Towards a World Full of Cigarettes!! Article by Mohammad H. Agrabawi
Mohammed Agrabawi
Government , Corporate Affairs & Communications, Company Spokesperson
?You heard it right; how about that for a vision.
?In the current trends across the region, tightening regulations around nicotine delivery solutions, aggressively increasing taxes & customs duties, and the unprecedented influx of illicit products makes one objective easier to achieve, a world full of cigarettes and smokers.
?Electronic nicotine delivery solutions have helped millions of smokers start the switch towards quitting, and millions have used these products as a pathway to stopping the use of all nicotine products; I AM ONE OF THESE PEOPLE, and I can proudly say that I have a journey of being a heavy smoker, then an HTP user, then towards vaping, and now I have quit all NDS for almost two years, where would I be if it wasn’t for those products by now.
?Population harm reduction consists of two main pillars, the potential to reduce risks compared to conventional cigarettes and a user/public acceptance of products; otherwise, the concept cannot be achieved. Without a viable product accepted for its ease of use, taste, and the rituality factor, and the scientific research on aspects of harm reduction, no product would be a suitable alternative for millions of smokers who wish to quit smoking.
I genuinely believe that we need a shift toward Harm Awareness before the Harm Reduction approach, harm awareness might help regulators, state-budget officials, and public health experts understand how potentially reduced-risk products work, what are the benefits versus risks, and how technology is the main anchor of these disruptive products. The harm awareness concept brings regulators closer to smokers. Smokers are usually missing in the equation of the industry VS. regulator debate on ENDS products, and they need to be able to make an informed decision based on proper awareness and Harm Awareness.
Before we end up in a World full of Cigarettes and smokers who no other choice, I have a shout-out to all relevant parties; industries, regulators, media, civil society, and smokers; bring up discussions on how can we make smokers’ life better, how can we have viable products that can help smokers quit, and how can everyone be of assistance, while protecting minors and future generations from starting the use of all nicotine products, any nicotine product.
?Mohammad H. Agrabawi
Director of Corporate Affairs & Communications
Official Spokesperson