Towards better solutions.

Towards better solutions.

Looking for better solutions is part of the human need to improve living conditions. With acquired knowledge and experiences alternative options reveal themselves periodically. But when the socio-economic situation is worsening, opportunities are scarce and the need to find alternative solutions grows. One of the key issues that are often avoided when searching for better solutions is interdependency. And yet, it is in a social context that we will find better solutions.


The professional predisposition. Every person has their professional agenda in mind. Most of the time the predisposition is embedded in firm beliefs of self-actualization. ?To make significant progress these set values need to be reconsidered.

Dazzled by the first impression. It isn't surprising that people are obsessed with giving the best possible first impression because every prejudgment passes the first impression. It is an unavoidable cognizance of encounters, in every person’s life. The impact of a first impression depends on the situation the recipient of the impression is in. From that first moment onwards the first impression is subjected to comparative evaluation and several revisions. In most cases, the first impression is a fleeting perception but under certain circumstances, a particular part will be recalled and compared with other bits in the memory. This process of recalling an impression and re-evaluating it may happen at any time when the mind is searching for a plausible explanation.??The re-evaluation of a first impression may trigger new insights and in some cases, it may explain an unresolved issue. ?? Your story. There is more inside of you than what is currently apparent and the aim is to uncover the treasures of personal abilities and capabilities to craft a better future. Enabling your learning capabilities will help you to advance professionally. You are defined by the value of the contributions you can make to others. Their response to your contribution will be the measure of progression. You as a valued individual. You have remarkable characteristics that evolve in any given situation over time. Some of these characteristics can become a hallmark of your personality. A virtue that can be used to reach out to others regardless of some vulnerabilities that every one of us has.? If it isn’t coming your way, then go & get it. The entire socio-economic system is geared towards ranking according to received results. While treading along a set agenda, we are being deprived of the opportunity to improve our abilities and capabilities to make exceptional contributions. Conventional measures of achievements can only make us reach mediocrity. Maverick thinkers would roll up their sleeves and find ways to solve impending problems, preferably within a well-coordinated constructive discourse.?? Off to a promising start. To bond with the protagonists, a maverick thinker may provide analogies that are easy to agree with. As the discourse progresses, the initial validation will be scrutinized and some presumptions will be questioned. The initial guidance would have to be amended, to accommodate the new insights. A change of mind happens when a plausible answer to an open-ended question is presented.?

?●???Creative thinking liberates from following a set pattern.?

●???Thinking creatively is an open invitation to venture to the untried.

●???Anyone at any given point in time can think creatively.

●???The obsession with “being right” is blocking the mind from entering uncharted territory.

●???Suspending your own inhibitions is the pre-condition to finding new solutions. And stop asking yourself: “Is it worth it?”

?Social values matter. We are meant to evolve in concert with our social surroundings. One way of considering social integration is as a defense measure against external threats. Initiating an organized operation whereby the differences between the individuals are set aside for the good of the community.?? Reaching out to the others. Humankind needs close relationships with others. The attraction between people is guided by self-defined value indications.?No matter how hard we try to understand someone else's state of mind,?the odds are, that we will stumble on sympathy by chance. Each individual’s emotional sphere guides towards reciprocity.? Most people are inclined to grant permission to enter their emotional sphere under certain conditions.?? The closely related others. Closely related individuals provide insights into one’s own uncharted mindset. Whereby previously unrecognized conditions can become indicators for new ideas. The other, others. People that are less close to us and became acquaints through a third party or social circles. These connections may be based on some mutual interests and under certain circumstances could lead to friendly relationships.? Accepting the fact that we are not created equal, and that’s OK. Existing differences in gender, race and the diversity of beliefs are what enrich society. It adds infinite dimensions and possibilities to thrive on.???The question is how are we dealing with this amicably? Correlating unrelated events. In trying to explore the incomprehensible we need to overcome the conventional outgoing position. Engaging accomplices can help one's resistance to accept the unexplainable. While searching for links we don’t need to explain or justify the choices we make. The unexpected motivational trigger. When we find ourselves in unpredictable situations, an unprecedented effort is needed to overcome the imminent challenges. Though for each of us the challenges will have different consequences, the input from a culprit may resonate with some realizations that were not considered and that could turn out to be a viable solution. Not surprisingly, it isn’t logic that makes the score but intuition. Benefiting from intellectual exchanges. We are already dependent on the intellectual output of others who in turn depend on the intellectual output of people we don't even know. Occasionally we coordinate diverse thinking to resolve pending issues.???? Fakeness. Fakeness isn't an aberration. It is part and parcel of everyday life. Learning how to fake starts at a very early life stage.? It is closely linked to being deceptive or manipulative. We are so accustomed to it, that in many cases we are faking subconsciously. From deceptions with good intentions like for example diverting a foreseeable calamity from happening to an unaware person to deceptions aimed at taking advantage, at the expense of the others. The question is how malicious is our fakeness? Are we manipulating recklessly to gain an advantage over others? ? Facing the consequences of deceptions. Nothing turns out as expected. And yet we avoid considering what the unexpected may reveal. We rely on what we are being told and examine the new information against a set of value standards before making judgments. We are not prepared to re-calibrate our value judgments all over again, ? we are hoping that the indications we get are affirmations of what we believed to be a turn for the better. Developing a sense of intuition avoids being frequently misunderstood.??? What are the benefits of not faking it? One could argue that avoiding faking it, is bound to raise suspicion. ???Depending on the gravity of the situation, it may trigger resentment on the part of the recipient. Virtually every encounter will raise suspicion. ?But the obvious benefit would be to have a clear conscience. Cognitive consciousness. In any coalition, all the receptors are open to receiving a wide range of signals.?? Being able to concede to misjudgments is widening the cognitive consciousness. Developing a sense of intuition avoids being frequently misunderstood.??A fluid intuition will have occasional blimps which will cause misinterpretations of signals. ?It took me some “unlearning” to arrive at a Plainfield that enables me to recognize deceptions. Being reasonable. Being reasonable is part of democratic discourse. It allows revisiting dialogues that went aground. The reasoning is a post-event justification for past decisions. Reasoning needs to come across as logical and believable to become a reassuring factor. Some reasons are based, on traceable logic and some, are made up. But the most difficult decisions to decipher are the emotional ones and these are by far the most crucial. During that split second of decision-making. We hardly make a distinction between consciousness and sub-consciousness.?Later we re-live that split-second decision based on a concocted scenario of a situation that does not exist. We justify or regret the split decision we made back then. How about you? Does this describing how you make your split-second decisions??That’s where the Cambridge Analytica project worked on influencing subconsciously the split-second decisions of people. Train your brain. There is evidence that rigorous brain training can result in optimizing cognitive capacity. It is well known that the same brain under slightly different circumstances will arrive at different conclusions. Complex formation and reformation of the Amyloid beta may occasionally create disruption and inadvertently, arrive at an insight. It is important to consider the untried options that are grounded in a human experience. This may trigger sequential ideas that could contribute to sustainability. Different minds under the same conditions will produce entirely different results that can fertilize the minds of others.? In any coalition, all the receptors need to be open to receive a wide range of signals. Exchanging thoughts between protagonists can lead to new alternatives.? Cultivating reciprocal support on different levels for different reasons. There is always something likable in someone else’s opinion. ??Being able to concede to misjudgments is a great advantage towards widening the cognitive consciousness. A fluid intuition will have some noteworthy blimps which will cause new interpretations of signals over and over again.? Progression. It is possible to allow the flow of associations to form new, previously inconceivable thought clusters. By switching off the “must do regardless” the brain can generate creative blimps that would otherwise lose their illumination before being picked up by the neurons.?The more restrictive the thought process the less innovative thinking takes place. It is therefore important to enable random thoughts to emerge. The memory will store unresolved thoughts that can be recalled later to merge with other thought alliances.? Chaos. As long as you keep an open mind, chaos can be inspiring. Chaos makes us recognize things that we would have overlooked if everything would have been in perfect order. Can trending become inspirational? Trends have been monitored for quite some time because entrepreneurs are realizing the tremendous marketing opportunity inherent in them. The issue is to set up a trend by being at the forefront of innovation.??When the message contains something that others find beneficial, then trending is bound to become inspirational. The misconception of populism. Encouraging people to build exponential popularity has become a mantra that entices individuals. Social platforms provide textbook means to post frequently on APPS. It is a misconception that anyone regardless of skills and capabilities can become a successful entrepreneur, simply by placing images on social media. The lottery mentality. Avoiding confrontations with reality. Wishing that a good fortune will just happen without taking risks is an illusion.? Chuck Collins attributes reckless pursuance of profits on the stock exchange as a key reason for the rise in inequality of wealth distribution. Solving imminent problems with one stroke of luck is self-deception. People gravitate towards believing in the unlikely. It liberates them from consequential responsibilities. The 3 notable effects of populism. 1.?????An increase in buying and discarding practices. Marketing is making it exceedingly easier to purchase variations of products and services that serve mainly the exponential expansion of the companies and corporations. 2.?????This creates a shift in the equilibrium between supply and demand. An increase in the production and disposal of goods in categories that are of interest to the corporations and a dire shortage of goods in areas where there are fewer profit margins. 3.?????In rare cases, exponential growth through popularity may generate huge income. However, the chances of achieving such a status are as rare as any other success model. ? Constructive discourses. The best thing that can happen to a thinking person is to participate in intellectual discourse. It enables access to someone else’s mind and therefore there is a good chance that the dialogue would trigger new realizations. ?Discernible progress happens when people engage in constructive discourse. ?It is the intellectual pushing and shoving that generates new insights. The individual’s interpretation of what wasn’t meant adds new perspectives to an issue. Constructive discourses thrive on the reciprocal exchange of thoughts on a particular subject. A positive outcome would be when ideas we receive during a discourse would lead to consequences that we did not anticipate at the outset.?Changing our previous convictions based on free interpretations of new information is worth the argumentative provocations. It takes a jolt of controversy to liberate oneself from a pattern of thinking. Valuable insights from ?Prof. Jeff DeGraff and Tim Harford.?

Sequences of constructive discourses. Finding the right way to convey a thought. Rehearse the communication point before pursuing it. Synthesize the message and put it in sequences. Anticipate and listen to reactions to your point. Mentioning not only the expected benefits but also the potentially controversial pitfalls. Focus on the core of the message, not on the delivery. Retain the right to make subsequent changes to the idea. Backtracking is welcome even if it meets some resistance. Some of the issues that would need to be dealt with. Refraining from arbitration on fringe issues that could decimate a contribution prematurely. Become a representative of an idea that was originated by the others’. Ranking considerations concerning the sentiments of others. Compassionate empathy. Various expressions of such feelings can contribute to misunderstanding.?Compassion is often defined as an emotion people feel when others are in need, which motivates people to help them. Empathy is distinct also from pity and emotional contagion. Pity is a feeling towards others who are clearly in a misfortunate situation and need help as they cannot fix their problems by themselves. Compassionate empathy Encourages the sufferer and motivates the person bestowing the feeling.??? References of contributors. One of the most widely read studies on the evolution of empathy, which discusses a neural perception-action mechanism (PAM), is the one by Stephanie Preston and de Waal. This review postulates a bottom-up model of empathy that ties together all levels, from state matching to perspective-taking. For University of Chicago neurobiologist Jean Decety, empathy is not specific to humans. He argues that there is strong evidence that empathy has deep evolutionary, biochemical, and neurological underpinnings, and that even the most advanced forms of empathy in humans are built on more basic forms and remain connected to core mechanisms associated with affective

?Knowing not only what needs to be done but also realizing that in the final instance it will be accomplished via a coalition. I couldn’t have done it without you, you, and you.??? Best regards, Alex Goslar.





Alex Goslar

MD at Goslar & Associates

3 年

Thank you Isaac, I hope that all is well.



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