflammatory response, and mitochondrial damage. This means your body cannot make energy the way it is designed to. (As you will see in The Body Electric section “a characteristic of chronic illness is low voltage to an organ.”) Many systems in your body can malfunction when there is not enough power, leading to a variety of symptoms.

How Mold Affects Your Energy

Mold toxins are ‘genotoxic’, and this means that they cause DNA damage. They mutate your DNA, and this can lead to cancer and cells that cannot function optimally. (The Body Electric section explains this further.)

Mold toxins break down the fatty covers that encapsulate your brain cells (neurons) called myelin. Myelin is essential to transmit information throughout your brain. The breakdown of myelin is also a primary cause of neurodegenerative disorders including Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neuron Disease, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

Mold toxicity is linked to a myriad of symptoms. Since we each have a different biological blueprint, these symptoms affect us in different ways - much like chronic inflammation.??

It is worth seeking out a specialist on this subject. The person who diagnosed Asprey was Dr Daniel Amen, one of America’s leading brain doctors. Seek one in your area, to assess whether this might be a cause to consider.

Frustratingly, mold exists beyond water damage in homes. It is found in our food supply, especially grains and fermented foods like coffee. It is therefore important to choose coffee that is mold-free and choose low-mold food.

If you’re suffering from anything and cannot get to the bottom of it, this is something to seriously consider. Check out Asprey’s documentary, ‘Moldy’, and his website for a protocol to follow if your house gets flooded, and how to recover from potential mold poisoning. It’s too detailed for this book.[2]

The next section is about the primary way in which we detoxify our bodies, breathe.

What are the best ways to detoxify?

  1. Stop consuming any forms of toxins in the "food" supply - eat food, not anything processed, man-made, man-altered, organic wherever possible, free from chemicals, avoid GMO.
  2. Reduce/eliminate exposure to all forms of toxicity - find out via testing such as bioresonance.
  3. Breathe (we exhale 70% of our toxins via breath) - via physical activity
  4. Be physically active to allow your lymphatic system to work - unlike the cardiovascular system that has a pump (the heart), the lymphatic system requires movement to allow toxins to be flushed. Do not wear antiperspirant deodorant! It's like blocking off the exhaust with toxic chemicals.
  5. Saunas and steam rooms
  6. Individual organ detoxification - reviewed in The Vitality Code. This might be as simple as lemon water in the morning to gently clean the liver and vegetable juicing,
  7. Grounding - known scientifically to reduce inflammation.



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8 个月

Things I am doing to detoxify: - cook and eat fresh organic food - no alcohol, no sugary drinks, no refined sugar - 30 days gut cleanse using fermented prunes


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