Toxic Body and Mind

Toxic Body and Mind

Triple Espresso:

If your body is toxic your mind and life are toxic.

In a world of "everything offends somebody" this may not be popular, but it's true nonetheless.

I see people all the time who are overweight like the 40% obesity of adults in America (the highest rate ever recorded), espousing to be teachers.

What are they teaching? What NOT to do?

Physician heal thyself!

With all love and respect, if you can't even control what you put in your mouth and what you do with your body, there is NO WAY you can control what you do with your MIND.

43% of people surveyed today say they are "too exhausted to perform in their daily work."

Do you think the FUEL you put into your body has ANYTHING to do with that?

If you don't. Please think again.

45 MILLION American's go on a diet each and every year.

WHY is it that they don't change? Why is it that they start and re-start again?

Bottom line: Their MIND is toxic. They can't think clearly; and they have no discipline as a result.

There's an underlying feeling and thought that is rooted in their Self Identity that builds habits, habits create action, and actions create results.

What does this have to do with Leadership and Business?


If you even dream of being an entrepreneur and leader (most do in today's world), then you ABSOLUTELY MUST have a TREMENDOUS amount of energy.

If you think you can climb the mountain of POWER with 20 extra pounds strapped to your back (or your hips), think again.

When I work with my Executive Coaching Clients, regardless of what they want to achieve, I almost always begin with a health, fitness, exercise, and dietary plan.

Clean the vehicle and the fuel; and the performance output AUTOMATICALLY improves.

It obviously doesn't end there, but this is where it begins.

Are you ready to detox your mind and body and thereby 20X your performance? Leadership for the Future. Your hesitation is stealing your dreams. Details here:


