LisaKay Kaye Gurney
SERVICE Dedicated to service beyond self - "Battle Buddy" - Author/Just Because Daily Inspirations
Start Your Day the Special "K" Way!
William Barclay tells in his autobiography that G.K. Chesterton had a toy theater as a child. One of the cardboard figures was a man with a great golden key. Chesterton said that he had long since forgotten what character the man with the key represented, but somehow he always associated this man with his father, because his father had unlocked for him so many doors to wonderful things.
But God be thanked! That He has cradled our lives in love from our infancy, assuring us that we are the children of God. That within this world of turbulence and tumult, there is a world of spiritual splendor that awaits our discovery! That our Heavenly Father eagerly awaits to unlock doors, opening life to greater opportunities and to beautiful relationships. He holds the "golden key" that turns life from melancholy to the miraculous, from the ordinary to the spectacular!
In the words of the poet Howard Thurman from the book The Mood of Christmas,
"When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our boarded resources,
Our Father's full giving is only begun!"
I have every confidence our gracious Heavenly Father wants to open the doors and windows of your life and mine, and let the winds of His Spirit blow out all the stuffiness that has gathered through the years, and leave the fragrance of His love among us, and once again lead His people to "wonderful things"!