The Toxic Part Of Forced Positivity
Happy faces all around with that masked craving to feel genuinely happy....Strange, isn't it? Optimism is considered morally superior to negative emotions. Hence, the prevalence.
All emotions - grief, fear, anger, or anxiety are a natural part of the human experience. A tendency to suppress them deters our emotional growth. The suppression of negative emotions increases stress. The inclination to always maintain a happy countenance regardless of the internal feelings, their ebb and flow, creates a constant pressure. This paves the way to feelings of isolation when individuals these unrealistic expectations shroud the mind.
When individuals force positivity, they build a barrier hindering others from seeing their true self that impedes meaningful connections. It's authenticity that builds genuine connections. The current trend demands projecting an image of hyped positivity on social media platforms as well as in social interactions outside the virtual world. This lays the stone of unrealistic standards for happiness. Do you know what it breeds? Toxic comparison, self-doubt, low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy among others who start considering their life as less than perfect in comparison.
Positivity is definitely a valuable trait. One needs to remember that it's not wrong to experience and express emotions. We all need to recognize, understand, and accept all our emotions. That is crucial for our overall well-being. Emotional authenticity is not pessimism after all! It's being genuine....How about being positive and genuine at the same time! Sounds good!