Towards a National Ecology
Neil McKee
Advocate for Neuro Change and Mental Health. TRANSFORMATIONAL trainer in Motivational Mapping, Mind Mapping, & TetraMapping - so you can master motivation, EQ, influence, and leadership. The Accelerated Trainer ??
The United Kingdom is poised for one of the most significant battles in our Political history.? As of 28th May, at least 78 Conservative MPs have declared their decision not to stand for re-election!? That’s a potentially fatal blow for Rishi Sunak – a sure dent to any over-confidence in his leadership and performance.?
Sir Kier Starmer’s commitment to paying for the recruitment of 6,500 teachers by ending tax breaks for private schools will damage the future of our more elite educational offerings – schools that are delivering future leaders with a sense of self-discipline, good manners, and an ethic of meritocracy.? The Woke Agenda being enforced on State Schools bears more resemblance to the behaviour of undemocratic Nations like North Korea than to a Nation that once championed free-speech.
And, what of the Liberal-Democrats?? Can they finally offer a viable alternative?
"Everybody else is just green, have you seen the chart? It's a hell of a start, it could be made into a monster - If we all pull together as a team..." [Pink Floyd, "Wish You Were Here," lyrics from, "Have a Cigar."
Weak, woke, wet… but that’s enough about the UK’s weather in April and May!
One alternative paradigm is to consider the longer term prospects for ‘Great’ Britain by using the lens of Ecology.? Can’t we create a new model for National Politics by referencing millions of years of successful evolution?
The 7 most important principles of ecology can be summarised as follows:
[Thanks to ChatGPT]
1. Energy Flow:
Energy flows through ecosystems in one direction, from primary producers (such as plants - Nature's small businesses) to various consumers (herbivores, carnivores, omnivores) and finally to decomposers. ?This flow of energy is fundamental to ecosystem function and is usually depicted as a food chain or food web.
Partial Application:
At the moment, there are many fatal blocks to the flow of ‘energy’ in the UK.? Those who are holding more property, and more capital than they need are harming the UK’s Ecosystem.? There are more than enough properties for everyone to have a home.
Literal energy accessibility itself is a major threat to the Ecosystem, and maybe, just maybe, Sir Keith Starmer’s commitment to setting up ‘Great British Energy’ may push up in a greener more sustainable, and economically fair, and favourable direction.? Do we really want Chinese and French energy companies controlling our flow?? Do they really have our best interests at heart? And what about our water? Who should 'own' control over that?
I would suggest small businesses are the best source of getting finances flowing through the economy, mirrored by an entrepreneurial mindset in leadership teams of larger organisations. These are primary producers and benevolent omnivores.
2. Nutrient Cycling:
Nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycle through the ecosystem. ?These cycles involve the movement of these elements through living organisms, the atmosphere, soil, and water. ?Nutrient cycling ensures the availability of essential elements for life processes.
Partial Application:
What are our nutrients for our Nation?? What nurtures and energises the UK?
This goes well beyond economics (although they are vital – after all, cash needs to flow).? Vital nutrients include ‘Culture’ and ‘Ethics’ and ‘Innovation’.? Once upon a time, metaphors were used for us such as, “Britain is a Nation of small shopkeepers,” and, “Everyman’s home is his castle.”? Stirring up and encouraging micro-entrepreneurialism could revolutionise the High Street in the UK.? Imagine the power of
Empowering more people to do what they love, and love what they do is guaranteed to create a happier workforce – the engine of Nutrient Cycling.? And, a happy, prosperous workforce enjoys spending money! Win-Win or 'symbiosis'.
Let it?Flow!
And every woman, man, and child needs a castle of their own.? The disparity between those who own property and those who rent is unforgivable, unsustainable, and unjust.? This kind of injustice makes the UK ripe for revolution – at least in the public vote at the Polls!
3. Population Dynamics:
Populations of organisms fluctuate over time based on factors like birth rates, death rates, immigration, and emigration. ?These dynamics are influenced by both biotic factors (e.g., competition, predation) and abiotic factors (e.g., climate, habitat availability).
Partial Application:
We NEED Biophilic Cities.? (See )
We need to regenerate and invigorate Urban Areas with the sap of Life that can only come from an engagement with and respect for Nature.? Immigration is not our biggest threat – it’s a form of Biodiversity – imbalance is our biggest threat.? Talented families are emigrating to the countryside (exporting with them an unhelpful culture that clashes with already established cultural ecosystems.)? Monopolies must be resisted at all costs.? Let’s celebrate cultural diversity but let’s also resist ghettos where one type can dominate to the detriment of other expressions of life.
4. Interdependence:
All organisms in an ecosystem are interconnected and depend on one another for survival. ?This interdependence can be seen in relationships such as mutualism (symbiosis), commensalism, and parasitism.
Partial Application:
Fundamentalism in any form is a cancer.? (Militant christianity, islam, and humanism are equally guilty of harming the health of our National Ecosystem.)? Like it or loathe it – we are all connected.? Those who harm their neighbour, ultimately harm themselves.? I am not saying we should tolerate the intolerable but I am saying we should recognise that ‘everyone connects to everyone else’ and celebrate (even ‘harness’) diversity.
Where Landlords (just look at the name!) dominate Tenants (Hosts) they manifest a Parasitical model.
Co-operatives should manifest mutualism.
All communities should at least manifest commensalism.
If you want a very positive set of examples, I promise you that as a child I couldn’t source good Korean or Japanese cuisine.? Neither could I enjoy decent Olives.? Now I can enjoy Lebanese, Vietnamese, and Turkish cuisine – cooked by those who once lived in these territories and who now call the UK 'home'.? Diversity is our culinary strength!
5. Adaptation and Evolution:
Species adapt to their environment through evolutionary processes over time. Adaptations can be structural, behavioural, or physiological and help organisms survive and reproduce in their specific habitats.
Partial Application: Britain’s got to change.
If you had a career in the 1950s, you could realistically expect to own your own home by retirement, and have a final salary pension.
Those days have gone for all but a few unsustainable Civil Servant Schemes. We need new models of home ownership, pension provision, healthcare, education… and dental care (for goodness’ sake!) What are we comparing ourselves with?? The World has changed.? Europe has changed. The United Kingdom has changed.? Wake up, smell the roses (from both York and Lancaster), adapt, and evolve!
6. Succession:
Ecosystems undergo changes over time through a process called 'succession'. ?Primary succession occurs in lifeless areas where soil has yet to form, while secondary succession happens in areas where a disturbance has occurred but soil remains. ?Succession leads to changes in species composition and ecosystem structure.
Partial Application:
- Is it time for you to move over??
- Is it time to change our ridiculous Parliamentary system – founded as it is on competition, conflict, and arrogance?? Where is symbiosis, collaboration, and humility.? Great Britain was financed on the suffering of the Nations and the economies and the peoples we exploited.? That’s not something to be proud of.? What if we really explored the depths of possibility that the “Commonwealth” promises to a group of Nations united in a commitment to mutual benefit, enrichment, and wellbeing?
7. Biodiversity and Stability:
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms in an ecosystem. ?Greater biodiversity generally leads to greater ecosystem stability and resilience, as it enhances the ability of an ecosystem to withstand disturbances and maintain its functions.
Partial Application:
Barclays Bank has been pretty good to me over the years.? However, I’ve just watched the 2024 shareholders’ meeting from Lloyds Bank, and I suspect there is a virus or a cancer in our banking systems that leads to lesser ecosystem stability and resilience.
Now is the time for [Bio]diversity in our systems of finance.? The giants have shown a predisposition to look after the interests first and foremost of their leaders and then of their shareholders.? That creates a toxic ‘us’ and ‘them’.? ?It is a na?ve Mammonic misunderstanding that we are all a part of one system.? Let the local and microbanks thrive!? Let me have access to a person when I want to talk privately about my personal financial system (and holistically too – a person that exhibits emotional intelligence and the authority to support their well-informed decisions.)? I don't want to discuss such intimate details in a 'Pod' in the middle of a shopping centre. Let me have access to a person when I want to discuss my professional financial requirements.? A person empowered to make a difference at a local and community level.? And what about Community Microloans? Let them flourish!
These principles form the foundation of ecological study and help us understand the complex interactions and processes that sustain life in the United Kingdom, today, tomorrow, and going forward.? May be the Greens could comment?
Or May be we should resurrect The Ecology Party???