Towards A Redefinition & REIMAGINATION of Standards for Sustainability & Sustainable Organisations

Lionel Yang, April 2021 (Working Paper) Last Edited : 7th of May 2021

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“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function" - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Prologue - The reimagination of eternal change & sustainable organisations - shifting from western dominance to global wisdom 

Increasingly, western democracy, rooted in its concept of modernism, is seen as the reason causing internal fragmentation and division within a country and unable to function responsively and responsibly. The pandemic is a trigger that reveals this deadly weakness. The western power uses democracy as the new imperialism to divide and conquer democratic developing countries. 

Efficiency doesn’t come from being “democratic”, it comes from the wholeness between government and people that able to commit together as ONE collective consciousness. 

The wisdom of wholeness have been demonised by western democracy as “centralised tyranny” for centuries, but the hidden motivation for such claim is the western indulgence to individualistic & selfish freedom called “modernism”. True democracy requires “higher common” social consciousness. Individualistic democracy doesn’t work to unite people to be in heart and soul with the government and vice versa. Without unity, nothing works in coherent. 

Thus, It is time we burn all the western management books that are based on individualistic democracy and reimagine sustainable change & management practices through global wisdom of wholeness and collective consciousness.

Wholeness and collective consciousness is like the chariot that’s corresponds in unity (the diagram above), the nature of change between chaos and order. 

You can’t have unity of value if the organisational approach is not coherent towards collective consciousness. You can’t achieve collective consciousness if organisation does not practice wakeful present of eternal change to know each other place in the world, not one inner world. If the wholeness of collective consciousness in an organisation is not uphold, that is the absolute responsibility of the leaders towards its people and the absolute loyalty of people towards the leaders are in non-separable emergent whole, where the whole creates its parts, organisation will fragment towards individualistic subjectivity that’s not sustainable in its integrity. Western democracy is not organisational coherent towards wholeness and collective consciousness, it is designed to separate between people and goverment and further division between, thus the fate of democracy, rooted in western modernism, is perpetuity of fragmentation without the centre. China socialism practise Chinese wisdom of centre 环中 and higher common 尚同, to see consciousness of human organisations not as individual beings but individuals as social beings of the centre of collective consciousness that’s wakeful present of eternal change, the Yi易。

My analysis above towards sustainable organisations should serve as “wakeful call” for other developing countries, especially along China's BRI economy corridors under the rule and ideological influence of western democracy, that, if this systems of divide and conquer is the basis of governance, you can only get perpetual fragmentation and chaos, not unity and social coherent which is needed for sustainable economy development


I am thinking to form a new think tank* in China to specifically research and redefine new standards for responsible business & its sustainability. Foreign brands need a new organisational sustainability framework that is “consciously whole & agile” to adapt and growth in complexity of China narrative. Thus, it is time to establish a certification-based “China Responsible Business” guidelines not only for foreign brands but also the locals. Eventually the Framework could co-create and co-exist with the world’s UNSDG, U.K. ‘s B Corp, ESG and others ethic as well as aesthetic frameworks to offer China wisdom** in inclusivity & collective consciousness to all sustainable organisations globally.

The idea is to gather objective-thinking individuals who are experienced entrepreneur, senior executives or researchers/scholars to put our heads together to brainstorm and redefine from ground, the ethic, logic and aesthetic wholeness of the new organisational sustainability framework infused with I-Ching and Tao philosophy, particularly of Mozi and Zhuangzi.

目前中西之间的矛盾让我有所启发,尤其是我觉得中国必须在世界掌握标准的话语权,尤其是可持续发展的标准,HM事件告诉了我们西方的可持续标准是非常有偏见缺乏包容性的,阿里的事件告诉我们“西式的企业大过国家”的思维是不可持续发展的。 所以中国有必要建立自主的可持续发展标准,让来中国发展的西方企业和品牌得到以及中国企业得到“入门”的标准和洗礼,解除矛盾,造福命运共同体。我也觉得一个以中式更加包容思想的可持续发展标准也会是全球化更需要的标准。

* some suggested a research consortium or research ecosystem.

**some suggest that to also include western narrative, but then it will be conflicting with the original intention of setting up this initiative at the first place, that is, to be based on the metaphysical truth of eternal wisdom, not the current unsustainable totalitarian westernised ideology. However, all other western eternal wisdom based on holistic thinking like the Platonic philosophy, phenomenological psychology & existentialism and complexity & systems sciences are adopted into this Framework.

The Rise of China - That The West Can't Understand

The process of modernisation in China since 40 years ago is NOT the process of westernisation and western version of democracy

In 2014, China overtook US to become No 1 country in real GDP at PPP. China will be No 1 economy in dollar term in the next few years. By 2030, China contribution to global economy will be bigger than US and Europe combined. 

The west deep imperialistic & military mindset that reigned for 200 years is trying to hold on to the "No 1 position" through geo-political propaganda, NO longer about economy and people. 

China rise is through economy cooperation, trades, not threats.

Global Economy is shifting from the West to central Asia. A different kind of global order, international system and standards are emerging that is inclusive where 85% of world's population lives, not rules by western minor-tarian ideology comprises only 15% of people. 

and most importantly, 

Western democracy has no co-relation with economy development, and China rise proves this narrative is unsustainable and is coming to an end. The rise of China is the rise of people of the colour and diverse culture. 





运用“辩证法”Dialectic有针对性的解读HM,阿里和其他“企业责任“Responsible Business出轨事件,以道家智慧的“尚同”,“环中”以及相关的整体思维,散发集体的冥想和复明


运用个“觉醒画布“Conscious Canvas收敛辩证的结果,以“使命”Purpose,“影响”Impact,“流程”Deliverable,”变革范围“scope of transformation,“创新“creativity,“新意行动”Novelty in Action,“共创”Collective Creation, “当前存在”Presence和“层展”emergence以及相关的“觉醒参数”,如混沌的鱼群在水里慢慢的形成整体画面。

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More about the thinking behind this unique creative approach to research methodology could be read in the following :

Synchronicity - The Creative Approach To Qualitative Research & Education (

The Palimpsest Of Creative Methodology (

The Creativity of Interpretive Research and Its Semiotic Virtuosity (

The Roles of The Interpretants - Applied Interpretive Concept of Qualitative Research (

The 21st Century Conscious Researcher (

Creativity Connects People With Purpose (



1. 企业的可持续性发展和全球环境和技术的可持续健康发展的关系

2. 可持续发展性的建立的最底层基础,企业核心尚贤“义”和“利”,全球化过程的核心尚贤“义”和“利”,以及“尚同”命运共同体的“义”和“利”

3. 企业管理的“尚同“以及“环中”治疗的觉醒

4. ”治疗", 背后的核心思想除了道学,也包容了全世界整体思维的柏拉图哲学,现象学以及复杂学。 "中国智囊团”是有包容性的, 除了会用到中医文化的思维,还会结合全世界的传统文化治疗式的思想。

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中国需要制定新的规则来规范国际企业与中国的业务往来。 不能继续使用英语世界的二元论理论作为指导,而需要以多角度和维度全方位考虑问题,看到黑白之间的中间态,以量子理论更客观完整的对宇宙规则进行定义,修正各类宗教对信徒的世代洗脑。

What is Chinese Wisdom? It has nothing to do with China-only philosophy, in fact the contemporary Chinese wisdom reincarnated through Marxism and a renewal organisational consciousness through Mohism and re-imagination capability of Zhuangzi WuWei. There are constant integration of ancient western Hermetic and Platonic wisdom into this new collection of Chinese Wisdom. The paradigm of Chinese Wisdom is it breaks away and evolved from ideological narrative like the west that’s becoming outdated feudal and tyrannical over time. The Chinese Wisdom seeks to be eternally inclusive, flourishing in intellect through time, being in time as well as being in the world. As a result and evidently, Chinese Wisdom able to offer a more adaptive worldview based on trades, not threats. Chinese Wisdom is not for Chinese only but for the world to share and to be as ONE. 

Scope of Transformation

Change management is a practise, but what exactly it emerges?

Sustainability and sustainable organizations are phenomena of collective consciousness, thus strategic change is transformation through consciousness therapy. Management is a practise of this internal/external circularity of psychodynamic therapy.  

We need to promote Chinese wisdom as a way towards “redefinition and re-imagination of sustainability” framework, Chinese language is a language of peace, prosperity and hope. Chinese philosophy, Yi易,is a change concept that promote the practise of collective creation and consciousness, especially along the BRI corridor where the impact will be felt the most.

企业可持续发展是种觉醒现象, å˜é©æˆ˜ç•¥æ˜¯è§‰é†’的治疗. 我的目的不是要代替原有和未来的可持续发展流程和战略思想(如UN SDG,B-CORP,ESG等),而是通过中式智慧唤醒企业可持续的觉醒治疗,以内外合一的觉醒循环让可持续发展更加变通,灵活和与时俱进。

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Some suggest that the impact of the "think tank" should be to "guide, lead governments, large funding institutions, what do you think?

My own initial idea is to (co)create mass re-education/re-training impact in Continual Professional Development CPD programs that i called "Active Journey" for accountant, analyst, lawyers etc who have to go through annual compulsory training program to maintain their professional services.

BRI (Belt Road Initiative) projects. There are increasing risk for BRI owners and investors to based their project systems on westernised UN SDG framework that is not inclusive and geopolitical bias, especially cultural projects. Thus a new standard for "cultural sustainability" needs to be redefined and re-imagined urgently to adapt to "trades not threats", BRI-based and "China For All" global narratives.

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About Education

Education is not just a life long journey, it is an active journey in continual re-imagination of intention:perception change to know one place in the world through others 尚同for what have benn planned. Education is about the constant reincarnation of wakefulness of the eternal change, the Yi易. Education is about the wakeful to present of one’s role as â€œinterpretant” of continual experience change through the centre of change环中, with disconnected coincidence, diverse voices and non-linear rearrangement to see the same place anew, in WuWei无为eternity. Education is about coming to the Tao道 of Yi易,the eternal change for the ultimate silent of eternity,the Tao that can be known is not Tao道是道,非常道。

None of the above eternal concept of change is found in western education today

The Next Generation Business Education Is Shifting From West To China

Chinese wisdom offers a universal practise for sustainable change on social consciousness

It offers a new way of thinking in change for "higher common"尚同(shangtong) that breaks the "causation spell" of the west, which is not socially sustainable. 

You cannot use the same reductive thinking for social consciousness, where the whole is different from the sum of its parts, the whole creates the parts

The western Modernism thinkers from Schopenhauer to Heidegger had point of reference rooted in Chinese wisdom as the foundational concept of eternal change.

The eternal change concept called 无为WuWei sees the world as unknown and known through the centre of creative consciousness 环中(huanzhong) for #ClarityJump

The Chinese wisdom of change is the universal concept of eternal change, 易Yi, to know one place in the world through others for what have been planned

The Chinese wisdom is not for China or Chinese only but is a collective consciousness principle 道Tao, universally shared by human beings

Re-education for coaches, consultants & entrepreneurs through practise to thinking differently about change, is inevitable to redeem the "miseducation" & sustainable survival of the western businesses.

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Clarity of Deliverables

The "think tank" could join force with co-creators from all sectors and across all industries to deliver process transcendence that is certified with the scope of transformation of the new standard for example in branding, training/education, technology, financial services etc.

One of the key core deliverables is the training/reeducation of organisational re-imagination for the practise of holistic thinking rather than the unsustainable modern western reductive approach. The holistic approach to psychodynamic or active imagination is to practise consciousness capability to high human function in contemplation & correspondence of "thinking", "feeling", "intuition" and "seeing" ALL at once.

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墨式的“尚同”是可持续发展的核心思想。以“利”为同是短期的,只有升华至更觉醒的“义”,求同存异,合作以及竞争(竞合 COOPETITION)的并存,如运动员哪样互相尊敬和各自激进,才能经得起风雨。西方目前的可持续发展框架是个“固化思维”模式,只允许绝对性和单一化的流程而不是提倡“无为”的环中,允许差异化的发展。所以一个以“中国大家子智慧”的觉醒式策划,从新定义和想象“可持续发展标准”是非常有共生的生存必要的。

The concept of eternal change 易Yi is not that it "rotates" but it is a continual spiral of consciousness and ClarityJump in correspondence with time in the world. You always come back to where you begin and see the same place anew. It is also not merely semantic, but a whole contemplation of (being-in-the-world & being-in-time ) that creates the semantic transformation and sustainability & sustainable organisations. The whole or collective consciousness rejuvenates organisation personality for creativity that connects people with purpose. This whole, is called 尚同 “higher common” by Chinese organisation philosopher Mozi墨子,for integration of life that beyond the inner world but active journey in the world.


这个智库的核心是研究美学,道德学和逻辑学整体治疗的觉醒,以在这个过程所酝酿的参数以及框架为定义流程和制度上可持续发展的标准。 整体治疗的觉醒的核心思想是以“尚同”(墨子)和“环中”(庄子)为组织以及创新驱动的原理。比如,汉子和文化节治疗是美学上的觉醒式治疗。 目前的可持续发展框架都只是在定义流程和制度,忽略的内外觉醒对于可持续发展的关键性。虽然这智库是以“尚同”和“环中”垫底,但它的创新意识是把中西哪些永恒的智慧合为一体。

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Novelty / Immediate Action

开始为新智慧群准备, 群的规矩是首要的考虑,设立规矩是为了启发有针对性的命运共同体创新的新标准。第一是思想的唤醒,这智慧群主张“尚同”和“环中”的治疗智慧交流以酝酿可持续发展觉醒的新标准。任何学问和哲理符合整体思想唤醒的都可以分享 第二,这智慧群是以“美的心态“为启发意识,鼓励分享他国的文化和设计学,尤其是能启发整体美境想象和环中治疗的文字,设计及符号的运用,第三,智慧群研究以尚贤“义“和“利”或者柏拉图式真善美等物体和人体合一的一元论的道德学 第四,智慧群讨论商业逻辑学,以第一,第二和第三的觉醒治疗分享存在现象式的共和,共创以及共生治疗的可持续发展模式。

The formation of “Global Consciousness” Yi 易practitioner community (needs a symbolic name)

How do I see it differently?

The practitioners embrace “beyond the thought” collective creativity towards global consciousness for sustainable change

What is the Clarity Jump?

The wakeful present to collective consciousness enables/absorbs the concentration of shared consciousness to scale and accelerate the change of global consciousness

What’s need to be done?

A practitioner community grows organically in the practise of collective consciousness & creativity with 8-10 founding practitioners in the next 3 months

What’s the impact for the action?

The percussiveness of shared consciousness would create an exponential trajectory of 30,000 practitioners in 3 years, 3 million in 5 years.

*collective consciousness is the group practise to the surrendering of one self to know one place in the world through others for what have been planned.

*collective creativity is the practise of collective consciousness in becoming wakeful present to external change

Innovation On Research

How do I see it differently?

To break the “causation spell” of academic research to practical emergent journey grounded on entrepreneurship

What is the Clarity Jump?

“Innovation in research” to ensure its commercial value through active journey of eternal change rather than academic dogma

The problem with academic research is it takes too long to research a research question, the average lifespan of a real life business phenomenon is only 1-3 years, and “question” is a constant moving target. So academic research is “doomed” to fail in real world as soon as it starts. For “innovation in research”, we need emerging approach, the only way to do it is start with entrepreneurship, because only when you do a research like a real business, you mean what you do. The research becomes continual expansion of data and literature in emergent and immediate iteration until it reaches a point where someone willing to pay you for what you have created in your research starting from prototyping, turning “research methods” to become a business model, turning research analysis to become improvement to the business model until it works. If one does a long term research grounded in emergence, its commercial value is ensured.

What’s need to be done?

The new revolution to research based on collective entrepreneurship

What’s the impact for the action?

The pervasive economy impact to millions of individuals pursuing research as a career or entrepreneurship


The co-creators of this initiative would be the project owners, investors, business process managers, coaches and consultants who involves in defining and using sustainability and sustainable organisation systems and standards. This initiative redefines and re-imagines the collective consciousness framework based on the change concept of 易Yi that governs the process visibility.



“觉醒治疗”绝对不是上个世纪西方主张的“情商”,也不是儒家思想,这些“转弯”思维其实是把自己挖了个坑,然后埋在里面自娱自乐,而越挖越黑暗,陷入个对渴望虚弱的黑暗欲望。心理学家榮格的“转弯”理论让西方自上个世纪开始陷入了100多年的黑暗,完全没有对世界和谐产生任何作用。 荣格最有影响力的徒弟,詹姆斯·希爾曼James Hillman,揭破了蓉格对觉醒治疗的缺点,而回归柏拉图式的真善美为真正有勇气和世界接轨的觉醒治疗。觉醒治疗不是种“转弯”,而是完整的圆点和环中思维状态,这种治疗让我们保持“活在当前”和“睁大眼睛看世界“的公正但又不缺乏想象力的现象状态, 光芒大道勇于客观面对未来才能克服陷入花言巧语的幻想和脆弱。

我对权威的“转弯”人物研究不少,但没有一个成功,都一塌糊涂,还活着而且很著名的如Otto Scharmar和Ken Wilber到最后都自己承认‘转弯’模式的失败,因为光芒大道勇于客观面对未来才能克服陷入花言巧语的幻想和脆弱。

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Sustainable Organisations as Consciousness Phenomenon

The different between western "inner world" and Chinese "in the world" 

The concept of change in Chinese philosophy, 易Yi is about the becoming through continual Clarity Jump of "eternal presence" in the world. The most famous 20th century psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, under the influenced by Enlightenment philosopher Nietzsche, misunderstood Yi易 for narcissistic "inner world", the mistake resulting in continual teaching of "absence" in the world for the west! Before this, the allegory of Plato's Cave illuminates the problem of "inner world" as individuals who chained themselves inside the dark cave indulged in inner projection denying what's in the world.

Transformation of consciousness is not about diving & stuck in the “inner world”, but rather, be present “in the world” through others as a whole or "higher common". Mozi墨子, a Taoist of 易Yi called this "higher common" as 尚同 ShangTong, that is, the practise of collective consciousness not for inner self but to (seek) one place in the world with & through others for its synchronicity

The west failed to understand China because the west is trapped in "inner world", unable to (see) others in the world.



"易”学不是“古代”的,它也不是什么”战略学”,但一切的战略学都有它“易“的觉醒运用。易代表着“永恒式”的变化,而变化是从思想和物体人体合一的整体觉醒开始,真正了解“易”的意义和含义就不会被任何神鬼学或者迷学误导,也不会执迷不悟的陷入自我个体的困惑,而会更加有觉醒治疗能力去和“当前”接轨,形成命运共同体。“易”学是种“治疗”,而不是种“管理”。从“易”开始觉醒就会打破西方基本管理战略学的个体缺陷。 领悟“易”的意义,哪些环中,无为的真,善,美冥想真理。结合新社会主义,可持续发展命运共同体模式传达更与时俱进的易学,传达中国大家子智慧。

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The Purpose of Global Democracy - Trades, NOT Threats 

The western version of democracy as a standard for global sustainable value is discriminatory, feudal and narcissistically unsustainable. Why Japan. Australia and India are falling for US divide and conquer strategy is beyond common sense intelligence. 

But where do we go from here? China offers a vision of global trades, not threats. Thus, the way forward is to concentrate on promoting & building trades amongst countries with China with a new set of business sustainable standards that look beyond geopolitical bias to parameters that raise collective consciousness. The new standard guides businesses to flourish & sustain through collective paradigm for common peace and prosperity. 


任何人有研究过柏拉图也会知道民主的“固定路线”,从无政府到霸权主义是“必经之路”,但柏拉图没有提供“完整”的原因,墨子的”自然状态”里他分析了个体思维只会导致分裂的结果,后来的启蒙哲学家Thomas Hobbes也曾经强调同样的重点,他担心启蒙的个体主义最后只会导致人性野蛮的原始还原。但中国新社会主义的崛起“逃避”了这民主的规律。现在已经有学者开始讨论”民主和经济发展是没有绝对实践关系的”。中国持续的发展将证明这一点,中国学者李世默也分析了可持续发展组织的重点不在于“民主”,而是掌握不断变化的觉醒,所以我们这时候,继续研究中式的易Yi学作为永恒式智慧的觉醒,作为未来可持续发展的觉醒垫底是非常需要的,不只是给中国和中国人,也是给一带一路和全世界的国家和人民一种真正觉醒的整体思考模式,打破西方个体思考的傀儡,也挽救西方的不平衡,实现中国大家子智慧,在这个群里的人无论是中国人还是外国人,也都会深有同感的知道,中国好才是大家的好,因为中国的崛起能带来世界和平和谐的希望。










我想针对以人体Body为主体的西方思想做个辩证的修正。从心理学家弗洛伊德开始,西方认为人类的觉醒是从我们的人体开始,但这牛顿式的实证固化在最早以前的古希腊智慧,柏拉图师父,苏格拉底哪已经强调哲学的真理是必须脱离“人体的约束”才能真正和宇宙观一体化的觉醒。这个唯心主义的思想,从当代哲学家叔本华到海德格尔以及梅洛-龐蒂,都想通过东方的智慧去领悟苏格拉底所说的“脱离人体”的一体化觉醒但都被启蒙个体思维分裂觉醒,本性难移,无法真正的领悟什么是一体化思想。直到量子科学家戴维·玻姆以微科学的角度去分析人体和物体之间的合一后,唯心主义思想才获得“重生”,戴维·玻姆解读一切事实都是整体wholeness的运转,而这个整体创造和分裂个体的运作。the whole creates its parts而不是像西方一直认为个体的加法,因为个体的加法不等于整体的运作。这也是社会主义(整体)和资本主义(个体)之间的区别。值得一提的是,戴维·玻姆对于科学思想的突破来至于东方智慧。和墨子的“尚同”一体化的思想一致。戴维·玻姆的思想之后也被21世纪的“复杂学”继续提倡,the whole creates its parts.  åŒ…刮阴和阳的运转,其实从来就不是阴和阳之间而产生变化而是阴阳之上的一体化觉醒创造了阴阳之分,这个就连很多中国人也还没搞懂。这个也和柏拉图的两级哲学The Chariot是相同的,驾驶和驱动的”阴阳马车”不是哪两支马,而是马夫,代表着整体一体化的觉醒。我想说的是西方思想家们并不是真正的原创者,他们都一直在借鉴东方智慧去治疗他们对一体化智慧的理解,但都理解错误,弄巧反拙,把中式智慧(故意)神鬼化,所以我们需要更有一体化觉醒的走出西方思想的傀儡。一体化智慧都在我们中国易学里,如庄子说的,环中,无为无不为,简单但领悟它的觉醒治疗是一辈子的事。所以我们,以爱中国的精神至上,目前要做的是如何把自家智慧掌握的更好,掌握更加与时俱进的易学,越过西式思想的约束,创达更有和谐价值的中国大家子一体化智慧。

Towards Global Consciousness - The Role Of China In “Prosperity For All”, Neutralising Western “Greed Is Good” 

Postmodernism accelerates the singularity of fragmentation to the way of no return, but it was Enlightenment and Modernism that started the reductionism world view,  led by Newtonian division of thought and obliteration of realm of imagination. The whole evolution of western progress since Modernism is based on personal glories, greed and inner world, in total shutdown of social consciousness and correspondence of wholeness in the world through others. 

To trace the historical perspective back to Adam Smith’s “division of labour” and the rise of British empiricism in era of Modernism is to put into the antithesis perspective of Kant, Hegel and Marx for what truly missing in nihilistic progress that is unsustainable without collective consciousness. To be fair, the west did tried to save itself intellectually from future reductive degradation, i.e postmodernism, neoliberal etc in last century with Bohm’s quantum wholeness and complexity sciences including sociobiology, anthropology & evolution psychology to explain “nature is cooperative sciences”, but it did little to convince “compete for greed” is bad. 

The whole reflection to what ought need to be done in the sustainable development forward has to start from Marxist socialism & social consciousness of “higher common” state of nature of Mozi, that was how China started differently from the West in organisational approach, and 100 years later today, we envisage a new paradigm shift from social consciousness of Marxism, to something, perhaps in the shape & size of “global consciousness”, which is how the wisdom of Buddhism sees it, æ™®ç…§Puzhao, means prosperity for all,  that’s the economy vision of China BRI. 

Thus, the clarity of consciousness from personal, social to global level is not by default and requires significant reform in governance, education and daily life practise. The west is already in total sleepwalking and consumed by reductive thinking in singularity. But China now can make a different to offer the sustainable wisdom to disinfect & neutralise the western way of thinking because it started with different trajectory of consciousness. 

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解构疫情和共生的觉醒 - ä»Žä¸ªäººï¼Œç¤¾ä¼šï¼Œåˆ°ï¼Œå…¨çƒåŒ–的永续思想

Deconstruct The Pandemic and The Re-imagination of Global Consciousness for sustainable development 


The pandemic is not merely a crisis of disease but a human organisation crisis. This crisis reveals the lack of collective consciousness for sustainable organisations. 


Western democracy, its nature of division and fragmentation is the main cause of degradation of collective consciousness and sustainable organisations. A new way of thinking towards the reimagination of collective consciousness is required to prevent further vulnerability of future crisis. 

西方民主的初心是为了团结人民,但走到最后却是导致人民之间,人民和政府之间以及党派主义政府的分裂。民主会走到极端的分裂,是因为资本主义和成为了民粹现象。中国100年前注入马克思的社会主义思想而不断的以新共生思想接近世界。中国的永恒智慧在于大易的创新,易学本身也是和时代不断的互应变化,能以求共存异的一体化变革苏醒而重生。100年后的今天,中国也再次需要思想的重生,从社会觉醒走向全球觉醒。而西方民主这几百年不但没有在共生上变化,而是越走越分裂,越走越缺乏共生的基础能力,这和自然状态是逆行的, ä¸å¯æŒç»­å‘展。

The original objective of western democracy is to unite people and the government. However, the western modernism narrative seeks to divide and reduce, thus fragmentation becomes inevitable free falling singularity, accelerates by neoliberalism, the evolved version of modernism. 

On the contrary, China adopts new concept of socialism 100 years ago, to correspond with the wisdom of eternal change of collective consciousness. China reincarnated with a new way of thinking about human organisation and its sustainability, the ability to unite, adapt responsively and responsibly towards change and crisis. The wisdom of eternal change for collective consciousness, Yi, continues to undergo changes that is wakeful present to knowing one place in the world through others. After 100 years of Marxism socialism, China is now embracing a new way of thinking again towards global consciousness for sustainable development ahead. 

“个人的觉醒不是真正的觉醒,具有社会共生的才是真正的个人觉醒” - é©¬å…‹æ€

“It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness”.- Karl Marx 

我们国家和企业都不断在尝试这新社会主义模式,目前没有人有实践的答案,新社会主义商业模式需要大家共生在一个阵线上,国家,企业,人民。 企业和国家都必须为人民服务,人民也必须把忠诚交给国家。这个模式我们已经走到了一半,现在正在探索另一段更永续的路。

Enrico Massani

Unlock Your Potential and Transform Your Life: Reclaim Your Personal Power and Discover how to work less but earn more| Business & Life Strategist | Deep Coaching

3 å¹´

A great expose of the malaise of the western world. Unity as a global force is what is required now. We have been separated for too long. Each of us has learnt and now time to reach and teach others. Global consciousness is emerging. The wakeful present is happening. Thank you Dr Lionel Yang 杨焱文

Dr Bakshi Hardeep Vaid

Independent Professional || Former Full-time Professor (May 2014 to May 2023), Nanjing, China ||

3 å¹´

Dr Lionel Yang DBA, MBA : Interesting and deep learning! Need profound and qualified discussions. Thanks for sharing the article.

Sahidul Islam 萨西杜

Ph.D. Student , Environmental Science and Engineering

3 å¹´


Greg Jenkins

US Army Combat Vet ? Helping people work together better by building better teams ? Intercultural Development Inventory Qualified Administrator (IDI QA)? Executive & Business Coach ? Enjoying health, wellness & running

3 å¹´

Fascinating, I would imagine one would have to create an effective "container" or "mindset" void of anything that would hinder the openness of mind needed to begin a think tank or research consortium. Thank you for sharing, looking forward to learning more.


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