Toxic people and how to handle them
Charlie Anderson
Peak Performance Coach at Lightning Thoughts Ltd I help teams and individuals get from where they are to where they want to be. Mapping a course of action for success as well as assessing and implementing changes.
Toxic people are everywhere, they don't always mean to be toxic, unfortunately it is their natural position. These are the people who question your life choices without reason, put you down, try to bully you, say you won't make it. These are the negative people who don't like change and don't want people in their circle to succeed. They don't want you to succeed because if you make it, they run out of excuses as to why they haven't.
My advice is to try and reason with these people in the first few instances. This is dependant on who they are to you, they might be family, friends, teachers, friends of the family. So lets look at this systematically:
Family; Parents are normally from a different time and mindset from where you are now. They might not understand why this is important to you. My advice is to try and reason with them, if they still don't appreciate what you want to achieve just don't talk to them about your work. They have your best interests at heart, unfortunately they don't always know what is best.
Siblings; These can be the worst. Hardest to talk with because as I have said, if you become successful and they don't they have zero excuses as you have had the same upbringing. You have had equal opportunities. The plus side is, you don't have to see them all the time, they will go and live their lives and you can live yours. Family events will become infrequent you can surgically remove these from your life and don't have to feel bad because, "it's life". It may seem harsh but, what is more important to you, keeping family happy or making your life everything you want? Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't attend his fathers funeral as he was focused on his goal. This is extreme but at the same time, you can pay your respects everyday to lost loved ones.
Friends; Lets be honest, if they don't support you are they even your friends? You should be able to rely on friends in times of need and in general. We go to the pub with our friends to catch up, complain about work, talk about hopes and aspirations. Friends can be made, mix with the people who raise you up and challenge you in ways you need to be. Open your mind to the possibility that you can change. Remove people from your life who don't add value. People who want you as a friend because of what you do for them. You don't want to be surrounded by yes men but you do want people you can rely on.
Teachers; Teachers are supposed to inspire students, the school system is old fashioned though as they look to train people for remedial work. Sit in your seat, put your hand up if you want talk/ask a question, don't talk to the people next to you. Teachers will also put it into your brain that you are not good at something. I say, fuck what they think, they don't know you as a person, they don't know what you are capable of. It is up to you to test yourself.
If you want to unlock your full potential and become the best you, you can be call me at Lightning Thoughts Ltd - Think yourself to greatness and become the reality of your dreams.