A town without pity,with a smile and a slap on the back!

A town without pity,with a smile and a slap on the back!

Here is actor, Edgar Buchanan, as Judge Roy Bean, The law West of the Pecos, in the role made famous by Walter Brennan in "The Westerner" with Gary Copper. He ruled by whim, and maintained order by placing fear into all who came to his part of Texas. "Go against his law and he hanged you"!

Order was difficult in a lawless land.  A lot of Texans in Houston and elsewhere still live with this dream, even in our world today when the law is well defined!

Here is the real judge Roy Bean. Hispanic family man, who together with his kin, made the law in the eyes of a righteous Christian Sharia law, the only law, like a lot of small town Texans see it today, in spite of the law of the land we have now and didn't in days gone by!!

Here is something that I wrote concerning the law here in Houston today!

I'll buy this, here is Devon's story, note the guys in the photo behind her as she speaks, former disgraced HPD Police Captain McClellan, who couldn't get past the hate, and former Harris County Sheriff and Democratic Mayoral, and later , State Senate candidate Adrian Gonzales, who did. Or at least he still smiled!

Where are they now?  And who was Rick Perry's boy, her husband, Mike Anderson? All of a sudden, it was bookkeeping and male error that sent poor Jenny to Huntsville! She regrets the error of others in her department!

Here is the obituary of Mike Anderson. He looks like he was a good man. A former judge who was dying, and his buddy, Johnny Holmes, let him put his name on the ballot. He must have been a good trooper. How about Johnny Holmes? Or the D.A. who followed Holmes, loser Chuck Rosenthal!


Here he is, hard ass himself, the law in Harris county since the 70's. He can see crime. He knows it, and you damn well better keep clean, you gutless law abiding perps. Anybody in my way will pay the price of my fury!


His buddy, Ted Poe, is up for Congressman in District 138, my district, this year. He says "Holmes is like General Patton, he knows that he is right!", D.D. Eisenhower didn't agree with George Patton, he had to cut him loose, like Harry Truman did with another good man who stepped over the line in search of military Glory. A lot of us forget their disobedience to their superiors, especially civilian Presidents.They just remember good soldiers and never let their memory die!

There is nothing like a righteous man, right Preacher Poe, He doesn't need proof, he knows, and he takes action. Get out of the way!

Here is smart guy, Chucky, Mike's immediate predecessor, who followed Johnny as D.A.!


Kim Ogg, Get out of her way. This bitch is bat shit crazy. It's no wonder that they can't find a man who is willing to run against her. Small town Texas, it runs in the family, not like they are chosen to serve us all!

You have to see. you just have to. it's my family, my church, my life!


Kim, you are out of her way. You are just are just a stand in opponent. The guy you beat to get on the ballot is the kind of man that might have won. He is smart, experienced and unbiased, with an education in the law and experience at all levels including our Supreme Court, and he is a native of Houston, not Farmville,and he is not in Greg Abbotts pocket like our weak kneed mayor, Sylvester Turner!.

I know that it's too late. but listen to Morris Overstreet, a guy with the answer, "Fair unbiased courts"!

Here is Gene Pitney singing a song from the movie "Town Without Pity" at the end of WWII where American military court martial ordered death for three soldiers accused of rape without thought of the kid who was there but didn't take part but feared his friends who did,and said nothing!

Just like the townspeople who, feared death if they objected to the Nazi death camps!

Undying anger, without pity, that still exists in Zion today, towards friend and foe alike,for anyone who just might think of them as a problem. A lot like the powers that be in Houston,from days gone by,who strike fear in the hearts of those that want to live like free men, even if they disagree with the herd mentality of those who sell their lives for a rich mans dollar and blame others for the poverty stricken miserable lives they live by sucking up to the man!

They are proud to be Texans, and serve the state well, as a docile womanlike undereducated poorly skilled eork force. They like it. They have weekends. It's like High school. Just put up with the job and go along with the crowd. Have a nice day!

They don't see that they are paid accordingly and hold the hard working newcomers back!

They see the opposite, and ike kids in school, tell the newcomer to hold back and abuse him if he doesn't, like they really believe higher paid union workers do..  Everyone is average in a city where the leaders are very much above average, and none of us are permitted to be unless we kneel before the throne.. Social acceptance rules girls. Be nice, remember the Hunger Games!



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