Township of Langley Council Resets Planning Priorities

Township of Langley Council Resets Planning Priorities

There is big news out of the November 14th council meeting at the Township of Langley. New mayor and council shook up planning priorities calling for, among other things, an overhaul of the Community Amenity Contributions (CAC) policy and a review of multiple neighbourhood plans. It’s not abnormal for a new council to adjust the city’s direction on community planning to align with its vision for the City and this is a big one.

New planning priorities include:

1) A comprehensive update to the current CAC policy which is described to include a provision akin to a bonus density charge to facilitate additional density. Staff has been directed to provide this report by December 12th for council’s review.

2) A review and update of the Williams Neighbourhood plan which, according to the motion, is aimed to “provide for more residential density and mixed-use developments…”

3) A review and update to the Smith Neighbourhood Plan which has sat previously approved but undeveloped due to unmet development prerequisites, namely a new elementary school and upgraded services (stormwater, sanitary, etc.)

4) A consolidation of the various neighbourhood-specific greenway amenity policies.

5) Completion of the three Brookswood neighbourhood plans which were recently presented as drafts earlier this year.

6) Disbanding the Willowbrook Planning Team with the intention to facilitate “a wider spectrum of public input and engagement” as the TOL updates the Willowbrook Community Plan.

In a separate motion, council also requested a report from staff detailing the scope, timelines and recommendations for a review of the Salmon River Uplands area of the Township. The motion went on to explain that “Council considers any residential subdivision in the Salmon River Uplands area to be contrary to the public interest if subdivided under current minimum parcel sizes” considering council will be reviewing minimum parcel sizes as part of its review of the Salmon River Uplands area.

You can read more detail on the above by downloading the complete agenda from the November 14th council meeting at THIS LINK .


Mike Harrison, PREC的更多文章

