Are Toxic Relationships Worth Fighting For?
Njeri Karanja
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Every relationship has a definition that we attach to it based on our experiences. They are the people we look up to because we admire how they relate and exhibit themselves to us. Whatever term you use, a toxic relationship is a wrapped death. It gradually unfolds from various views until it completes its mission of executing you if you don't save your head.
It's still a mystery to me why you'd want to stay in a relationship that has given you every indication that you're no longer needed in it.
At the same time, choosing not to judge or sound harsh, I don't understand how we transfer our self-love and self-appreciation to someone who will demolish it whenever and wherever they get the chance.
When a man offers you the first sign that he doesn't care about you by sleeping out and providing you with no excuse to do so. If a man begins brazenly flirting with other women in front of you. If a man fails to take his domestic obligations seriously. He starts insulting you with his other women. If he starts insulting you in front of your children. If he avoids any family/relationship communications with you. If he becomes enraged over trivial matters and makes a mountain out of a molehill. Don't waste any more time trying to get it. Remove all of your affection and turn it toward yourself.
You must understand one thing. A happy wife means a happy family. If you believe you are sacrificing your happiness for the sake of your children. They will never be able to experience or feel it. They will never accept love from you because you will always be bitter and mad. Your peace of mind is far more important than having that grown-up son of a woman living with you. Your children are crucial, but if you want them to be happy in life, you must fight for your sanity. You must maintain your mental and emotional well-being.
The longer you stay in a poisonous relationship for whatever reason, the closer you are to death. Sadness will be your cosy sofa. You will engage in various behaviors in an attempt to find serenity, which will never come knocking. You will lose yourself, and no matter how much you want to show the world that you are happy, you will die slowly on the inside. Internal death is a demon. It might happen at any time.
Your mental health is far more essential than driving that flashy car. Your peace of mind is more important than living in that opulent mansion. Your self-esteem should be on the front page of every narrative you write. If people truly need you in their lives, you are the gold that the miner should work relentlessly to find.
If he lifts his hand on you once and you choose to stay, you can bet he'll do it again. If he slept outside once for no apparent reason, he is being disrespectful to you. He'll do it again and over again. If he slams you whenever he gets the chance, he does not value you.
you were made in a very special way. In the entire universe, there is no other version of you. You must live your life to the fullest because it is what God intended for you to do. You arrived with your worth in your hands. Don't just sully it. Understand that the value associated with you is enormous, and it can only be matched with someone who can identify it. Don't die for someone who doesn't care what you're made of.
One person's garbage is another person's treasure. There is a lot better option for you. Please do not perish.
Take the best version of yourself. Stop living for others, not even your children. Live exclusively for yourself. Only then will your children and everyone else be contented. Your happiness comes first! Alah.
When everything is going well in her marriage, no woman will quit it. No woman will file for divorce if her husband treats her with dignity. No woman will go empty-handed because she simply desired to be alone. No mom will take her children from a palatial Runda mansion to a one-room shack in Slams just to experience that other life.
There is always a reason behind this. You'd rather be miserable alone than unhappy in a relationship. Get out of that tumultuous marriage. What you deserve is right next door. Dust off yourself and grin; your happiness is right around the corner. Walk out of that Marriage. Walk with your dignity. It will hurt so deep at some point, but it’s a step worth taking. Trust me.
Do not give your life for him. Do not die for her sake. You deserve better.
With Love
CnK Always