The Toxic Truth About Student Debt

Has Student Loan Debt Reached a “Tipping Point?”

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Higher education was once one of the surest paths to a well-paying job and achieving the “American Dream.” However, much has changed about a college degree in America, including the cost. Despite the rising costs of a degree, college is still regarded as one of the ideal post-high-school paths. Yet, this is a costly decision for many new adults to make.?

There are dozens of options that young adults have to either ease the cost of college, or build their own career, and yet student loans remain one of the most widely used forms of assistance. However, many young adults have a limited scope of what they’re really signing when they agree to a loan and get saddled with mountains of high-interest debt.

Debt by the Numbers

While loans can be a great way to fund a highly-desired degree, and build the means to pursue an education, not all students have a full understanding of their loans. Upon graduation...

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